Resource Recovery Technology for Municipal and Rural Solid Waste: Classification, Mechanical Separation, Recycling, and Transfer describes the practical considerations in recycling solid waste-from source characterization to recycling of end product-with the aim of maximizing pollution control and resource recovery. Topics covered include source classification models, solid waste treatment and resource recovery, integrated mechanical separation and parameter optimization, and the collection and transfer of classified domestic solid waste. The book details pollution control and resource recovery in every stage of municipal and rural solid waste management for solid waste engineers, environmental scientists, and academics and students in waste management.
The book goes into significant detail on each stage of the process, including separation technologies according to the difference of particle size, material density difference, the difference in optical, electrical and magnetic effects of materials, preparation of plastic composites, and production of composite boards with organic waste from domestic solid waste. The book also includes a thorough case study of success in solid waste management using these techniques as an example of the application of these technologies.
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Table of Contents
1.Source classification of domestic solid waste in China and worldwide2. Characteristics and management of domestic solid waste in rural areas in China and worldwide3. Public perceptions and economic values of source-separated collection of rural solid waste4. Source classification model of domestic solid waste in typical rural areas5. Classification collection and demonstration of rural domestic solid waste in Cannei Township Anxi County China a case study6. Integrated mechanical separation and parameter optimization for municipal solid waste7. Evaluation of recyclable materials in domestic solid waste8. Bag/bottle-opening machine for municipal solid waste9. Separation of municipal solid waste using trommel screen10. Separation of municipal solid waste using horizontal air separator11. Separation of aged refuse from landfill using trommel screen12. T Integrated technology for mechanical separation for mixed domestic solid waste13. Preparation of wood plastic composite using those separated from refuse14. Production of composite board using dry waste from domestic solid waste15. Cleaning for polluted plastic sorted from municipal solid wastes16. Treatment of sewage and leachate by bioreactor using dry waste and incineration bottom ash or landfill waste17. Collection and transfer of municipal solid waste for large scale city
Zhao Youcai Professor of Environmental Engineering, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University,.Zhao Youcai, is currently a professor of environmental engineering at School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University. He got bachelor degree from Sichuan University (1984) and Ph.D. from Institute of Chemical Metallurgy (now Institute of Process Engineering), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (1989). After finished Post-doctoral research work at Fudan University, Shanghai, he joined in Tongji University in 1991. Meanwhile, he had ever worked at Aristotle University, Greece, National University of Singapore, Tulane University, USA, and Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, for 4 years as research fellow or visiting professor. He had authored or co-authored 200 publications published in peer-reviewed internationally recognized journals, 480 publications in China journals, authored 9 English books (at Elsevier and Springer) and authored or co-authored 98 Chinese books (as an author or Editor-in-chief), 4 textbooks for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students with a fourth edition of undergraduate textbook (in Chinese). Currently, his research interests include treatment and recycling of municipal and rural solid waste, construction and demolition waste, hazardous waste, industrial waste, electric and electronic waste, and sewage sludge, and polluted soil.
Zhou Tao Assistant Research Fellow of environmental engineering, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, China. Zhou Tao is currently assistant research fellow of environmental engineering at School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University. He received his bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering from Guangxi University, China in 2014 and his Ph D from Tongji University, China in 2019. He has authored or co-authored 42 peer-reviewed international papers, 15 Chinese papers, and 4 invited book chapters, 2 English book (Elsevier). His principal research interests lie in treatment and resource recovery of municipal and rural as well as industrial solid wastes. Eugene Atta Nyankson Adjunct Lecturer, William V.S. Tubman University, Liberia. Eugene Atta Nyankson is currently an adjunct lecturer at William V.S. Tubman University, Liberia. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. He has several publications in internationally peer reviewed journals, and is a member of various professional organizations such as the Ghana Institute of Safety and Environmental Professionals (GHISEP), and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC). Currently, he is collaborating with frontlineWASTE, a Waste Management Company based in New York to disseminate technology of Waste-to-Energy to various governments in Ghana and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. His research interests include solid waste management, bioremediation and resource recovery.