This report forecasts 2022 and 2026 US deathcare service revenues in nominal US dollars. US burial casket shipments in nominal US dollars at the manufacturer level, as well as total resident population and deaths, are also forecast for 2022 and 2026. Total revenues are segmented by type in terms of: funeral homes and services, and cemeteries and crematories. Total burial casket shipments are segmented by product as follows: adult metal caskets and coffins; adult wood caskets and coffins; and boxes, vaults, and other caskets and coffins such as children's caskets and coffins. Total resident population and deaths are segmented by major age group as follows: under 35 years, 35-44 years, 45-54 years, 55-64 years, 65-74 years, 75-84 years, and 85 years and older.
To illustrate historical trends, total revenues, shipments, population, deaths, and the various segments are provided in annual series from 2011 to 2021.
Products manufactured from concrete or stone are excluded for the purposes of this report.
This report includes the results of a proprietary national online consumer survey of US adults (age 18+). This Focus Reports National Online Consumer Survey has a sample size of approximately 2,000, screened for response quality, and representative of the US population on the demographic measures of age, gender, geographic region, race/ethnicity, household income, and the presence/absence of children in the household.
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