The COVID-19 pandemic and consequently impacted economy can result in increased neighborhood blight from neglected and abandoned property. This program updates municipal officers, solicitors, and nonprofit agencies on how to employ various strategies to address this problem, including tax takings, code enforcement actions, and receiverships.
Course Content
12:00 - 12:07 pmCauses and Effects of Abandoned Property
Stuart T. Schrier, Esq.,
Schrier & Associates, PC, Boston
12:07 - 12:26 pm
Strategies for Dealing with Neglected Property and filing a Petition for Receivership
Amber Anderson Villa, Esq.,
Office of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
12:26 - 12:40 pm
Courts' Perspective on Receivership
Hon. Irene H. Bagdoian,
Associate Justice, Housing Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
12:40 - 1:06 pm
Receivership: Budgets, Borrowing Money, Making Repairs and Reporting Requirements
Stuart T. Schrier, Esq.,
Schrier & Associates, PC, Boston
1:06 - 1:16 pm
Legal and Financial Resources for Receiverships, Property Disposition and Reuse
Amber Anderson Villa, Esq.,
Office of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
1:16 - 1:25 pm
Foreclosure of Receiver’s Lien, Approval of Sale, Survival of Receivership after Sale and Termination of Receivership
Hon. Irene H. Bagdoian,
Associate Justice, Housing Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
1:25 - 1:54 pm
'Ask the Experts' Q&A Session with Key Takeaways
Please Note
This webcast is delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal.
There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only.
They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.
ChairStuart T. Schrier, Esq.,
Schrier & Associates, PC
, Boston
Amber Anderson Villa, Esq.,
Office of the Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
Hon. Irene H. Bagdoian,
Associate Justice, Housing Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston