Gain the tools necessary to help your business remain in compliance and avoid payroll tax headaches.
Payroll Taxes are one thing that all businesses have in common. Dealing with Payroll Tax Headaches can be overwhelming and frustrating for any business. Failure to properly file and report payroll taxes can result in huge fines and penalties for a business and may result in legal action. This topic will give you guidance on precautions to take to keep from getting into a Payroll Tax Liability. It will provide tips on how to respond to notices and make claims for appeals to resolve tax liabilities. Details of IRC Section 6672, Trust Fund Recovery Penalty will be explained. The material covered in this webinar will give you the tools necessary to help your business remain in compliance and avoid Payroll Tax Headaches.
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to describe what IRC Section 6672 is and how to keep in compliance to avoid it.
- You will be able to identify ways to avoid a payroll tax liability.
- You will be able to given guidance on how to respond to tax notices.
- You will be able to review valuable resources to keep in compliance.
How an Organization Gets Into a Payroll Tax Liability
- Not Paying Taxes Timely or According to Federal or State Guidelines
- Not Researching Regulations of Where Work Is Being Performed to Withhold Proper Taxes
- Paying Taxes on the Wrong Frequency
- Improperly Classifying Employees as Contractors
- Not Withholding/Over Withholding on Foreign Employees
Precautions to Take
- Research When Going Into a New Location
- Audit Tax Withholdings
- Check Liability Before the New Year for Frequency Issues
- AP Audits Against Employee Records
- I-9 Audits, Watch for Red Flags on Employee Documents
- When You Realize a Mistake Was Made File an Amendment
Types of Consequences
- Fines/Penalties
- Levies
- Trust Fund Recovery Actions
IRC Section 6672-Trust Fund Recovery Penalities
- What Is IRC Section 6672
- What Taxes Does It Apply to
- Types of Appeals/Claims
- Requests for Abatement/Refunds
- What Parties Can Be Held Responsible
What to Do When You Receive a Notice
- Respond to Notice as Soon as Possible
- Write Detailed Letter of Explanation
- Send Documentation to Back up Claim
- Ask for Waiver of Penalties and Interest
Helpful Websites, Publications and Ways to Get Help
- IRS.Gov, Publication 15
- State Websites and Employer Guides
- Local Government Websites
- Google/Search Engines
- Taxpayer Advocate Service