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Cutting Tools Volume Two: Product & Application Analysis

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  • 140 Pages
  • March 2024
  • Region: Global
  • Dedalus Consulting
  • ID: 5748676

This report - Volume Two - focuses on the cutting tools global market broken down by product/application type, i.e. Milling, turning, drilling, and other tools. Each product is analyzed by consumption value ($mm) by country, end-user, tool type, application, workpiece material, and grade. Also included with an order is Volume One: Global Cutting Tools Industry Overview.

Quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented for the years 2023 through 2029, and the report has been completely revised and updated to present up-to-date trends and forecasts covering the next five years.

Global markets are broken down by consumption ($mm) by country, end-user industry, tool type, application, workpiece material, grade, distribution channels, and competitor.

Scope of Coverage

The following categories present how the data was developed, organized and is presented. Breaking the data into specific categories is essential to analyze and draw meaningful insights. The breakdowns are designed to highlight key patterns and trends in the data, as well as to facilitate comparisons between different groups or segments.

Research Objectives

The primary objectives in this analysis are:

  • To provide clients with the tools they need to accurately assess their market opportunities and potential;
  • To determine the size of the total market opportunity by cutting tool product types, end-user industry, workpiece materials, and grade by country;
  • To forecast future growth in each product by geographic and end-use market; and
  • To assess the competitive environment within the market including supplier sales, market share, and producer profiles.

Methodology & Sources

Dedalus Consulting employs all current market and competitive intelligence techniques in order to ensure comprehensive research and analysis. The research methodology applies generally to all database services, published and custom research. It can also be modified to suit a project and the client’s specific objectives.

Steps in our research methodology include:

  • Identification of Report/Client Objectives
  • Research program Development
  • Secondary Data Collection
  • Primary Data Collection/Interviews
  • Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis
  • Data Tabular Presentation, Visualization & Design

Product Types and Subtypes Covered

Milling Tools

  • End/Face Mills
  • Slot/Slit Mills
  • Plunge Mills
  • Contour Mills
  • Profiling
  • Threading
  • Micromachining
  • Helical
  • Other/Specialty

Turning Tools

  • ISO Turning
  • Parting/Grooving
  • Threading
  • Profiling
  • Micromachining
  • Other

Drilling Tools

  • Standard Depth Drilling
  • Deep Hole Drilling
  • Threading
  • Micromachining
  • Interchangeable Tip
  • Other

Other Cutting Tools

  • Dies
  • Taps
  • Burrs
  • Reamers
  • Other/Specialty

Tool Form

  • Indexable Inserts
  • Solid Cutting Tools

Cutting Tool Grades

  • Cemented (Tungsten) Carbides
  • High-Speed Steel (HSS)
  • Ceramics
  • Cermets
  • cBN/PcBN
  • Diamond

Workpiece Materials

  • Cast Irons (K)
  • Carbon Steels (P)
  • Stainless Steels (M)
  • High-Temperature/Super Alloys (S)
  • Hardened Materials (H)
  • Non-Ferrous Metals (N)
  • Composites
  • Other

Geographic Coverage

  • Brazil
  • China
  • CIS
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Korea (South)
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Other Asia/Pacific
  • Other EU
  • Other Europe
  • Other Latin America
  • Other NAFTA
  • Rest of World

End-User Industries

  • Aerospace
  • Automation & Machinery
  • Automotive
  • Chemical Processing
  • Communications
  • Construction
  • Consumer
  • Defense/Military
  • Die & Mold
  • Electronics
  • Energy/Power Generation (e.g., renewables, nuclear)
  • Food, Beverage & Agriculture
  • Home Appliances
  • Infrastructure
  • Job Shops
  • Machining General
  • Medical/Research
  • Oil, Gas & Mining
  • Paper & Pulp Industry
  • Textile Manufacturing
  • Transportation (e.g., railroads, shipbuilding)
  • Other

Producer Market Share Breakdows (Volume 4)

  • Comprehensive Cutting Tools Sales & Share Breakdowns by Region/Country: 2023-2024
  • Regions/Countries by Sales & Share:
    • NAFTA
    • European Union
    • Non-European Union
    • China
    • Japan
    • Korea
    • Taiwan
    • India
    • Latin America
    • Oceania
    • Other Asia/Pacific
    • Rest of World
  • Tier 1 Multinationals versus Local and Regional Suppliers

