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Integrated Green Energy Solutions, Volume 2. Edition No. 1

  • Book

  • 384 Pages
  • June 2023
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • ID: 5839389

This second volume in a two-volume set continues to present the state of the art for the concepts, practical applications, and future of renewable energy and how to move closer to true sustainability.

Renewable energy supplies are of ever-increasing environmental and economic importance in every country in the world. A wide range of renewable energy technologies has been established commercially and recognized as an important set of growth industries for most governments. World agencies, such as the United Nations, have extensive programs to encourage these emerging technologies.

This book will bridge the gap between descriptive reviews and specialized engineering technologies. It centers on demonstrating how fundamental physical processes govern renewable energy resources and their applications. Although the applications are being updated continually, the fundamental principles remain the same, and this book will provide a useful platform for those advancing the subject and its industries.

Integrated Resilient Energy Solutions is a two-volume set covering subjects of proven technical and economic importance worldwide. Energy supply from renewables is an essential component of every nation’s strategy, especially when there is responsibility for the environment and sustainability. These two volumes will consider the timeless renewable energy technologies’ principles yet demonstrate modern applications and case studies. Whether for the veteran engineer, student, or other professional, these two volumes are a must-have for any library.

Table of Contents

Preface xv

23 Energy Economics and Environment 1
P. Sanjeevikumar, Morteza Azimi Nasab, Mohammad Zand, Farnaz Hassani and Fatemeh Nikokar

