This training program will illustrate a structured methodology to develop effective service level agreements based on a top-down, risk-based approach, summarized in a matrix that documents the whole development process for specific SLAs that respond to business objectives.
Unfortunately, the past SLAs are not “business goals and objectives oriented” and they are not user-oriented. They are prepared from a bottom-up approach as opposed to from a risk-oriented and enterprise needs’ approach. The SLAs tend to be technically oriented which have no meaning to regular end users. This needs to be changed by means of a risk-based oriented methodology.
This webinar will focus on illustrating a risk-based methodology to develop and prepare an effective service level agreement (SLA) package to improve service and security quality.
Why Should You Attend:
The way traditional service level agreements (SLAs) have been developed focused on technical lines and has been more oriented towards infrastructure to prepare contracts or agreements, especially when focusing on service outsourcing.Unfortunately, the past SLAs are not “business goals and objectives oriented” and they are not user-oriented. They are prepared from a bottom-up approach as opposed to from a risk-oriented and enterprise needs’ approach. The SLAs tend to be technically oriented which have no meaning to regular end users. This needs to be changed by means of a risk-based oriented methodology.
This webinar will focus on illustrating a risk-based methodology to develop and prepare an effective service level agreement (SLA) package to improve service and security quality.
Learning Objectives:
- Provide practical information on the development of effective service level agreement (SLA) packages to enhance service quality and security quality.
- Depict a structured methodology on how to prepare business-oriented SLAS that respond to the objectives of the business.
- Depict how to prepare an SLA development matrix that documents the process of SLA development starting from specific threats that would present barriers to achieve the service level objectives, to service level objectives (SLOs) and articulate highly specific technical SLAs intended for technical personnel and user-facing SLAs which business users can relate to measure service quality.
- Provide a sample matrix for the development of one specific SLA which also shows how to document the entire SLA development process.
- Provide practical information that can be used in actual practice at the delegate’s office.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
- Background on service level management (SLM) and service level agreements (SLAs) - Definition and explanation of terms used in SLM and SLAs.
- Service level management and service level agreements are a subset of corporate and enterprise governance - Service level management is a strategic component of running a well-governed business which involves the measurement of service quality level (SQL).
- Traditional approaches to prepare SLAs and their deficiencies.
- A structured approach to SLA development and documentation based on a top-down, risk-based approach.
- How to prepare a matrix or spreadsheet of the major key elements that need to be considered in the development of SLAs: Preparing SLAs that respond to the needs of the business and end-users who will benefit from effective compliance to the SLAs or be adversely impacted by noncompliance to the SLAs package; and difference between user-facing SLAs and technical SLAs.
- Two main approaches to developing SLAs:
- A discussion of two main approaches to designating the service level improvement (SLI) - SLAs oriented to a given function (e.g., IT) and key business process oriented SLA development.
- Identifying a critical business process that needs service quality improvement.
- Selecting a specific functional department as an individual target unit for which to develop SLAs to improve service delivery level within its boundaries of operation.
- Illustration of an SLA development matrix from real-world experience.
- Description of each of the key elements of the SLA development matrix.
- Questions
Who Will Benefit:
- CIOs/CTOs/IT Managers
- COOs/Operation Managers
- Service Delivery/Shared Service/Customer Service Managers
- Service Purchasing/Procurement Authorities and Contract Managers
- Vendor Management/Project Managers
- Technical Support/Customer Support Managers
- Business Process and Outsourcing Managers
- Business Development Managers
- Service Desk Managers
- Security Professionals
- Quality Improvement Professionals
- Company/Business Owners
- Audit and Compliance Personnel/Risk Managers
- Service sales managers from companies that provide outsourcing services
- Any party responsible for delivering services (in-house or external) in any industry that needs to develop and formalize service delivery measurement
- Executives of user functions/department who heavily depend on internal or external services to operate their activities
- Anyone with a need to improve the quality of services they receive from internal service sources or outsourced services
Course Provider
Javier Kuong,