Table of Contents
Section I Introduction Neurophysiological correlates of sleep/ Clinical physiology of sleep Peripheral nervous system during sleep Neuroanatomical organization of sleep Neuropharmacology� and neuroendocrinology of sleep Neuroimmunology of sleep Stress physiology: its relevance to sleep/wake regulation (aspects of stress and sleep will be discussed) Section II Introduction Sleep what is normal? Sleep quality vs. Sleep quantity: implications to quality of life Human rest/activity cycle and sleep measurement (PSG, Actigraphy, Mobile Apps, etc.)
Section II Internal Environments Sleeping surfaces e.g. Bedroom, Beddings, and bed mattress Room light Bedroom noise and sleep Temperature and sleep Electronic media use and sleep dysfunction Shift work and sleep dysregulation Medication use (sleeping vs stimulant medication use)
Section III External Environments Physical environments an overview External thermal environment and sleep External noise and sleep Lighting and sleep/Light at night and its effects of sleep
Section IV Social Environments Socioeconomic status (homeless, poor, and low socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity) Lifestyle factors stimulant consumption (caffeine, nicotine, energy drinks) Cultural influence on sleep
Section V Recommendations Preserving sleep environments Sleep hygiene principles CAM therapies and sleep Pharmacological Management to improve sleep Non-pharmacological management to improve sleep Light and dark as drug/Chronotherapy Forest Bathing: its impact on sleep