Application of Emerging Technologies and Strategies to Extract Bioactive Compounds, Volume Three in the Developments in Food Quality and Safety series, is the most up-to-date resource covering trend topics such as advances in the analysis of toxic compounds and control of food poisoning, food fraud, traceability and authenticity, revalorization of agrifood industry, natural antimicrobial compounds and application to improve the preservation of food, non-thermal processing technologies in the food industry, nanotechnology in food production, and Intelligent packaging and sensors for food applications.
Chapters in this release explore the latest developments in the application of each technology, such as ultrasound, microwave, high-pressure, pulsed electric fields, ohmic, uv and ir heating, extrusion, and solar energy assisted extractions, along with membrane technologies and alternative solvents for green extraction. The series is edited by Dr. Jos� Manuel Lorenzo and authored by a team of global experts in the field.
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Table of Contents
1. Ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds
2. Subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction of bioactive
3. Pressurized liquid extraction as an alternative method to
recover bioactive compounds
4. Ohmic, ultraviolet, and infrared heating-assisted extraction of
bioactive compounds
5. Extrusion extraction of bioactive compounds
6. Solar energy-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds
7. Pulsed electric fields in the extraction of bioactive compounds
8. Membrane technologies for recovery of bioactive compounds
9. Alternative solvents for green extraction of bioactive compounds
10. Extraction of bound phenolic compounds from plant sources