Applications Covered

  • Polishing/Lapping
  • Finishing/Deburring
  • Stock Removal
  • Grinding
  • Contouring
  • Planing
  • Sharpening
  • Boring
  • Other


Table of Contents

Section 1: Technology OverviewWhat is a Metal Cutting Tool?Manufacturing of Cutting ToolsCost Factors in Cutting tools Manufacturing
  • Coatings Processes
  • CVD
  • PVD
  • Multilayer (superlattice) Ceramic Coatings
  • Nanocomposites
  • Diamond Coatings
Technological Advances in Cutting Tool ProductionGeneral Manufacturing Trends
Factory 4.0
  • The Benefits of Factory 4.0
How Cutting Tools are SelectedWorkpiece Materials Defined
Cutting Tool Product Types by Application
  • Milling Tools
  • Turning Tools
  • Drilling/Holemaking Tools
  • Other Cutting Tools
  • Reamers
  • Deburring Tools (Burrs)
  • Taps/Dies
  • Custom/Specialty Tools
Machining Applications
Cutting Tool by Form
  • Solid Cutting Tools
  • Indexable Inserts
Cutting Tool Grade
  • High-Speed Steels
  • Cemented Tungsten Carbides
  • Ceramic Grade
  • Cermets
  • Superabrasives
  • Diamond
  • Polycrystalline (PCD) Tools
  • Monocrystalline (Single-crystal) Tools
  • Diamond Coated Tools
  • CBN/PcBN
Machining Technologies
  • Machine Tools
  • Grinding/Abrasive Techniques
  • Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM)
  • Wire EDM
  • RAM/Cavity/Sinker EDM
  • Small Hole Drilling EDM
  • Powder Metallurgy (PM)
  • Additive Manufacturing (AM)
  • Laser Machining
DefinitionsSection 2: Market Overview
Global Cutting Tools Market Overview
  • Total Demand by Country for Cutting Tools ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Trends & Forecasts in Cutting Tool Consumption
  • Factors Affecting Cutting Tool Demand
  • Global Industry Trends
  • World Machining Industry by Product Type ($MM): 2023-2029
  • Machine Tools Industry Overview
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Machine Tools by Region and Type: 2023-2029
  • Trends & Forecasts
World Market for Cutting Tools by Region
  • Regional Market Factors
  • Asia/Pacific
  • Europe
  • North America
  • South America
Supply Chain Factors
Global Policies on Industrial Production
  • European Union/Europe
  • Asia/Pacific
  • North America
  • South America
Market by End-User Consumption
  • Key Market Trends
Market by Product Type
  • Key Market Trends
Indexable Inserts & Solid Tooling
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Form
Market by Grade
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Grade
Market by Workpiece Material
  • Trends in Workpiece Material
Shipments by Distribution Channel
Getting to Market:
  • Distributors
  • Direct Sales
  • Private Labeling
  • Online
  • Integrators/VARS
  • Mass Merchandisers
Markups and Pricing
  • Competitive Bidding
  • Flat Rate
  • Volume Discounting
Competitive Environment
  • Supplier Trends and Market Share
  • Competitive Factors
  • Field of Competition
  • Product Sophistication
  • Competitive Technologies
  • Barriers to Market Entry
Section 3: MillingDrivers & Trends in the Global Milling MarketKey Facts from 2023 & 2024
Global Demand ($MM) by Country: 2023-2029
  • Market Trends by Region
  • CAGR 2023-2029: Year-over-Year Market Change by Country through Recovery
  • High-Growth Markets through the Forecast Period
Milling Tool Market by Product Type
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Milling Tools by Product Type: 2023-2029
  • End/Face Mills
  • Slot/Slit Mills
  • Plunge Mills
  • Contour Mills
  • Profiling
  • Threading
  • Micromachining
  • Helical
  • Other/Specialty
  • Forecasts & Trends in Product Type
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Product Type
Milling Tools by Type: Solid/Indexable
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Milling Tools by Tool Type: 2023-2029
  • Indexable
  • Solid
  • Trends in Solid versus Indexable Tooling
Milling Tools by Grade
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Milling Tools by Grade: 2023-2029
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Grade
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Milling Tool Consumption ($MM) by Workpiece Material
  • Global Demand ($MM) by Workpiece Material: 2023-2029
  • End-User Trends by Workpiece Material
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Milling Tool Demand ($MM) by End-User Industry
  • Key End-User Industries
  • High Growth Markets: CAGR (%) 2023-2029 by End-User
  • End-User Market by Consumption
  • Global Demand for Milling Tools ($MM) by End-User Industry: 2023-2029
  • Forecasts and Market Outlook: 2024 and Beyond
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
Product Technological Trends and Market Forecasts: 2023-2029Section 4: Turning ToolsDrivers & Trends in the Global Turning MarketKey Facts from 2023 & 2024
Global Demand ($MM) by Country: 2023-2029
  • Market Trends by Region
  • CAGR 2023-2029: Year-over-Year Market Change by Country through Recovery
  • High-Growth Markets through the Forecast Period
Turning Tool Market by Product Type
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Turning Tools by Product Type: 2023-2029
  • ISO Turning
  • Parting/Grooving
  • Threading
  • Profiling
  • Micromachining
  • Other
  • Forecasts & Trends in Product Type
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Product Type
Turning Tools by Type: Solid/Indexable
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Turning Tools by Tool Type: 2023-2029
  • Indexable
  • Solid
  • Trends in Solid versus Indexable Tooling
Turning Tools by Grade
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Turning Tools by Grade: 2023-2029
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Grade
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Turning Tool Consumption ($MM) by Workpiece Material
  • Global Demand ($MM) by Workpiece Material: 2023-2029
  • End-User Trends by Workpiece Material
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Turning Tool Demand ($MM) by End-User Industry
  • Key End-User Industries
  • High Growth Markets: CAGR (%) 2023-2029 by End-User
  • End-User Market by Consumption
  • Global Demand for Turning Tools ($MM) by End-User Industry: 2023-2029
  • Forecasts and Market Outlook: 2024 and Beyond
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
Product Technological Trends and Market Forecasts: 2023-2029Section 5: Drilling ToolsDrivers & Trends in the Global Drilling MarketKey Facts from 2023 & 2024
Global Demand ($MM) by Country: 2023-2029
  • Market Trends by Region
  • CAGR 2023-2029: Year-over-Year Market Change by Country through Recovery
  • High-Growth Markets through the Forecast Period
Drilling Tool Market by Product Type
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Drilling Tools by Product Type: 2023-2029
  • Standard Depth Drilling
  • Deep Hole Drilling
  • Threading
  • Micromachining
  • Interchangeable Tip
  • Other
  • Forecasts & Trends in Product Type
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Product Type
Drilling Tools by Type: Solid/Indexable
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Drilling Tools by Tool Type: 2023-2029
  • Indexable
  • Solid
  • Trends in Solid versus Indexable Tooling
Drilling Tools by Grade
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Drilling Tools by Grade: 2023-2029
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Grade
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Drilling Tool Consumption ($MM) by Workpiece Material
  • Global Demand ($MM) by Workpiece Material: 2023-2029
  • End-User Trends by Workpiece Material
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Drilling Tool Demand ($MM) by End-User Industry
  • Key End-User Industries
  • High Growth Markets: CAGR (%) 2023-2029 by End-User
  • End-User Market by Consumption
  • Global Demand for Drilling Tools ($MM) by End-User Industry: 2023-2029
  • Forecasts and Market Outlook: 2024 and Beyond
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
Product Technological Trends and Market Forecasts: 2023-2029
Section 6: Other Tools
This section breaks down the market for other tool types. These includes solid tools, such as burrs, reamers, taps, and dies that are used in specific applications.

