Metal Value Recovery from Industrial Waste Using Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Technologies focuses on the fundamental and advanced topics involved with the technologies for the extraction of metal ions from different industrial discarded volumes which may be sludge or wastewater. Uniqueness of the book lies in the fact that it covers each topic related to industrial wastes and elaborates on discussions on metal ion recovery to make the readers confident about the topics and concepts explained in the section.
Moreover, this book examines high potential in different downstream processes like membrane filtration, hybrid techniques, chemical leaching, electrochemical techniques, and a variety of advanced recovery techniques. Emphasis is given to state-of-the-art concept, latest research, practical applications or commercialization through case studies, and comparative evaluation of the processes for metal ion recovery from industrial wastes.
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Table of Contents
About the Editors
1. Metal components in industrial wastes and methods for metal ions recovery
2. Approach of Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, and Membrane Reactors in the Recovery of Essential Metals from Industrial Wastewater
3. Chemical Leaching Process for Essential Metal Recovery from Industrial Wastes
4. Heavy metal harmony: Sustainable solutions for industrial effluent treatment
5. Approach of NF, RO and integrated system in recovery of essential metals from industrial effluents
6. Application of different techniques for platinum and gold recovery from electronic waste
7. Recovery of copper from acid mine drainage using advanced recovery techniques
8. Technologies for the recovery of nickel and copper from electroplating industrial effluent
9. Removal of heavy metals from wastewater using synthetic chelating agents: A review
10. Photocataytic demetallization of industrial sludge
11. Recovery of lithium and lead ions from battery industry wastes using advanced separation techniques
12. Critical review on various recycling methods of indium from flat panel displays
13. Recovery of lanthanum and cerium from rare earth polishing powder wastes
14. Recent advances in the recovery of neodymium and dysprosium from industrial waste
15. Physicochemical recovery of yttrium and europium from industrial sludge
16. Recovery of zinc from a variety of industrial wastes
17. Cutting-edge technologies for the recovery of cobalt from different waste discards
18. Futuristic augmentation of various industrial wastes for the green recovery of high-valued metal ions
19. Regulatory aspects of metal ion recovery and possible policy suggestions
Dimitrios A Giannakoudakis Assistant Professor, Institute of Physical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences, Greece. Dr. Dimitrios Giannakoudakis graduated as chemist from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in Greece, where he obtained also two M.Sc. degrees (in Physical-chemistry & Electrochemistry and in New Educational Technologies). He received his PhD degree on "Nanotechnology and Materials Chemistry� from the City University of New York (CUNY) with full scholarship, in 02/2017. Then, he continued as postdoctoral-fellow and adjunct tutor at the City College of New York, AUTh, and the Institute of Physical Chemistry (IChF) of Polish Academy of Sciences. Afterwards, he served at IChF as adj. Assistant Professor and tutor of "Modern nano-Topics in Physical Chemistry�. Currently, he is Research Associate and tutor at AUTh.He has co-authored more than 105 publications in leading peer-reviewed journals (avg. Impact Factor as 1st author above 11), with the articles to be cited more than 3000 times, one monograph by Springer, three edited books by Elsevier, more than 20 book chapters, and 3 invention patents.
For more details: Papita Das Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Director, School of Advanced Studies in Industrial Pollution Control Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West bengal, India. Prof. (Dr) Papita Das is Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and Director, School of Advanced Studies in Industrial Pollution Control Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. She has expertise in highly topical domains of chemical engineering related to Environmental Pollution Control. The research done in her laboratory addresses known and emerging environmental concerns that continues to plague us, with an emphasis on clay-based liner materials, nanoparticles, bio-polymeric film for the clean-up of contaminated soil, water, and other environmental compartments. Over the years, her research team has made notable contributions on several key areas related to "Environmental Sustainability�, which have been recognized with various awards in recent years. Further, her research has produced over 175 International Journal publications, 50+ Book Chapters, 12 Books, 2 Edited Books and 100+ Conferences which have been well received by the global scientific community. Parimal Pal HAG Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal, India. Professor Parimal is currently serving as HAG Professor (Higher Administrative Grade) and the senior most professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, A Govt. of India Autonomous Institute of National importance. A Master of Technology from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, he joined academia in 1990 with a few years field experience in Indian Oil Corporation Limited the most profitable and largest petroleum industry in India. He holds PhD degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Professor Pal developed a dozen of membrane-based green technologies and software for chemical and allied process industries. He has already earned patent rights of half a dozen novel technologies and copyright of two process optimization and control software. Dr. Pal supervised around one and a half dozen doctoral and postdoctoral thesis work. Jayato Nayak Assistant Professor, Centre for Life Sciences, Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India. Dr. Jayato Nayak, is a prominent researcher with more than 9 years of experience in the field of novel design and applications embracing the theme of process intensification. His core expertise includes Process Intensification, Bioprocess Engineering, water and wastewater treatment, graphene integrated photocatalyst development and biosynthesis of value-added products. Currently, along with the national collaboration with IITs, NITs and CSIR Labs, he has extended research collaborations with research professionals in Poland, Brazil, Malaysia, Vietnam etc. Till August 2022, he has published 25 international SCI/SCOPUS indexed peer reviewed journal papers, more than 10 book chapters and filed 3 patents. As of now, with huge number of citations, he is having high h-index and i10- index. He is providing his expertise as Resource person for several Webinars and FDPs: and, as Senior Editor, Review Editor, Guest Editor, Editorial board member and recognized reviewer of more than 15 international journals. He has received 2 best research awards and 5 distinguished awards from various National and International organizations. Sankha Chakrabortty Assistant Professor, School of Chemical Technology, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. Dr. Sankha Chakrabortty, an assistant professor of School of Biotechnology/Chemical Technology, KIIT Deemed to be University, India, is a renowned researcher with over 10 years of expertise in the domains of Environmental Engineering and Green Technology. He has had his research published in over 32 SCI/SCOPUS indexed high impact factor journals and has filed seven patents. He has garnered 14 awards/achievements from different organizations over the course of his ten-year research career. He received the SPRINGER publisher's "Best Paper Award-2015" in 2015, and the "Best Researcher Award- 2020" from an international organisation last year, as well as the "NESA Young Scientist of the Year 2020" from the National Environmental Science Academy. In addition, Dr. Chakrabortty received another award from KIIT University in the field of "STE-Young Scientist Award (Faculty Category)" for his remarkable research effort.