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AACN Procedure Manual for Progressive and Critical Care. Edition No. 8

  • Book

  • October 2023
  • Elsevier Health Science
  • ID: 5755339

**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles� 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Critical Care**

Edited by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses and written by more than 100 critical care experts under the direction of Karen L. Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, this definitive reference represents the gold standard of care for procedures performed in progressive and critical care settings. It guides you through procedures common to the adult critical care environment, including those performed by advanced practice nurses, in an illustrated, step-by-step format. This edition - now in in full color - features new procedures, new and updated illustrations, and updated content throughout, reflecting the latest evidence-based guidelines and national and international protocols. Quick-reference tabs make it easier than ever to locate content quickly. This new edition integrates key AACN initiatives, such as Practice Alerts, and coordinates closely with the AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 8th Edition. Chapter-specific quick-links employ QR codes for instant access to high-quality online references.

  • Edited by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, written by more than 100 expert critical care clinicians under the direction of Karen L. Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, and extensively reviewed by more than 100 additional critical care experts to ensure the accuracy and currency.
  • Comprehensive coverage includes all procedures commonly performed in progressive and critical care settings, including those performed by advanced practice nurses (indicated by an AP icon).
  • Straightforward, step-by-step organization uses consistent headings to make following a procedure (and finding the various supporting elements) quick and easy, with bulleted lists, tables, and detailed illustrations throughout to ensure that content is easy to reference and follow.
  • Rationales for all interventions in patient and family education, assessment, patient preparation, procedure, and monitoring help students understand the rationale for every step, and a level of evidence is provided when a research base exists to substantiate an intervention, giving insight into the strength of recommendations.
  • NEW! Additional procedures, new and updated illustrations, and updated content throughout reflect the latest evidence-based guidelines and national and international protocols.
  • NEW! Full-color design with color reference tabs enhances navigation, plus full-color illustrations reinforce understanding.
  • UPDATED! Key AACN initiatives, such as Practice Alerts, are integrated throughout, and content coordinates with the AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 8th Edition.
  • NEW! Chapter-specific quick-links via QR codes provide quick access to online references, which have been updated and limited to the highest-value sources.

Table of Contents

UNIT I: Pulmonary System

Section One: Airway Management

1. Combitube Insertion and Removal AP

2. Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) AP

3. Endotracheal Intubation (Assist)

4. Endotracheal Tube and Oral Care Practices for Ventilated and Non-ventilated Patients

5. Extubation/Decannulation (Perform) AP

6. Extubation/Decannulation (Assist)

7. King Airway Insertion and Removal AP

8. Laryngeal Mask Airway AP

9. Nasopharyngeal and Oral Airway Insertion

10. Suctioning: Endotracheal or Tracheostomy Tube

11. Surgical Cricothyrotomy (Perform) AP

12. Surgical Cricothyrotomy (Assist)

13. Tracheostomy Cuff and Tube Care

Section Two: Special Pulmonary Procedures

14. Continuous End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring

15. Continuous Lateral Rotation Therapy

16. Continuous Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring

17. Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

18. Oxygen Saturation Monitoring with Pulse Oximetry

19. Pronation Therapy

Section Three: Thoracic Cavity Management

20. Autotransfusion

21. Chest Tube Placement (Perform) AP

22. Chest Tube Placement (Assist)

23. Chest Tube Removal (Perform) AP

24. Chest Tube Removal (Assist)

25. Closed Chest Drainage System

26. Needle Thoracostomy (Perform) AP

27. Thoracentesis (Perform) AP

28. Thoracentesis (Assist)

Section Four: Ventilatory Management

29. Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (Through an Artificial Airway): Volume and Pressure Modes

30. Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP)

