Table of Contents
Part 1: LEAD-ON
1. What Do Engineers Do?
2. Elements of Engineering Analysis
3. Force and Motion
4. Energy
5. Engineering Economics
6. Engineering Ethics
Part 2: MINDS-ON
7. Aeronautical Engineering
8. Chemical Engineering
9. Civil Engineering
10. Computer Engineering
11. Electrical Engineering
12. Industrial Engineering
13. Manufacturing Engineering
14. Materials Engineering
15. Mechanical Engineering
16. Nuclear Engineering
17. Bioengineering
18. Electrochemical Engineering
19. Environmental Engineering
20. Green Energy Engineering
21. Mechatronics and Physical Computing
22. Introduction to Engineering Design
23. Design Teams
24. Design Step 1: Defining the Problem
25. Design Step 2: Generation of Alternative Concepts
26. Design Step 3: Evaluation of Alternatives and Selection of a Concept
27. Design Step 4: Detailed Design
28. Design Step 5: Design Defense
29. Design Step 6: Manufacturing and Testing
30. Design Step 7: Performance Evaluation
31. Design Step 8: Design Report
32. Examples of Design Competitions
33. Closing Remarks on the Important Role of Design Projects