Abbreviations 1

23.1 Introduction 2

23.1.1 The Concept of Microgrids 3

23.2 Benefits and Drawbacks of Microgrids 4

23.3 Causes of Increase in Power Plants 6

23.4 Demand Side Management in Microgrids 6

23.5 Centralized Control of Smart Grid 8

23.6 Decentralized Smart Grid Control 9

23.7 DER Resource Control Strategies in the Smart Grid 10

23.8 DER Participation Strategy in Smart Grid 11

23.9 Topics Raised in the Smart Grid 12

23.10 Smart Grid Protection 12

23.11 Detection of Smart Grid Islands 12

23.12 Smart Grid Optimization 13

23.13 Power Quality 13

23.14 Frequency and Voltage Control 13

23.15 Balance between Production and Power Consumption 14

23.16 Ability to Easily Connect Distributed Generation Sources 14

23.17 Smart Network Security 14

23.18 Resynchronization after Network Connection 15

23.19 Smart Grid Control Glasses 15

23.20 Economic Dimensions 15

23.21 Losses 17

23.22 Non-Technical Network Losses 18

23.23 Power System Loss Analysis 19

23.24 The Impact of the Electricity Market on the Performance of Distribution Companies 19

23.25 Power Quality in the Restructured Electricity Market 20

23.26 Conclusion 20

References 21

24 Stringent Energy Management Strategy during Covid-19 Pandemic 25
Nagajayanthi B.

24.1 Introduction 26

24.2 Energy Management 26

24.3 Smart Grid Design 27

24.3.1 Ground Station 27

24.3.2 Gateway 27

24.3.3 Cloud 29

24.4 Smart Grid Design and Testing 31

24.5 Implementation of Smart Grid 35

24.6 Energy Management to Check Overload Conditions 37

24.6.1 With Varying Input Voltage and Without Load 38

24.6.2 With Increased Input Voltage but Without Load 40

24.6.3 With Optimum Input Voltage and Load 41

24.7 Features of Smart Grid System 46

24.8 Conclusion and Future Work 47

References 47

25 Energy Management Strategy for Control and Planning 49
Anmol D. Ganer

25.1 Energy Management and Audit 50

25.1.1 Steps for Energy Audit Management 51

25.1.2 How An Energy Audit can be An Effective Energy Management 51

25.1.3 Power Conservation through Energy Audit 51

25.1.4 Study of Energy Management and Audit 52

25.2 The Different Steps of an Energy Management Approach 52

25.2.1 State-Wise Generation Capacity till 2019 53

25.2.2 The Effective Plan should Incorporate Four Basic Steps 54

25.3 Preliminary Technical and Economic 55

25.3.1 Assessment of Synthetic Gas to Fuel and Chemical with Emphasis on the Potential for Biomass Derived Syngas 55

25.3.2 Natural Gas Storage/Co-Fired Retrofit System 56

25.4 Evaluation of Energy-Saving Investments 56

25.4.1 Power Survey - Energy Inspection 57

25.5 Off-Line and On-Line Procedures 58

25.5.1 Concept 58

25.6 Personnel Training 59

25.6.1 Training Method for Electricity Work Safety 60

25.7 A Successful Energy Management Program 60

25.7.1 Introduction 60

25.7.2 Power Administration Project 60

25.7.3 Corporate Structure 61

25.7.4 Energy Management Managers 61

25.8 Centralize Control of Process and Facility Plants 62

25.8.1 Centralized and Decentralized Waste Water Management 62

25.8.2 Central Jurisdiction System 63

25.8.3 Centralized Process Control System 63

25.9 Energy Security 63

25.9.1 Energy Security Concept 63

25.9.2 Smart Grid Security 65

25.10 Evaluate Energy Performances 65

25.10.1 Concept 65

25.10.2 Building Energy Performance 65

25.10.3 Illumination and Energy Performance 65

25.10.4 Energy Performance of Water Chillers 66

25.11 Energy Action Planning 66

25.12 Energy Economics 67

25.13 Case Study 67

References 68

26 Day-Ahead Solar Power Forecasting Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods 71
Aadyasha Patel and O.V. Gnana Swathika

Abbreviations 72

26.1 Introduction 74

26.2 Durations of Forecasting 76

26.3 Forecasting Techniques 77

26.4 Statistical Methods 83

26.4.1 Grey-Box Model (GB) 83

26.4.2 Grey Theory (GT) 83

26.4.3 Markov Chain Model (MM) 83

26.4.4 Bayesian Optimization 83

26.4.5 Linear Pool Ensemble (LPE) 84

26.4.6 Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) 84

26.4.7 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) 84

26.4.8 Quantile Regression Averaging (QRA) 84

26.4.9 Logistic Model Trees 84

26.4.10 k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) 85

26.5 Machine Learning Techniques 85

26.5.1 Machine Learning (ML) 85

26.5.2 Automatic Machine Learning (AML) 85

26.5.3 Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) 85

26.5.4 Quantile Random Forest (QRF) 86

26.5.5 Support Vector Regression (SVR) 86

26.5.6 Least-Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) 86

26.5.7 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 86

26.5.8 Hierarchical Similarity-Based Forecasting Model (hSBFM) 87

26.5.9 Local Sensitive Hashing Algorithm (LSH) 87

26.6 Deep Learning (DL) 87

26.6.1 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 87

26.6.2 Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) 87

26.6.3 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 88

26.6.4 Elman-Based Neural Network (ENN) 88

26.6.5 Deep Belief Network (DBN) 88

26.6.6 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 88

26.6.7 Autoencoder Long Short-Term Memory (AE-LSTM) 89

26.6.8 Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) 89

26.7 Evaluation Index and Metrics 89

26.8 Conclusions 96

References 97

27 A Review on Optimum Location and Sizing of DGs in Radial Distribution System 103
P. Tejaswi and O.V. Gnana Swathika

Abbreviations 103

27.1 Introduction 104

27.1.1 DG Planning Based on Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques 108

27.1.2 Optimal Placement and Sizing of DG Based on Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques 110

27.2 Proposed Location and Sizing of DGs in RDS Using Analytical and PSO Methods 114

27.2.1 Methodology 114 Distribution Load Flow Solution 114 Multiple DG Allocation and DG Size 116 PSO Algorithm 118

27.2.2 Multi-Objective Function 119

27.3 Result 120

27.4 Conclusion 123

27.5 Appendix: List of Symbols 124

References 124

28 High Step Up Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter Using Active-Passive Inductor Cells 133
Kanimozhi, G., Amritha, G. and O.V. Gnana Swathika

