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Electric Machinery and Drives. An Electromagnetics Perspective. Edition No. 1. IEEE Press Series on Power and Energy Systems

  • Book

  • 544 Pages
  • February 2025
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • ID: 5952045
Comprehensive resource on the fundamentals of electric machinery and variable speed drives, and their many conventional and emerging applications

Electric Machinery and Drives: An Electromagnetics Perspective provides advanced concepts of electrical machinery with control/drives and emphasizes the necessity of integration of power electronics and control strategy when studying modern electrical machinery. The text incorporates the fundamentals of electric machinery, variable speed drives, and motor controls, with the scope of including both the introduction of detailed operating principles as well as the electromagnetic design and control details from scratch.

The authors start with the introduction of electric circuit notations and elementary concepts of electrical circuits, power electronics, magnetostatics, magnetic circuits, and fundamentals of electromechanical energy conversion. Later, the book elaborates on the operating principles of polyphase induction machines and synchronous machines, as well as the associated scale and vector controls of these machines.

To aid in reader comprehension, the text includes a solutions manual and accompanying video animations.

Electric Machinery and Drives also contains information on: - Real and reactive power in single-phase and balanced three-phase circuits and devices using consumer system concepts and notations- Forces and torques in simple magnetically linear and nonlinear, multi-excited electromechanical devices and systems- Simplified T-equivalent circuit model and its use in performance calculations of induction machines and associated torque-slip (speed) characteristics- Brush-commutator and brushless DC machines, and natural ABC frame and Park’s two-reaction DQO frame state-space modeling of synchronous and induction machines- Special machines, including single-phase induction machines, switched reluctance machines, and others

Electric Machinery and Drives is an ideal learning resource in undergraduate or graduate-level courses for all universities with electrical engineering programs across the world. Additionally, the text may be used as a fundamental reference by researchers and engineers in electrical, mechanical, automotive, aerospace, and automation engineering.

Table of Contents

About the Authors xiii 

Preface xv 

About the Companion Website xviii 

1 Electric Circuit Notations and Elementary Concepts 1 

1.1 Frequency-Domain RMS Phasor Representation of Time-Domain AC Voltages and Currents 1 

1.2 Time-Domain and RMS Frequency-Domain Power Concepts Using Consumer System Formulation and Notations 3 

1.3 Elementary Concepts of Complex Real and Reactive Power in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits and Devices Using Consumer System Notations 5 

