The course will give you a detailed knowledge of how to use Excel for financial analysis. The course is strictly linked to the World of Investing/Finance: Optimizing portfolios, setting up cash flows, calculating key figures, administrating and reporting of portfolios, performing stress tests etc.
How is the online course conducted?
The course is structured around a number of topics. To ensure an optimal learning, each topic consists of:
- A video explaining the practical use of the topic - i.e. how to use the scenario manager for stress testing etc.
- A video showing how to use it for practical purposes
- An exercise where you get to solve a similar exercise
- A video showing how the exercise should be solved
The course includes:
- Possibility to ask questions and get answers within 24 hours.
- Two months access to the course
- 100% self-paced e-learning on demand.
You must set aside approx. 2 working days for the course.
A basic knowledge of financial instruments is an advantage. Whenever there is a new topic, you can choose to watch an introduction video to get familiar with the theory behind. As an example, you can watch a video explaining the various bond key figures before learning how to implement it in Excel.
Course Content
- Date and Time Functions
- Financial Functions
- The Logical Library
- Lookup and Reference Library
- Build your own Bond Calculator (Duration, Price, Cash Flows)
- The Goal Seek (Yield-to-Maturity and Implied Volatility)
- Solver (Set up the Efficient Frontier, Optimize the Porfolio)
- Scenario Manager (Stresstesting a Portfolio)
- The Database Library
- Pivot Tables (Reporting and Administrating a Portfolio)
- The Function Library
- Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall (Simulation-based, Delta Normal)
- Formatting and Combo Boxes
Course Provider
Jørgen Just Andresen,
Financial Training Partner A/S- Jørgen Just Andresen is Managing Director of Financial Training Partner A/S, which he co-founded in 2002.
- He has many years of teaching experience as a chief consultant at SimCorp’s training department, which he joined in 1996. Prior to SimCorp he worked at Danske Bank with fixed income research and fixed income sales.
- Jørgen is also an external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School and was awarded teacher of the year at CBS’ education Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Financial planing) in 2016.
- He is author of the books Finansiel Risikostyring (Financial Risk Management) and Finansielle Derivater (Financial Derivatives) published by Djøf Publishing.
- He holds an M.Sc. (international finance) and an HD (accounting).
- Jørgen teaches Derivatives, Risk Management, Portfolio Management and Fixed Income
Who Should Attend
- Risk Managers
- Risk Controllers
- Treasurers
- Investors
- Analysts
- Backoffice
- Fund Managers
- Account Managers
- IT-employees
- Financial Authorities
- Internal Auditors
- Compliance