Handbook of Surgical Planning and 3D Printing: Applications, Integration, and New Directions?covers 3D printing and surgical planning from clinical, technical and economic points-of-view. This book fills knowledge gaps by addressing: (1) What type of medical images are needed for 3D printing, and for which specific application? (2) What software should be used to process the images, should the software be considered a medical device? (3) Data protection? (4) What are the possible clinical applications and differences in imaging, segmentation, and 3D printing? And finally, (5) What skills, resources, and organization are needed?
Sections cover technologies involved in 3D printing in health: data structure, medical images and segmentation, printing materials and 3d printing, 3D printing and Clinical Applications: orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial, orthodontistry, surgical guides, integrating 3D printing Service in Hospitals: infrastructures, competences, organization and cost/benefits, and more.
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Table of Contents
SECTION I: 3D printing in healthcare
1. State of the art in 3D printing
2. Imaging modalities and parameters for 3DP
3. From medical images to 3D model: processing and segmentation
SECTION II: Surgical planning applications
4. 20 years of 3D printing in surgical planning of distraction osteogenesis
5. 3D printing to advance neurosurgery planning
6. Heart surgery: septal defect
7. 3D printing in dentistry
8. Laser sintering in dentistry
SECTION III: Clinical implementation of 3DP service
9. How to make a 3D printing service available for a hospital
10. Legal and regulatory implications of 3D printing in surgery
SECTION IV: New directions and future applications
11. 3D-printed anatomical phantoms
12. Future solutions for osteoarthritis using 3D bioprinting of articular cartilage
13. 3D printing in tissue engineering: design of bioreactor systems
14. Implantable 3D-printed devices-technologies and applications
15. New directions for preoperative planning: further impact from current and future 3D technologies