Manage and mitigate the human side of risk
In Humanizing Rules: Bringing Behavioural Science to Ethics and Compliance, veteran risk adviser and trainer Christian Hunt delivers an incisive and practical discussion of how to mitigate the risk of people doing things they shouldn't or failing to do things they should. In the book, you'll explore effective strategies for achieving compliance that work with - rather than against - the grain of natural human thinking and behaviour.
The authors challenge existing presumptions about managing risk and show you practical techniques and examples you can deploy today in your own organisation. You’ll also find:
- Strategies for preventing adverse events that go beyond simply assuming that, because someone is employed, they can be told what to do
- Techniques for risk mitigation in environments which are difficult to codify
- Ways to improve positive engagement on the part of employees critical to risk management
An effective and essential text in managing the human contribution to adverse and negative events, Humanizing Rules is a must-read for compliance professionals, Chief Risk Officers and other risk executives, managers, directors, and other business leaders with an interest in reducing the likelihood and impact of risk.
Table of Contents
Preface vii
User Manual xi
Introduction 1
PART I Introducing Behavioural Science 11
Chapter 1 A Matter of Perspective 13
Chapter 2 Right Tools for the Job 21
Chapter 3 The Traditional Toolkit 23
Chapter 4 What Is the Job? 33
Chapter 5 Introducing Behavioural Science 39
Chapter 6 Behavioural Driver 1: Our Experience and Knowledge 49
Chapter 7 Behavioural Driver 2: Other People 57
Chapter 8 Behavioural Driver 3: Context 65
PART II Humans 75
Chapter 9 Introducing Humans 77
Chapter 10 H Is for Helpful 83
Chapter 11 U Is for Understand 89
Chapter 12 M Is for Manageable 93
Chapter 13 A Is for Acceptable 97
Chapter 14 N Is for Normal 101
Chapter 15 S Is for Salient 105
Chapter 16 How to Use Humans 111
PART III The Six Rules 117
Chapter 17 The Six Rules 119
Chapter 18 Rule Number One 121
Chapter 19 Rule Number Two 125
Chapter 20 Rule Number Three 131
Chapter 21 Rule Number Four 137
Chapter 22 Rule Number Five 143
Chapter 23 Rule Number Six 149
PART IV Radar 155
Chapter 24 Introducing Radar 157
Chapter 25 R Is for Rebellious 171
Chapter 26 A Is for Adaptive 177
Chapter 27 D Is for Dissenting 183
Chapter 28 A Is Also for Analytical 189
Chapter 29 R Is Also for Remarkable 197
Chapter 30 Conclusion 203
Acknowledgements 211
About the Author 213
Index 215