Discover how to unleash the full potential of your meetings
Inefficient meetings plague even the most well-run organizations. In 50 Activities to Kickstart Your Meetings, productivity and games expert Sivasailam Thiagarajan explains how to use fifty tried-and-true methods to get the most out of every meeting.
This book teaches the strategy of employing games, activities, and simulations to facilitate extraordinary meeting productivity and creativity. It teaches meeting planners and organizers how to use games and simulations to enhance all types of meetings:
- Understand organizational opportunities and problems
- Generate alternative ideas
- Transform ideas into decisions
- Translate decisions into actions
Written for managers and executives at all levels of governmental, non-profit, and for-profit organizations, 50 Activities to Kickstart Your Meetings transforms traditional meetings into engines of creativity and growth. Thiagarajan uses the extensive experience he has gained in consulting for companies like Google and JP Morgan to teach managers of all stripes how to supercharge their next meeting.
Table of Contents
1 Memorable Meetings 1
2 Wishes 5
3 Reduction 9
4 Whispers 13
5 Boring and Useless 15
6 Optimism 19
7 The Worst Fear 23
8 Cancel This Meeting 27
9 Dysfunctional Meetings 31
10 Worries 35
11 Ground Rules 39
12 Walk the Talk 51
13 Guaranteed Results 55
14 Explain and Apply 59
15 Arrangement 63
16 Application Examples 69
17 Popular and Unique 73
18 Bias Buster 77
19 Rotating Perspectives 81
20 Number Series 85
21 $20 Auction 89
22 A Sentence About Me 93
23 Remember the Rules 97
24 Combined Tasks 103
25 Seven Sentences 107
26 Trick Questions 111
27 Subjective or Objective 115
28 Unlearn 119
29 Disrupt 123
30 Disruptive Behaviors 127
31 Roles 133
32 Effective Meeting Participant 137
33 Paper Balls 141
34 Nametags 145
35 Finding Partners 149
36 First Touch 153
37 Back to Back 157
38 Co-Creation 161
39 Discuss 165
40 Secret Mentors 169
41 Creativity Collaboration 173
42 Working the Room 177
43 Inclusion 181
44 Who Wrote That? 185
45 Meeting Types 189
46 Agenda Items 193
47 Sarcastic Definitions 197
48 A Historic Meeting 201
49 Behind the Back 207
50 The End 211
Acknowledgments 215
About the Author 217
Index 219