Is your e-mail a 'beast'? Does it take up too much time, cause distraction, and actually get in the way of productivity vs. helping with productivity? Without a system for 'controlling the beast', professionals spend much of their work (and personal) time spinning wheels and feeling highly unsatisfied. If you would like to get control of your e-mail 'beast', you should attend this program led by Randy Dean, MBA, author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the Email Beast.
Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization (featuring the life and newly updated demos in popular programs like Outlook and Gmail) that have helped thousands of business professionals regain control and sanity with their e-mail activities (one university client even found that the average attendee saved more than 2 hours per week by taking this program!) Enhance your efficiency today and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!
Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization (with live and newly updated demos in popular programs like MS Outlook and Gmail) that have helped thousands of professionals regain control and sanity in their inboxes. Enhance your productivity and efficiency with your e-mail and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!
Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization (featuring the life and newly updated demos in popular programs like Outlook and Gmail) that have helped thousands of business professionals regain control and sanity with their e-mail activities (one university client even found that the average attendee saved more than 2 hours per week by taking this program!) Enhance your efficiency today and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!
Why you should Attend
Every day, busy professionals are getting buried under a continuing stream of both useful and useless e-mails. If you would like to get control of your e-mail 'beast', attend this program led by Randy Dean, MBA, author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast.Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization (with live and newly updated demos in popular programs like MS Outlook and Gmail) that have helped thousands of professionals regain control and sanity in their inboxes. Enhance your productivity and efficiency with your e-mail and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!
Areas Covered in the Session
- Understand the nature of e-mail & information overload in today's workplace
- Have a strategy for 'splitting' work, personal, and junk/spam e-mails for greater efficiency
- Use a very simple 'rule' for managing all incoming e-mails that allow for both greater speed and prioritization of those messages and embedded tasks
- Learn how to convert e-mails quickly into tasks, contacts, and calendar items
- Use embedded functions inside of your e-mail that allows you to 'automate' certain common activities/messages
- Greatly reduce distraction by setting up special notifiers and adjusting internal settings in both Outlook & Gmail
- Build a personal file 'infrastructure' that can assist in achieving greater organization and possibly even 'e-mail ZERO'!