Elements move through Earth's critical zone along interconnected pathways that are strongly influenced by fluctuations in water and energy. The biogeochemical cycling of elements is inextricably linked to changes in climate and ecological disturbances, both natural and man-made.
Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact examines the influences and effects of biogeochemical elemental cycles in different ecosystems in the critical zone.
Volume highlights include:
- Impact of global change on the biogeochemical functioning of diverse ecosystems
- Biological drivers of soil, rock, and mineral weathering
- Natural elemental sources for improving sustainability of ecosystems
- Links between natural ecosystems and managed agricultural systems
- Non-carbon elemental cycles affected by climate change
- Subsystems particularly vulnerable to global change
The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
Table of Contents
Contributors vii
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Part I: Biological Weathering
1. Biological Weathering in the Terrestrial System: An Evolutionary Perspective 3
Dragos G. Zaharescu, Carmen I. Burghelea, Katerina Dontsova, Christopher T. Reinhard, Jon Chorover, and Rebecca Lybrand
2. Plants as Drivers of Rock Weathering 33
Katerina Dontsova, Zsuzsanna Balogh‐Brunstad, and Jon Chorover
3. Microbial Weathering of Minerals and Rocks in Natural Environments 59
Toby Samuels, Casey Bryce, Hanna Landenmark, Claire Marie-Loudon, Natasha Nicholson, Adam H. Stevens, and Charles Cockell
4. Micro‐ and Nanoscale Techniques to Explore Bacteria and Fungi Interactions with Silicate Minerals 81
Zsuzsanna Balogh‐Brunstad, Kyle Smart, Alice Dohnalkova, Loredana Saccone, and Mark M. Smits
5. Modeling Microbial Dynamics and Heterotrophic Soil Respiration: Effect of Climate Change 103
Elsa Abs and Régis Ferrière
Part II: Elemental Cycles
6. Critical Zone Biogeochemistry: Linking Structure and Function 133
Bryan Moravec and Jon Chorover
7. Tracking the Fate of Plagioclase Weathering Products: Pedogenic and Human Influences 151
Scott W. Bailey
8. Small Catchment Scale Molybdenum Isotope Balance and its Implications for Global Molybdenum Isotope Cycling 163
Thomas Nӓgler, Marie‐Claire Pierret, Andrea Voegelin, Thomas Pettke, Lucas Aschwanden, and Igor Villa
9. Trace Metal Legacy in Mountain Environments: A View from the Pyrenees Mountains 191
Gaël Le Roux, Sophia V. Hansson, Adrien Claustres, Stéphane Binet, François De Vleeschouwer, Laure Gandois, Florence Mazier, Anaelle Simonneau, Roman Teisserenc, Deonie Allen, Thomas Rosset, Marilen Haver, Luca Da Ros, Didier Galop, Pilar Durantez, Anne Probst, Jose Miguel Sánchez-Pérez, Sabine Sauvage, Pascal Laffaille, Séverine Jean, Dirk S. Schmeller, Lluis Camarero, Laurent Marquer, and Stephen Lofts
10. Poised to Hindcast and Earthcast the Effect of Climate on the Critical Zone: Shale Hills as a Model 207
Pamela L. Sullivan, Li Li, Yves Goddéris, and Susan L. Brantley
Part III: Frontier and Managed Ecosystems
11. Importance of the Collection of Abundant Ground‐Truth Data for Accurate Detection of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Vegetation by Satellite Remote Sensing 225
Shin Nagai, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara, Tomoko Kawaguchi Akitsu, Taku M. Saitoh, and Hiroyuki Muraoka
12. Biogeochemical Cycling of Redox‐Sensitive Elements in Permafrost‐Affected Ecosystems 245
Elizabeth Herndon, Lauren Kinsman‐Costello, and Sarah Godsey
13. Anthropogenic Interactions with Rock Varnish 267
Ronald I. Dorn
14. Cycling of Natural Sources of Phosphorus and Potassium for Environmental Sustainability 285
Biraj B. Basak, Ashis Maity, and Dipak R. Biswas
15. Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impacts of Biogeochemical Cycles: Challenges and Opportunities 301
Katerina Dontsova, Zsuzsanna Balogh‐Brunstad, and Gaël Le Roux
Index 307