28.1 Introduction 133

28.2 Proposed Converter 135

28.2.1 Features of the Suggested Converter 136

28.3 Modes of Operation 137

28.4 Design Considerations 140

28.5 Simulation 142

28.5.1 Simulation for n= 1 143

28.5.2 Simulation Results for n= 2 144

28.6 Hardware Results 144

28.7 Conclusion 148

References 149

29 A Non-Isolated Step-Up Quasi Z-Source Converter Using Coupled Inductor 151
Shashank, P.C. and Kanimozhi, G.

29.1 Introduction 151

29.2 Improved Quasi Z Source Converter with Coupled Inductor 154

29.3 Modes of Operation 154

29.4 Simulation Results 158

29.5 Comparison 163

29.6 Conclusion 165

References 165

30 Datalogger Aided Stand-Alone PV System for Rural Electrification 167
Aashiq A., Haniya Ashraf, Supraja Sivaviji, Aadyasha Patel and O.V. Gnana Swathika

Abbreviations and Nomenclature 168

30.1 Introduction 169

30.1.1 Motivation 169

30.1.2 Objectives 170

30.2 Work Description 170

30.2.1 Overview of the Work 170

30.2.2 Literature Review 170

30.2.3 Methodologies 172

30.2.4 Optimization Techniques 174

30.2.5 IoT and Smart Technologies 175

30.2.6 Conclusion 177

30.3 Design and Realisation of dl 177

30.3.1 dl Description 177

30.3.2 Solar Panel 177

30.3.3 Arduino Uno and IDE 179

30.3.4 Voltage Sensor 180

30.3.5 Current Sensor 182

30.3.6 PLX-DAQ Data Acquisition Tool 184

30.3.7 Software Specifications 186

30.3.8 Methodology 186 Data Logging into Excel Macro Spreadsheet 187 Prediction Using Mathematical Model 188

30.4 Results 190

30.4.1 Prediction Results 190

30.4.2 Performance Metrics 192 Mape 192

30.5 Conclusion 196

30.5.1 Cost Calculation 196

30.5.2 Scope of Work 196

30.5.3 Summary 196

References 197

31 Working and Analysis of an Electromagnet-Based DC V-Gate Magnet Motor for Electrical Applications 201
G. Naveen Kumar, K. Indrasena Reddy and P. Ravi Teja

31.1 Conceptual Introduction 202

31.2 Existing Technologies to Review 203

31.3 Proposed Design 204

31.4 Block Schematic 205

31.5 Motor Assembly and Control Structure 206

31.6 Control Operation of the V-Gate Magnet Motor 207

31.7 Results and Analysis 208

31.8 Conclusion and Further Scope of Research 213

References 214

32 Design and Realization of Smart and Energy-Efficient Doorbell 217
Shubham Pandiya, Saurabh Shukla, Saransh, Anantha Krishnan V. and Gnana Swathika O.V.

32.1 Introduction 218

32.2 Methodology 218

32.3 Design and Specification 219

32.3.1 Software-Based Approach 219 Component Used 220 Circuit Diagram 221

32.3.2 Hardware-Based Approach 221 Components Used 222 Circuit Diagram 223

32.4 Result and Discussion 224

32.5 Conclusion 228

References 229

33 Optimal Solar Charging Enabled Autonomous Cleaning Robot 231
Aastha Malhotra, Anagha Darshan, Naman Girdhar, Prantika Das, Rohan Bhojwani, Anantha Krishnan V. and O.V. Gnana Swathika

