Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, Second Edition, Three Volume Set covers energy economics in three subdisciplines which, when taken together compose an economic approach to the development and preservation of natural resources and environmental quality. The book focuses on energy-related subjects such as renewable energy, hydropower, nuclear power, and the political economy of energy. Other sections cover land and water use, such as mining, fisheries, agriculture, and forests. Although the three areas are closely related, they are not often presented as an integrated whole. This revised, three-volume set will bridges the gap by unifying these fields into a high-quality, comprehensive and unique overview. It will serve as an invaluable and unique tool to facilitate the first step in diving into a new subject within energy, resource or environmental economics. The chapters are written in a non-technical manner so that users outside of advanced academics or trained economists are also able to grasp the content easily. In addition, all chapters follow a specific template throughout, thus providing a consistent and logical format for the reader.
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Table of Contents
Volume 1: ENERGYClimate Change and PolicyMarkets/Technology Innovation/Adoption/DiffusionNon-Renewable Fossil/Nuclear/Electricity MarketsRenewable/Alternative Energy Volume 2: RESOURCESMedia: Non-BiologicalMedia: BiologicalProduction and Markets (new title)Resource Modelling (new title)Resource Policy (new section) Volume 3: ENVIRONMENT Allocation ToolsMediaPolicies/IncentivesPolitical EconomyValuation ToolsCorporate Environmental Responsibility (new section)