Solar Thermal Systems and Applications: New Design Techniques for Improved Thermal Performance brings together the latest advances for the improved performance, efficiency, and integration of solar thermal energy (STE) technology.
This book begins by introducing solar energy and solar thermal energy as a viable option in terms of green energy for industrial, commercial, and residential applications, as well as its role and potential within hybrid energy systems. This is followed by detailed chapters that focus on key innovations in solar thermal energy systems, covering novel approaches and techniques in areas such as flat plate solar collectors, modified evacuated tube solar collectors, solar parabolic trough collectors, linear Fresnel reflectors, photovoltaic thermal systems (PVT), phase change materials (PCMs), nanotechnology, combined PVT-PCM systems, solar thermal systems and Trombe wall design, solar still units, and solar dish systems. Throughout this book, the coverage is supported by experimental and numerical modeling methods, and techniques are discussed and assessed with a view to improved electrical and thermal efficiency and performance.
Solar Thermal Systems and Applications is a valuable resource for researchers and advanced students in solar energy, thermal engineering, hybrid energy systems, renewable energy, mechanical engineering, nanotechnology, and materials science. This is also of interest to engineers, R&D professionals, scientists, and policy makers with an interest in solar thermal energy in an industrial, residential, or commercial setting.
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Table of Contents
1. Significance of solar energy and solar thermal energy
2. Solar water heaters with flat plate collectors
3. Modified evacuated tube solar collectors (ETSC)
4. Applications of solar parabolic trough collectors (PTC)
5. Enhancement of performance of LFR systems with use of nanomaterials
6. Approaches for cooling of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems
7. Innovative design of PVT systems incorporating new cooling systems
8. Combined PVT-PCM systems
9. Application of phase change materials (PCM) in solar energy systems as ventilation system
10. Solar thermal systems in the building environment
11. Development of systems for desalination in solar stills
12. New design of solar dish systems and improvement of its efficacy
Mohsen Sheikholeslami Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran.Dr. Mohsen Sheikholeslami is the Head of the Renewable Energy Systems and Nanofluid Applications in Heat Transfer Laboratory at the Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, in Iran. He was the first scientist to develop a novel numerical method (CVFEM) in the field of heat transfer and published a book based on this work, entitled "Application of Control Volume Based Finite Element Method (CVFEM) for Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer". He was selected as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher (Top 0.01%) by Clarivate Analytics, and he was ranked first in the field of mechanical engineering and transport globally (2020-2021) according to data published by Elsevier. Dr. Sheikholeslami has authored a number of books and is a member of the Editorial Boards of the 'International Journal of Heat and Technology' and 'Recent Patents on Nanotechnology'.