31. Manual Self-Inflating Resuscitation Bag-Valve Device

32. Peripheral Nerve Stimulators

33. Weaning Mechanical Ventilation

UNIT II: Cardiovascular System

Section Five: Cardiac Emergencies

34. Automated External Defibrillation

35. Cardioversion

36. Defibrillation (External)

37. Defibrillation (Internal) (Perform) AP

38. Defibrillation (Internal) Assist

39. Emergent Open Sternotomy (Perform) AP

40. Emergent Open Sternotomy (Assist)

41. External Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator

42. Pericardiocentesis (Perform) AP

43. Pericardiocentesis (Assist)

Section Six: Cardiac Pacemakers

44. Atrial Electrogram

45. Atrial Overdrive Pacing (Perform) AP

46. Epicardial Pacing Wire Removal AP

47. Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator

48. Permanent Pacemaker (Assessing Function)

49. Temporary Transcutanous (External) Pacing

50. Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion (Perform) AP

51. Temporary Transvenous and Epicardial Pacing

Section Seven: Circulatory Assist Devices

52. Intraaortic Balloon Pump Management

53. Ventricular Assist Devices AP

Section Eight: Electrocardiographic Leads and Cardiac Monitoring

54. Cardiac Monitoring and Electrocardiographic Leads

55. Extra Electrocardiographic Leads: Right Precordial and Left Posterior Leads

56. ST-Segment Monitoring (Continuous)

57. Twelve-Lead Electrocardiogram

Section Nine: Hemodynamic Monitoring

58. Arterial Catheter Insertion (Perform) AP

59. Arterial Catheter Insertion (Assist), Care, and Removal

60. Arterial Pressure-Based Cardiac Output Monitoring

61. Blood Sampling from an Arterial Catheter

62. Blood Sampling from a Central Venous Catheter

63. Blood Sampling from a Pulmonary Artery Catheter

64. Cardiac Output Measurement Techniques (Invasive)

65. Central Venous Catheter Removal

66. Central Venous Catheter Site Care

67. Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring

68. Esophageal Cardiac Output Monitoring: Perform AP

69. Esophageal Cardiac Output Monitoring: Assist

70. Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring

71. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion (Perform) AP

72. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion (Assist) and Pressure Monitoring

73. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Removal

74. Pulmonary Artery Catheter and Pressure Lines, Troubleshooting

75. Single-Pressure and Multiple-Pressure Transducer Systems

Section Ten: Special Cardiac Procedures

76. Femoral Arterial and Venous Sheath Removal

77. Radial Arterial Sheath Removal

78. Pericardial Catheter Management

79. Thenar Tissue Oxygen Saturation Monitoring

80. Transesophageal Echocardiography (Assist)

Section Eleven: Vascular Access

81. Arterial Puncture AP

82. Central Venous Catheter Insertion (Perform) AP

83. Central Venous Catheter Insertion (Assist)

84. Implantable Venous Access Device: Access, Deaccess, and Care AP

85. Intraosseus Devices

86. Mid Line Catheters AP

87. Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter AP

UNIT III: Neurologic System

Section Twelve: Neurologic Monitoring

88. Bispectral Index Monitoring

89. Brain Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring: Insertion (Assist), Care, and Troubleshooting

90. Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring

91. Cerebral Micodialysis

92. Intracranial Bolt and Fiberoptic Catheter Insertion (Assist), Intracranial Pressure Monitoring, Care, Troubleshooting, and Removal

93. Intraventricular/Fiberoptic Catheter Insertion (Assist), Monitoring, Nursing Care, Troubleshooting, and Removal

94. Intraventricular Catheter with External Transducer for Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage and Intracranial Pressure Monitoring

95. Lumbar Subarachnoid Catheter Insertion (Assist) for Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage and Pressure Monitoring

Section Thirteen: Special Neurologic Procedures

96. Lumbar Puncture (Perform) AP

97. Lumbar Puncture (Assist)

98. NEW! Pupillometer

99. Rotorest� Lateral Rotation Surface

100. Thermoregulation: External and Intravascular Warming & Cooling Devices

Section Fourteen: Traction Management

101. Cervical Tongs or Halo Ring: Application for Use in Cervical Traction (Assist)

102. Cervical Traction Maintenance

103. Halo Ring and Vest Care

104. Pin Site Care: Cervical Tongs and Halo Pins

Section Fifteen: Pain Management

105. Epidural Catheters: Assisting with Insertion and Pain Management

106. Patient-Controlled Analgesia

107. Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Assisting with Insertion and Pain Management

UNIT IV: Gastrointestinal System

Section Sixteen: Special Gastrointestinal Procedures

108. Esophagogastric Tamponade Tube

109. NEW! Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST)

110. Gastric Lavage in Hemorrhage and Overdose

111. Endoscopic Therapy

112. Intraabdominal Pressure Monitoring

113. Nasogastric and Orogastric Tube Insertion, Care, and Removal

114. Molecular Adsorbents Recirculation System (MARS)

115. Paracentesis (Perform) AP

116. Paracentesis (Assist)

117. Peritoneal Lavage (Perform) AP

118. Peritoneal Lavage (Assist)

UNIT V: Renal System

Section Seventeen: Renal Replacement

119. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies

120. Hemodialysis

121. Peritoneal Dialysis

UNIT VI: Hematologic System

Section Eighteen: Fluid Management

122. Use of a Massive Infusion Device and a Pressure Infuser Bag

Section Nineteen: Special Hematologic Procedures

123. Apheresis and Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (Assist)

124. Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration (Perform) AP

125. Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration (Assist)

UNIT VII: Integumentary System

Section Twenty: Burn Wound Management

126. Burn Wound Care

127. Donor Site Care

128. Skin Graft Care

Section Twenty-One: Special Integumentary Procedures

129. Intracompartmental Pressure Monitoring AP

130. Suture and Staple Removal

131. Wound Closure AP

Section Twenty-Two: Wound Management

132. Cleaning, Irrigating, Culturing, and Dressing an Open Wound

133. D�bridement: Pressure Ulcers, Burns, and Wounds AP

134. Drain Removal

135. Fecal Containment Devices and Bowel Management System

136. Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy

137. Wound Management with Excessive Drainage

UNIT VIII: Nutrition

138. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG), Gastrostomy, and Jejunostomy Tube Care

139. Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion and Care

140. Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion Using an Electromagnetic Guidance System (CORTRAK�)

UNIT IX: Calculating Medication Doses

141. Calculating Doses, Flow Rates, and Administration of Continuous Intravenous Infusions
