Sustainable Plant Nutrition: Molecular Interventions and Advancements for Crop Improvement explores the significant opportunities for sustainable, eco-friendly approaches in plant nutrition and agricultural crop production. The book highlights the various prospects involved in optimizing plant nutrient uptake agriculture and includes chapters representing diverse areas dealing with biotechnology, nanotechnology, molecular biology, proteomics, genomics and metabolomics. This book is an ideal resource for those seeking to ensure a sustainable plant production future.
While plants have evolved a set of elaborate mechanisms to cope with nutrient limitations, the traditional supplementation by the application of fertilizers to plant productivity may then lead to overfertilization which can actually reduce plant growth and have adverse effects on the environment. To tackle these issues, a detailed understanding of the responses of plants to nutrients and nutrient deficiency at the physiological, metabolic, transcriptome and epigenetic level is essential.
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Table of Contents
1. Plant nutrition and soil fertility: Physiological and molecular avenues for crop improvement
2. Nutrient acquisition, transport and metabolism within the plant cells
3. Molecular basis of plant nutrient use efficiency�- concepts and challenges for its improvement
4. Role of mineral nutrients in biological nitrogen fixation
5. Physiological and molecular aspects of macronutrient uptake by higher plants
6. Physiological and molecular aspects of micronutrient uptake by higher plants
7. Physiological, molecular and epigenetic revelations in nutrient requirement status of crops influenced by intercropping
8. Nutrient sensing in plants
9. Use of nano-fertilizers to improve the nutrient use efficiencies
10. Why and how to prevent over-fertilization for sustainable crop productivity
11. Molecular basis of abiotic stress alleviation by micronutrients
12. Nutrient dependent regulation of root architecture
13. Phytohormone dependant regulation of mineral nutrients in plants
14. Strategies for enhancing nitrogen and phosphorus efficiency in crop production systems
15. Metabolite flux analysis to understand effects of mineral nutrition on crop physiology
16. Role of microorganisms in plant nutrition and soil health
17. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and root system functioning
18. Regulation of expression of genes encoding nutrient transporters in higher plants
19. Improving nutrient use efficiency by exploiting genetic engineering of crops
20. Role of inorganic biostimulants and beneficial elements in improving nutrient uses efficiency in crops