Drivers & Trends in the Global Other MarketKey Facts from 2023 & 2024
Global Demand ($MM) by Country: 2023-2029
  • Market Trends by Region
  • CAGR 2023-2029: Year-over-Year Market Change by Country through Recovery
  • High-Growth Markets through the Forecast Period
Other Tool Market by Product Type
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Other Tools by Product Type: 2023-2029
  • Dies
  • Taps
  • Burrs
  • Reamers
  • Other/Specialty
  • Forecasts & Trends in Product Type
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Product Type
Other Tools by Type: Solid/Indexable
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Other Tools by Tool Type: 2023-2029
  • Indexable
  • Solid
  • Trends in Solid versus Indexable Tooling
Other Tools by Grade
  • Global Demand ($MM) for Other Tools by Grade: 2023-2029
  • Factors Affecting Demand by Grade
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Other Tool Consumption ($MM) by Workpiece Material
  • Global Demand ($MM) by Workpiece Material: 2023-2029
  • End-User Trends by Workpiece Material
  • CAGR (%) based on Consumption ($MM): 2023-2029
Other Tool Demand ($MM) by End-User Industry
  • Key End-User Industries
  • High Growth Markets: CAGR (%) 2023-2029 by End-User
  • End-User Market by Consumption
  • Global Demand for Other Tools ($MM) by End-User Industry: 2023-2029
  • Forecasts and Market Outlook: 2024 and Beyond
  • Factors Affecting End-User Demand
Product Technological Trends and Market Forecasts: 2023-2029List of TablesSection 2: Market Overview
Market by Country
Table 2.1: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 2.2: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Country (% Share): 2023-2029
Table 2.3: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Country (%): 2023-2029