2 Power Electronics and Converters 11 

2.1 Semiconductor Devices 11 

2.1.1 Power Diodes 11 

2.1.2 Thyristors 12 

2.1.3 Igbt 14 

2.1.4 SiC MOSFET 15 

2.1.5 GaN HEMTs 17 

2.2 DC-DC Converters 19 

2.2.1 Buck Converter 19 

2.2.2 Boost Converter 21 

2.3 Voltage Source Inverter 22 

2.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 23 

Homework Problems 26 

References 28 

3 Review of Magnetostatics, Magnetic Circuits, and Fundamentals of Electromechanical Energy Conversion 29 

3.1 Magnetostatic Fields Notations and Ampere’s Law 29 

3.2 Magnetic Circuits with Ferrous Magnetic Cores 31 

3.3 Magnetic Flux Linkages, Inductance, and Electromotive Forces 34 

3.4 Energy Storage, Motion, and Forces in Magnetic Circuits 37 

3.4.1 Ferromagnetic Material B-H Characteristics 39 

3.5 Lorentz’s Law-Induced Voltage and Forces in Magnetic Fields 43 

3.6 Electromagnet Polarity and Permanent Magnets 44 

3.7 Elementary Electromechanical Torque Production and Magnetomotive Force (MMF) Distribution Concepts 45 

3.8 Elements of Three-Phase Stator and Rotor Windings 48 

3.9 Elementary Three-Phase Synchronous and Induction Machines 52 

3.10 Elementary Brush-Commutator DC Machines 56 

3.11 Mechanical Torque Production in AC and DC Machines 57 

3.12 Forces and Torques in Magnetically Linear Singly Excited Electromechanical Devices and Systems 65 

Homework Problems 68 

4 Electromechanical Concepts in Electric Machines 73 

4.1 Introductory Discussion 73 

4.2 Motor-Mechanical Load Dynamics 73 

4.3 Mechanical Load Torque-Speed Characteristics 79 

4.4 Mass Polar Moment of Inertia 82 

4.5 Effects of Belt and Gear Couplings on Mechanical Dynamic Formulations 84 

4.6 Operating Modes of Electric Machines 87 

4.7 On Time Constants of the Mechanical Dynamics of Motor-Mechanical Load Systems 89 

4.8 Modeling and Simulation of Motor Starting Transients 91 

Homework Problems 91 

Reference 91 

5 Electric Machinery Windings and Associated Electromotive and Magnetomotive Forces 93 

5.1 AC Winding Layouts 93 

5.2 dc Winding Layouts 95 

5.3 Induced Electromotive Forces in Single-Phase and Poly-Phase AC Windings 96 

5.4 Induced Electromotive Forces in Brush-Commutator-Type dc Windings 105 

5.5 MMF in Distributed and Concentrated AC and DC Machine Windings and Associated Flux Density Distributions/Waveforms in Airgaps 107 

5.6 Relationships Among Magnetomotive Forces, Flux Density Distributions, Volume, Developed Torque, and Power 132 

5.7 Relationship Among Electric Machinery Volume and Developed Torque and/or Volt-Ampere Capabilities 138 

5.8 Worked Examples 140 

Homework Problems 146 

6 The Poly-Phase Induction Machine 149 

6.1 Main Constructional Features 149 

6.2 The T-Equivalent Circuit Model and Its Fundamental Formulation 150 

6.3 Performance Calculations Using the T-Equivalent Circuit Model 159 

6.4 The Simplified T-Equivalent Circuit Model and Its Use in Performance Calculations and Associated Torque-Slip (Speed) Characteristics 162 

6.5 On Torque-Slip (Speed) Simplification and Its Formulation 168 

6.6 The Motor Starting Transient Modeling Using the Simplified T-Equivalent Circuit 182 

6.7 On Legacy and Modern Constant Volts Per Hertz Control of Torque and Speed of Induction Motors 195 

6.8 Field-Oriented Control of Induction Motors 200 

Homework Problems 205 

References 211 

7 The Poly-phase Synchronous Machine 213 

7.1 Main Constructional Features of the Salient-Pole and Cylindrical Rotor Varieties 213 

7.2 The Types of Synchronous Machine Exciter-Conventional and Modern Brushless Excitation Systems 218 

7.3 The Equivalent Circuit Model of the Idealized Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Machine 220 

7.4 Phasor-Vector Diagrams of Synchronous Motors and Generators 223 

7.5 Elementary Treatment of Effects of Rotor Saliency 236 

7.6 Synchronous Motor Under Constant Volts Per Hertz Control 237 

7.7 Vector Control of Synchronous Motors in ASDs 244 

Homework Problems 246 

References 247 

8 Brush-Commutator and Brushless DC Machines 249 

8.1 Main Constructional Features of Brush-Commutator and Brushless DC Machines 249 

8.2 Armature Windings of Brush-Commutator DC Machines 252 

8.3 Separately Excited DC Motors, Modeling, and Formulations 256 

8.4 Shunt-Excited DC Motors Modeling and Formulations 261 

8.5 Series-Excited DC Motors Modeling and Formulations 266 

8.6 Compound-Excited DC Motors Modeling and Formulations 270 

8.7 dc Motors Input-Output Powers, Losses, and Efficiency 273 

8.8 Worked Examples on DC Motors 275 

8.9 Operating Principles and Modeling of Brushless DC Motors 278 

8.10 Brushless DC Motors Torque-Speed Control 297 

Homework Problems 299 

References 305 

9 State-Space Modeling of Synchronous Machines Including Full Effects of Rotor Saliency 307 

9.1 Discrete Representation of the Windings of a Synchronous Machine in the Natural Frame of Reference 307 

9.2 State-Space Modeling Derivations of a Synchronous Machine in the Natural ABC Frame of Reference of the Poly-Phase Stator Windings 310 