33.1 Introduction 231

33.2 Methodology 233

33.2.1 Design Specification 233

33.2.2 Trash Detection 236

33.2.3 Movement Algorithm 238

33.2.4 Solar Charging 241

33.2.5 Remote Monitoring 242

33.3 Results 243

33.3.1 Trash Detection Results 243

33.3.2 Solar Charging Results 245

33.3.3 Remote Monitoring Dashboard 245

33.4 Conclusion 246

References 246

34 Real-Time Health Monitoring System of a Distribution Transformer 249
Aastha Malhotra, Anagha Darshan, Naman Girdhar, Prantika Das, Rohan Bhojwani, Anantha Krishnan V. and O.V. Gnana Swathika

34.1 Introduction 249

34.2 Flow Diagram 250

34.3 Operating Principle 250

34.4 Observation and Result 252

34.5 IFTTT Email Notification (in case of a fault) 253

34.6 Conclusion 253

References 253

35 Analysis of Wide-Angle Polarization-Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber Using Equivalent Circuit Modeling for Energy Harvesting Application 255
Kanwar Preet Kaur and Trushit Upadhyaya

35.1 Introduction 255

35.2 Absorber Theory and Proposed Unit Cell Design 257

35.3 Equivalent Circuit Model 258

35.4 Simulation Results 260

35.4.1 Retrieval of the Effective MMA Parameters 261

35.4.2 Absorption Mechanism 262

35.4.3 Polarization Angle and Oblique Angle Variations 262

35.4.4 Resistive Load Variations 262

35.5 Experimental Results 268

35.6 Conclusion 270

References 271

36 World Energy Demand 275
Satish R. Billewar, Gaurav Londhe and Pradip Suresh Mane

36.1 Energy End Users 276

36.2 Rural Electrification 281

36.3 Residential and Non-Residential Buildings 282

36.3.1 Urban and Semi-Urban Zones Power Requirement 283

36.3.2 Rural Residential Requirements 284

36.3.3 Non Residential Buildings 284

36.4 Industry 286

36.4.1 Industrialization, the Environment, and Pollution 287

36.4.2 Green Industry Initiative 292

36.5 Transport 294

36.5.1 The United Nations Environment Programme (unep) 294

36.5.2 The Initiatives of Countries 295

36.5.3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 296

36.5.4 Economic Sector Initiatives 299

36.5.5 Social Sector Initiatives 300

36.5.6 Environmental Sector Initiatives 300

36.5.7 The ASI Approach 301

36.6 Agriculture 302

36.6.1 Soil Fertility and Irrigation 305

36.6.2 Pesticides and Biomass Pollution Control 305

36.6.3 Agroforestry 307

36.6.4 Biotechnologies 308

36.7 Performance Mapping in Conjunction with Technological Evolution 310

References 315

37 Education in Energy Conversion and Management 317
Satish R. Billewar, Karuna Jadhav and Gaurav Londhe

37.1 Role of University 318

37.2 Personnel Training 319

37.3 Awareness of Energy Conversion and Management as an Intersectoral Discipline 320

37.4 Climate Change 321

37.5 Economic Policy Options 326

37.6 Policy in Practice 328

37.7 Green Economy 330

37.8 The Relationship between the Economy and the Environment 332

37.8.1 Assessing Pollution’s Environmental Impact 334

37.8.2 Ecosystem Recovery and Rehabilitation 335

37.8.3 Sustainable Development Ideology 338

37.9 Industrial Ecology 338

37.9.1 Ecosystem’s Health and Adaptability 340

37.10 Does Protecting the Environment Harm the Economy? 343

37.10.1 Market and Accounting Mechanism 344

37.10.2 UN Environment Program (UNEP) 345

37.11 Creating a Green Economy 346

37.11.1 Green Project Financing 347

37.11.2 Natural Capital Sustainably 348

37.11.3 Partnerships 349

37.11.4 Educational Sustainability 349

37.11.5 Environment Friendly Technologies 350

References 351

About the Editors 353

Index 355


Milind Shrinivas Dangate Vellore University of Technology, Channai, India. W. S. Sampath Colorado State University, USA. O. V. Gnana Swathika School of Electrical Engineering at VIT Chennai, India. Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway; University of Bologna, Italy.