Market by End-User
Table 2.4: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by End-User Industry ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 2.5: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by End-User Industry (% Share): 2023-2029
Table 2.6: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by End-User (%): 2023-2029

Market by Product Type
Table 2.7: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Type ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 2.8: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Type (% Share): 2023-2029
Table 2.9: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Type (%): 2023-2029

Market by Form
Table 2.10: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Form - Indexable, Solid ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 2.11: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Form - Indexable, Solid (% Share): 2023-2029
Table 2.12: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029

Market by Grade
Table 2.13: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Grade ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 2.14: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Grade (% Share): 2023-2029
Table 2.15: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Grade (%): 2023-2029

Market by Workpiece Material
Table 2.16: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 2.17: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials (% Share): 2023-2029
Table 2.18: Global Cutting Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029

Competitive Environment
Table 2.19: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Distribution Channel (%): 2023-2029
Table 2.20: Global Cutting Tool Consumption by Average Channel Markup (%): 2023-2029
Chart 2.21: Top Producer Shipments by Market Share (%): 2023-2024

Section 3: Milling
Table 3.1: Global Milling Tools Market by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 3.2: Global Milling Tools Market by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.3: Global Milling Tools Market Year-over-Year Growth by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.4: Global Milling Tools Market by Type ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 3.5: Global Milling Tools Market by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.6: Global Milling Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.7: Global Milling Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 3.8: Global Milling Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.9: Global Milling Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.10: Global Milling Tools Market by Grade ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 3.11: Global Milling Tools Market by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.12: Global Milling Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.13: Global Milling Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 3.14 Global Milling Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.15: Global Milling Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.16: Global Milling Tool Consumption by End-User Industry ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 3.17: Global Milling Tool Consumption by End-User Industry Share (%): 2023-2029
Table 3.18: Global Milling Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by End-User Industry: 2023-2029

Section 4: Turning
Table 4.1: Global Turning Tools Market by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 4.2: Global Turning Tools Market by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.3: Global Turning Tools Market Year-over-Year Growth by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.4: Global Turning Tools Market by Type ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 4.5: Global Turning Tools Market by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.6: Global Turning Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.7: Global Turning Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 4.8: Global Turning Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.9: Global Turning Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.10: Global Turning Tools Market by Grade ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 4.11: Global Turning Tools Market by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.12: Global Turning Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.13: Global Turning Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 4.14 Global Turning Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.15: Global Turning Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.16: Global Turning Tool Consumption by End-User Industry ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 4.17: Global Turning Tool Consumption by End-User Industry Share (%): 2023-2029
Table 4.18: Global Turning Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by End-User Industry: 2023-2029