9.3 A Magnetic Field Flux-Map Finite-Element Computed Point of View of Salient-Pole and Cylindrical Rotor Machines 318 

9.4 Park’s DQ0 Frame of Reference Transformation 324 

9.5 Applying Park’s DQ0 Transformation to the ABC State-Space Model Voltages, Currents, and Flux Linkages 333 

9.6 State-Space Modeling Derivation in the DQ0 Reference Frame of a Synchronous Machine Including Saliency Effects - The Inductance and Flux Linkage Matrices and Vectors 339 

9.7 Synchronous Machine DQ0 State-Space Model in the DQ0Flux Linkage Frame of Reference 344 

9.8 Power and Torque Formulations for a Synchronous Machine in the DQ0 Frame of Reference and ABC Frame of Reference 347 

9.9 Derivation of the Synchronous Machine Phasor and Space-Vector Diagrams in the DQ0 Frame of Reference 350 

9.10 Initial Conditions in Transient Synchronous Machinery State-Space Time-Domain Simulations 357 

9.11 Synchronous Machine ABC Frame State-Space Models with Permanent Magnet Excitations 359 

9.12 Synchronous Machine DQ0 Frame State-Space Models with Permanent Magnet Excitations 372 

9.13 Vector Control of Wound-Field Synchronous Machines 379 

Homework Problems 383 

References 395 

10 State-Space Modeling of Induction Machines 397 

10.1 Discrete Representation of the Windings of a Wound-Rotor Induction Machine in the Natural Frame of Reference 397 

10.2 State-Space Modeling Derivations of an Induction Machine in the Natural ABC-abc Frame of Reference for the Poly-phase Stator and Rotor Windings 398 

10.3 On the Relationship Between the Terms of an Induction Machine’s Inductance Matrix and the Inductances and Reactances of Its Conventional T-Equivalent Circuit 404 

10.4 State-Space Model of an Induction Machine Using the Winding Flux Linkages as State Variables 408 

10.5 Transformation of the State-Space Model of an Induction Machine from the ABC-abc Frame to the DQ0-dq0Frameof Reference 410 

10.6 Three Types of DQ0-dq0 Frame of Reference Transformation and the Resulting State-Space Models 413 

10.7 On Torque and Power Computations in an Induction Machine in the DQ0-dq0 and ABC-abc Reference Frames 434 

10.8 On Inductance Parameters in Induction Machine State-Space Models 445 

10.9 On Design and Parameter Computation Aspects in Induction Machines 459 

10.10 Direct Torque Control of Induction Motors 469 

Homework Problems 471 

References 475 

11 Single-Phase Induction Motors and Other Special Motors 479 

11.1 Single-Phase Induction Motors 479 

11.1.1 Split-Phase Induction Motors 479 

11.1.2 Capacitor-Start Induction Motors 481 

11.1.3 Capacitor-Start Capacitor-Run Induction Motors 481 

11.2 Torque-Speed Characteristics of Single-Phase Induction Motors 483 

11.3 Field Analysis of Split-Phase and Capacitor-Start Induction Motors 485 

11.3.1 Rotating Wave Point of View 485 

11.3.2 Elliptic Field Point of View 487 

11.4 Power and Torque for Split-Phase Induction Motors 488 

11.5 Power and Torque for Capacitor-Start Induction Motors 492 

11.6 Switched Reluctance Motors 497 

Reference 498 

12 Emerging Applications, Technical Trends, and Challenges 499 

12.1 Emerging Applications 499 

12.1.1 Transportation Electrifications 499 

12.1.2 Renewable Power Generation 501 

12.1.3 Robotics 502 

12.1.4 Drones 503 

12.2 Future Technical Trends 503 

12.2.1 Advanced Materials 503 

12.2.2 Advanced Manufacturing 505 

12.2.3 Integrated Motor-Drive Systems 506 

12.3 Technical Challenges 506 

12.3.1 Extreme Operating Environmental Conditions 506 

12.3.2 Systematic Multiphysics Synergistic Designs 507 

12.3.3 Electromagnetic Interference 508 

References 510 

Index 513


Nabeel A. O. Demerdash JiangBiao He Hao Chen