Water Worlds in the Solar System: In Search of Habitable Environments and Life is a comprehensive reference on the formation, availability, habitability potential, and astrobiological implications of water in the Solar System. The book provides understanding of the importance of water on Earth to elucidate potential water and biosignature sources on other bodies in the Solar System. It covers processes involved in the formation of Earth and its Moon, genesis of water on those bodies, events on early Earth, and other processes that are applicable to celestial bodies in the Solar System, directly correlating data available on water on other bodies to over 15 Earth analogue sites.
This book forms a comprehensive overview on water in the Solar System, from formation to biosignature and habitability considerations. It is ideal for academics, researchers and students working in the field of planetary science, extraterrestrial water research and habitability potential.
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Table of Contents
1. Knowing Earth to Better Understand Extraterrestrial Worlds
2. Terrestrial Analogues and Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Their Roles in Exploring Ocean Worlds, Habitability, and Life beyond Earth
3. Biosignatures
the Prime Targets in the Search for Life beyond Earth
4. Significance of Earthly Extremophiles in the Search for Habitability beyond Earth
5. Lunar Explorations: Discovering Water, Minerals, and Underground Caves and Tunnel Complexes
Hope for Human Settlement and Resource Exploitation?
6. Liquid Water Lake Under Ice in Mars's Southern Hemisphere
Possibility of Subsurface Biosphere and Life
7. Could Near-Earth Watery Asteroid Ceres Be a Likely Ocean World and Habitable?
8. Water on Near-Earth Asteroid Vesta
Past and Present
9. An Ocean and Volcanic Seafloor Hiding Within Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa
Eruption of Water Vapour Plumes Near its South and North Poles
10. Salty Ocean and Submarine Hydrothermal Vents on Saturn's Moon Enceladus
Tall Plume of Gas, Jets of Water Vapour and Organic-Enriched Ice Particles Spewing from its South Pole
11. Hydrocarbon Lakes and Seas & Internal Ocean on Titan
Resemblance with Primitive Earth's Prebiotic Chemistry
12. A Likely Ocean World Fostering a Rare Mixing of CO and N2 Ice Molecules on Neptune's Moon Triton
13. Subsurface Ocean of Liquid Water on Pluto
14. Hunting for Environments Favorable to Life on Planets, Moons, Dwarf Planets, and Meteorites