Section 5: Drilling
Table 5.1: Global Drilling Tools Market by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 5.2: Global Drilling Tools Market by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.3: Global Drilling Tools Market Year-over-Year Growth by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.4: Global Drilling Tools Market by Type ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 5.5: Global Drilling Tools Market by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.6: Global Drilling Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.7: Global Drilling Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 5.8: Global Drilling Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.9: Global Drilling Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.10: Global Drilling Tools Market by Grade ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 5.11: Global Drilling Tools Market by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.12: Global Drilling Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.13: Global Drilling Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 5.14 Global Drilling Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.15: Global Drilling Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.16: Global Drilling Tool Consumption by End-User Industry ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 5.17: Global Drilling Tool Consumption by End-User Industry Share (%): 2023-2029
Table 5.18: Global Drilling Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by End-User Industry: 2023-2029

Section 6: Other Tools
Table 6.1: Global Other Tools Market by Country ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 6.2: Global Other Tools Market by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.3: Global Other Tools Market Year-over-Year Growth by Country (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.4: Global Other Tools Market by Type ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 6.5: Global Other Tools Market by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.6: Global Other Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.7: Global Other Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 6.8: Global Other Tools Market by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.9: Global Other Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Type - Indexable, Solid (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.10: Global Other Tools Market by Grade ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 6.11: Global Other Tools Market by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.12: Global Other Tools Market Year-over-Year Change by Grade (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.13: Global Other Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 6.14 Global Other Tool Consumption by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.15: Global Other Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by Workpiece Materials (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.16: Global Other Tool Consumption by End-User Industry ($MM): 2023-2029
Table 6.17: Global Other Tool Consumption by End-User Industry Share (%): 2023-2029
Table 6.18: Global Other Tool Consumption Year-over-Year Growth by End-User Industry: 2023-2029


Research Methodology

All current market and competitive intelligence techniques are employed in order to ensure comprehensive research and analysis. The research methodology outlined here applies generally to all database services, published and custom research. Of course, it is regularly modified to suit a project and the client’s greater objectives.

Identification of Report & Client Objectives

Typically, a face-to-face interview with individual clients or based on industry need, this stage is intended to coordinate and develop specific goals, what the objectives are and how best to activate the anticipated research.

Research Program Development

This includes the outlining of a research program employing a multi-pronged approach, including data collection and analysis. Also, established in this phase are time-frame of report completion & delivery and matters of budget.

Preparatory Research & Program Planning

Upon initiation of any data program, an exhaustive search is conducted to locate and obtain any background information pertinent to the project.

Secondary Data Collection

Our first step is the collection and analysis of information contained within the existing databases which cover 20 years of global technological and market development. Thus we are well-positioned to examine historical trends as well as future forecasts.

Our next step is the gathering of current information through sources such as subscription-based trade magazines, newspapers, scientific journals, governement manufacturing data, patent databases, end-user industry data such as manufacturing output, and company financial data. Relevant company information includes product literature, financial history, R&D trends and end-use market strategies. We perform both a top-down and a bottom-up approach, meaning we conduct analyses of demand-based factors such as product end-use by value and volume, as well as supply-side factors such as producer sales by product.

Primary Data Collection/Interviews

This step is crucial in having a true understanding of market factors. It involves the performance of person-to-person interviews with important figures that have influence and experience in the subject market. Interview candidates typically include senior executives, marketing executives, product managers, technical operators, as well as financial personnel and policy makers active in the market.

Further, a large roster of knowledgeable contacts across many sectors has been built up. We have fostered relationships through our proprietary approach which is based on integrity, mutual respect, and confidentiality. As mentioned, this step is the foundation of good research.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Upon completion of the previous research stages, the data and information will be tabulated and analyzed according to standard market intelligence principles and methods such as Porter's Five Forces, SWOT, weighted averaging, competitive analysis, modeling practices, and forecasting.

Each step of analysis is carefully done in order to achieve the most accurate results. Sometimes it becomes necessary to revise assumptions and conclusions. In that case, we do not hesitate to go back to the research stage to clarify results. Further, we always allow for these contingencies in our program planning so as to not waste valuable time.

Data Presentation

Data presentation includes tabular and graphical representations. Any accompanying analysis is clearly written in both narrative and bullet form for ease of understanding and clarity. Final delivery is normally through digital means, such as Excel tables and PDF files, but can be done in hard copy upon request.

In the case of the online data subscription service, data is presented in tabular form, easily searchable and customizable using boolean search functions. Clients also have the ability to generate custom charts and graphs based on their search criteria and output them in convenient formats.
