3 Context
3.1 Economic Performance
3.2 Political Environment and Policy
3.3 Demographics
3.4 Risk Profile
4 Construction Outlook
4.1 All Construction
- Outlook
- Latest news and developments
- Construction Projects Momentum Index
4.2 Commercial Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.3 Industrial Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.4 Infrastructure Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.5 Energy and Utilities Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.6 Institutional Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
4.7 Residential Construction
- Outlook
- Project analytics
- Latest news and developments
5 Key Industry Participants
5.1 Contractors
5.2 Consultants
7 Appendix
7.1 What is this Report About?
7.2 Definitions
7.3 CRI Methodology
List of Tables
Table 1: Construction Industry Key Data
Table 2: Brazil, Key Economic Indicators
Table 3: Brazil, Commercial Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2019-28
Table 4: Brazil, Top Commercial Construction Projects by Value
Table 5: Brazil, Industrial Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2019-28
Table 6: Brazil, Top Industrial Construction Projects by Value
Table 7: Brazil, Infrastructure Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2019-28
Table 8: Brazil, Top Infrastructure Construction Projects by Value
Table 9: Brazil, Energy and Utilities Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2019-28
Table 10: Brazil, Top Energy and Utilities Construction Projects by Value
Table 11: Brazil, Institutional Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2019-28
Table 12: Brazil, Top Institutional Construction Projects by Value
Table 13: Brazil, Residential Construction Output by Project Type (Real % Change), 2019-28
Table 14: Brazil, Top Residential Construction Projects by Value
Table 15: Brazil, Key Contractors
Table 16: Brazil, Key Consultants
Table 17: Brazil, Construction Output Value (Real, $ Million)
Table 18: Brazil, Construction Output Value (Nominal, BRL Billion)
Table 19: the analyst Construction Market Definitions
Table 20: Risk Dimensions
Table 21: Ratings, Scores and Definitions
List of Figures
Figure 1: Latin America, Construction Output (Real % Change), 2022-28
Figure 2: Brazil, Construction Output by Sector (Real % Change), 2022-24 and 2025-28
Figure 3: Brazil, Risk Summary
Figure 4: Brazil, Risk Regional Comparison
Figure 5: Brazil, Construction Output Value (Real, $ Million, 2022 Prices and Exchange Rate), 2019-28
Figure 6: Brazil, Construction Output Value, by Sector (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 7: Brazil, Construction Value Add (BRL Billion, Chained at 1995 Prices)
Figure 8: Brazil, Gross Fixed Capital Formation (BRL Billion, Chained at 1995 Prices)
Figure 9: Brazil, Construction Activity Index
Figure 10: Brazil, Business Confidence Index (ICEI)
Figure 11: Brazil, Construction - Operation Capacity Utilization (%)
Figure 12: Brazil, National Construction Cost Index - M (INCC-M), August 94=100
Figure 13: Brazil, Number of People Employed in the Construction Industry, In Thousands
Figure 14: Brazil, Construction Projects Momentum Index
Figure 15: Latin America, Construction Projects Momentum Index
Figure 16: Brazil, Commercial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 17: Brazil, Commercial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)
Figure 18: Brazil, Services Sector Value Add (BRL Billion, Chained at 1995 Prices)
Figure 19: Brazil, Services Volume and Revenue Indices, 2022=100, % Change YoY
Figure 20: Brazil, Number of People Employed in the Accommodation and Food Services Sector, In Thousands
Figure 21: Brazil, Retail sales volume and revenue index (2014=100)
Figure 22: Brazil, Industrial Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 23: Brazil, Industrial Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)
Figure 24: Brazil, Manufacturing Value Add (BRL Billion, Chained at 1995 Prices)
Figure 25: Brazil, Capacity Utilization in the Manufacturing Sector
Figure 26: Brazil, Industrial and Manufacturing Production Indices, (2022=100)
Figure 27: Brazil, Total Exports ($ Billion)
Figure 28: Brazil, Number of Vehicles Produced, Registered and Exported
Figure 29: Brazil, Infrastructure Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 30: Brazil, Infrastructure Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)
Figure 31: Brazil, Energy and Utilities Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 32: Brazil, Energy and Utilities Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)
Figure 33: Brazil, Electricity Consumed (in GWh)
Figure 34: Brazil, Electricity, Gas, and Water Services Value Add (BRL Million, 2007 Constant Prices)
Figure 35: Brazil, Institutional Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 36: Brazil, Institutional Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)
Figure 37: Brazil, Public Administration and Defense Sector Value Add (BRL Million, 2007 Constant Prices)
Figure 38: Brazil, Residential Construction Output by Project Type (Real, $ Million), 2019-28
Figure 39: Brazil, Residential Construction Projects Pipeline, Value by Stage ($ Million)
Figure 40: Brazil, Real Estate Value Add (BRL Billion, Chained at 1995 Prices)
Figure 41: Brazil, Loans for Real Estate Acquisition and Construction (BRL Billion)
Figure 42: Brazil, Residential Real Estate Sale Index (2012=100)
Figure 43: Brazil, Residential units sold (In Thousands)
Figure 44: Brazil, Residential Units Launched (In Thousands)
Figure 45: Brazil, Headquarters of Key Contractors (% of Total Project Pipeline)
Figure 46: Brazil, Headquarters of Key Consultants (% of Total Project Pipeline)