Learn how you can help combat micro and macroaggressions against socially devalued groups with this authoritative new resource
Microintervention Strategies: What You Can Do to Disarm and Dismantle Indivdiual and Systemic Racism and Bias, delivers a cutting-edge exploration and extension of the concept of microinterventions to combat micro and macroaggressions targeted at marginalized groups in our society. While racial bias is the primary example used throughout the book, the author’s approach is applicable to virtually all forms of bias and discrimination, including that directed at those with disabilities, LGBTQ people, women, and others.
The book calls out unfair and biased institutional policies and practices and presents strategies to help reduce the impact of sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism. It provides a new conceptual framework for distinguishing between the different categories of microinterventions, or individual anti-bias actions, and offers specific, concrete, and practical advice for taking a stand against micro and macroaggressions.
Microintervention Strategies delivers the knowledge and skills necessary to confront individual and institutional manifestations of oppression. Readers will also enjoy:
- A thorough introduction to the major conceptual distictions between micro and macroaggressions and an explanation of the manifestations, dynamics, and impact of bias on marginalized groups.
- An exploration of the meaning and definition of micorinterventions, including a categorization into three types: microaffirmations, micorprotections, and microchallenges.
- A review of literature that discusses the positive benefits that accrue to targets, allies, bystanders, and others when microinterventions take place.
- A discussion of major barriers to acting against prejudice and discrimination.
Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in psychology, education, social work, and political science, Microintervention Strategies will also earn a place in the libraries of psychologists, educators, parents, and teachers, who hope to do their part to combat microaggressions and other forms of bias and discrimination.
Table of Contents
Preface xiii
Chapter One: Taking Responsibility to Address Bias and Discrimination 1
The Failure to Act 5
The Relationship between Macroaggressions and Microaggressions 7
How Macroaggressions Differ from Microaggressions 9
Macroassaults in Institutional Policies and Practices 11
Macroaggressions as Systemic Racism 12
Macroaggressions in Standard Operating Procedures 15
The Need to Take Action: People of Color, White Allies, and Bystanders 17
Targets 17
White Allies 18
Bystanders 20
Chapter Two: What Are Microinterventions? 23
Distinguishing Microinterventions from Macrointerventions 24
Three Forms of Microinterventions: Strategies and Tactics 29
Microaffirmations 30
Microprotections 33
Microchallenges 38
Chapter Three: Psychological Benefits of Microinterventions vs. the Psychological Costs of Inaction 43
Active Anti-racist Interventions: Benefits and Costs 46
For Targets 49
For Significant Others 49
For White Allies 50
For Bystanders 50
Prosocial Norms and Contexts 52
Psychosocial Costs of Racism to Whites: Perpetrator Constriction vs. Liberation 54
Cognitive Costs to Perpetrators 56
Affective Costs to Perpetrators 56
Behavioral Costs to Perpetrators 57
Spiritual and Moral Cost to Perpetrators 57
Perpetrator Liberation and Benefits 58
Chapter Four: Barriers to Combatting Micro- and Macroaggressions 59
Being Oblivious, Innocent, and Naïve 63
Minimizing the Harm 65
Maintaining Harmony and Avoiding Conflict 67
Fearing Repercussions 67
Isolation 68
Loss of Position and Power 69
Attacks on Character 69
Psychological Stress and Burnout 70
Violent Threats and Physical Harm 71
Being Paralyzed and Feeling Impotent 72
Chapter Five: Overcoming Silence, Inaction and Complicity 73
