Understand the current trends dealing with public records.
Public records laws, sometimes called sunshine laws, serve an important purpose in allowing oversight of government. Public record requests can at times be burdensome and can divert personnel and financial resources away from other public tasks. This session focuses on recent developments in public records law, with an emphasis on the efficient and effective treatment of electronic data. The speaker has handled data collection of all sizes including simple public records requests, to a village that encompasses a handful of documents, to federal litigation involving the production of millions of documents with highly-contested e-discovery issues. The speaker will draw from her experience with both governmental entities and private litigation, to discuss and develop strategies for providing prompt and thorough responses to public records requests efficiently and cost-effectively that make good use of public resources.
Public Records Requests and Use of E-Discovery Search Terms
- Overview of Sample State and Federal Laws: Can a Requester Identify Specific Search Terms to Be Used?
- Use of Search Terms in Litigation: Lessons Learned and Strategies Applicable to Public Record Requests
- Strategies for Effective Use of Search Terms in Response to Public Records Requests
Public Records Law and Text Messaging
- Employee Policies and Retention of Government Records
- Strategies for Collecting and Searching Text Messages
- Recent Rulings Regarding Adequacy of Search of Text Messages
Public Records Law and Format or Production of Electronic Data