Examines the widespread phenomenon of poor literacy skills in adults across the globe
This handbook presents a wide range of research on adults who have low literacy skills. It looks at the cognitive, affective, and motivational factors underlying adult literacy; adult literacy in different countries; and the educational approaches being taken to help improve adults’ literacy skills. It includes not only adults enrolled in adult literacy programs, but postsecondary students with low literacy skills, some of whom have reading disabilities.
The first section of The Wiley Handbook of Adult Literacy covers issues such as phonological abilities in adults who have not yet learned to read; gender differences in the reading motivation of adults with low literacy skills; literacy skills, academic self-efficacy, and participation in prison education; and more. Chapters on adult literacy, social change and sociocultural factors in South Asia and in Ghana; literacy, numeracy, and self-rated health among U.S. adults; adult literacy programs in Southeastern Europe and Turkey, and a review of family and workplace literacy programs are among the topics featured in the second section. The last part examines how to teach reading and writing to adults with low skills; adults’ transition from secondary to postsecondary education; implications for policy, research, and practice in the adult education field; educational technologies that support reading comprehension; and more.
- Looks at the cognitive processing challenges associated with low literacy in adults
- Features contributions from a global team of experts in the field
- Offers writing strategy instruction for low-skilled postsecondary students
The Wiley Handbook of Adult Literacy is an excellent book for academic researchers, teacher educators, professional developers, program designers, and graduate students. It’s also beneficial to curriculum developers, adult basic education and developmental education instructors, and program administrators, as well as clinicians and counselors who provide services to adults with reading disabilities.
Table of Contents
ContentsList of Contributors ix
Section Editors and Reviewers xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Conceptual Framework and Overview of the Handbook 1 Dolores Perin
Section I Cognitive, Affective and Motivational Factors Underlying Adult Literacy 15
1 Cognitive Processing Challenges Associated with Low Literacy in Adults 17 John Sabatini, Tenaha O’Reilly, Kelsey Dreier, and Zuowei Wang
2 Phonological Abilities in Fully Illiterate Adults 41 José Morais and Régine Kolinsky
3 Gender Differences in the Reading Motivation of Adults with Low Literacy Skills 63 Jan C. Frijters, Emily Brown, and Daphne Greenberg
4 Integrating Component Skills in a Reading Comprehension Framework for Struggling Adult Readers 89 Elizabeth L. Tighe
5 Writing Challenges for Postsecondary English Learners with Low Levels of First Language Literacy 107 Stephen M. Doolan
6 From “Degisned” and “Dezine” to “Design”: Comparing Adults’ and Children’s Spelling Errors Across Tasks 131 Katherine S. Binder, Amani Talwar , Nora K. Bond, and Nicole Gilbert Cote
7 Literacy Skills, Academic Self‐Efficacy, and Participation in Prison Education 151 Lise Ø. Jones and Terje Manger
8 Readiness to Learn Among Adults with Low Skills 171 M Cecil Smith, Thomas J. Smith, Amy D. Rose, and Jovita M. Ross‐Gordon
9 Cognitive Profile of Students with Dyslexia Entering Postsecondary Education 193 Maaike Callens and Marc Brysbaert
10 A Cognitive Framework for Tracing the Roots of Reading Disabilities Among University Students 215 George K. Georgiou and J. P. Das
11 Reading, Writing, and Self‐Efficacy of Low‐Skilled Postsecondary Students 237 Dolores Perin
Section II Contexts of Literacy for Adults with Low Skills 261
12 Cognitive and Sociocultural Dimensions of Adult Literacy and Integrating Technology in Adult Education 263 Aydin Y. Durgunoğlu, Hilal Gençay, Meltem Cantűrk, and G. Hilal Kuşçul
13 I Will Survive: Sociocultural and Educational Factors Underlying Child Mortality in Rural Ghana 283 Niels‐Hugo Blunch
14 Literacy and Social Change in South Asia 299 Cristine Smith and Konda R. Chavva
15 Literacy, Numeracy, and Self‐Rated Health among U.S. Adults 317 Esther Prins and Shannon Monnat
16 Adults with Low Skills and Learning Disabilities 337 Margaret Becker Patterson
17 Participation in Literacy Programs for Adults with Low Skills in Southeastern Europe 361 George K. Zarifis
18 Making the Most of Learning Contexts: A Literature Review on Family and Workplace Literacy Programs 381 Hendrickje C. Windisch
Section III Education of Adults with Low Literacy Skills 407
19 How to Teach Fully Illiterate Adults to Read 409 Régine Kolinsky, Cristina Carvalho, Isabel Leite, Ana Franco, and José Morais
20 Developmental Trajectories of Adult Education Students: Implications for Policy, Research, and Practice 429 Stephen Reder
21 Academic Literacy as Developmental Pedagogy: The Learning and Growth of Adult English Language Learners 451 Jennifer Ouellette‐Schramm
22 Educational Technologies that Support Reading Comprehension for Adults Who Have Low Literacy Skills 471 Arthur C. Graesser, Daphne Greenberg, Andrew Olney , and Maureen W. Lovett
23 Writing Strategy Instruction for Low‐Skilled Postsecondary Students 495 Zoi A. Traga Philippakos and Charles A. MacArthur
24 Transitioning Adult Literacy Students to Postsecondary Education 517 Elizabeth Zachry Rutschow
25 Research on Developmental Education Instruction for Adult Literacy Learners 541 Maria Cormier and Susan Bickerstaff
Index 563