Learn to Recognize and Decode Hidden Expressions of Bias 74
Become Aware of the Toxicity and Harmful Impact of Micro/Macroaggressions 76
Create Norms that Counter Conflict Avoidance and Enhance Racial Dialogues 79
Appeal to Moral Values 82
Undertake Antibias Training 82
Create Fair and Just Societal and Organizational Policies and Practices 82
Raising Race-Conscious Children 83
Seek Social Support and Allies 84
Obtain Skills and Tactics to Respond to Macroaggressions 88
Chapter Six: Microintervention Strategy and Tactics to Make the “Invisible” Visible 91
Challenging Microaggressions 92
Strategic Goal: Make Microaggressions Visible 93
Tactic # 1 - Develop Perspicacity 93
Tactic # 2 - Disempower the Innuendo by “Naming” It 96
Tactic # 3 - Undermine the Meta-communication 96
Tactic # 4 - Challenge the Stereotype 96
Tactic # 5 - Broaden the Ascribed Trait to a Universal Human Behavior 97
Tactic # 6 - Ask for Clarification of a Statement or Action 97
Tactic # 7 - Make the Meta-communication Explicit by Restating/Rephrasing the Statement or Action 98
Tactic # 8 - Reverse, Redirect or Mimic the Statements or Actions of the Offender as If It Was Meant for the Perpetrator 98
Challenging Macroaggressions 99
Strategic Goal: Make Macroaggressions Visible 100
Tactic # 1 - Monitor and Document 101
Tactic # 2 - Encourage Implementing Systems of Evaluation and Accountability 102
Tactic # 3 - Leverage Personal Power and Privileged Identities 104
Chapter Seven: Microintervention Strategy and Tactics to Educate Perpetrators and Stakeholders 107
Strategic Goal: Educate Perpetrators 108
Tactic # 1 - Help Microaggressors Differentiate between Good Intent and Harmful Impact 108
Tactic # 2 - Contradict the Group-Based Stereotype with Opposing Evidence by Personalizing It to Specific Individuals 111
Tactic # 3 - Appeal to the Offender’s Values and Principles 111
Tactic # 4 - Point Out the Commonalities 112
Tactic # 5 - Promote Empathy 113
Tactic # 6 - Point Out How They Benefit 113
Strategic Goal: Challenging Macroaggressions through Education 114
Tactic # 1 - Raise Critical Thinking 116
Tactic # 2 - Support Antibias Education and Training 117
Tactic # 3 - Highlight the Benefits of Diversity and Equity 122
Chapter Eight: Microintervention Strategy and Tactics to Disarm Microaggressions and Macroaggressions 125
Strategic Goal: Disarm Microaggressions 129
Tactic # 1 - Interrupt the Communication and Redirect It 129
Tactic # 2 - State Values and Set Limits 130
Tactic # 3 - Express Disagreement 130
Tactic # 4 - Describe What Is Happening 131
Tactic # 5 - Nonverbal Communication 131
Tactic # 6 - Use an Exclamatory Short Expression 131
Tactic # 7 - Remind Them of the Rules 132
Challenging Macroaggressions 132
Nonviolent and Violent Actions 133
Strategic Goal: Disarming Macroaggressions 134
Chapter Nine: Microintervention Strategy and Tactics for Using External Support and Alliances 151
Strategic Goal: Seeking External Support/Validation in Fighting Microaggressions 152
Tactic # 1 - Alert Leadership 155
Tactic # 2 - Report Incident 155
Tactic # 3 - Seek Therapy/Counseling 156
Tactic # 4 - Seek Spirituality/Religion/Community Support 156
Tactic # 5 - Establish a Buddy System 157
Tactic # 6 - Establish or Join a Support Group 158
Microintervention Cautions 158
Strategic Goal: Seeking External Support in Fighting Macroaggressions 159
Tactic # 1 - Call on the Support of Human Rights Organizations 160
Tactic # 2 - Initiate Governmental Action 162
Tactic # 4 - Seek Community Support 165
Chapter Ten: Microinterventions 169
Prime Time for Developing Minds 170
Talking Race to Children 171
Microintervention Implications for Caretakers and Educators 173
Make the Invisible Visible 174
Educate Stakeholders 176
Disarm the Micro/Macroaggression 178
Seek External Support 180
Implications for Future Study 181
Conclusions 184
References 191
Name Index 213
Subject Index 221