Interviewing is a craft that involves applying proven and practiced steps along with skilled communication. This training program will discuss the art of human interaction to help achieve successful interview results. It will help participants in gaining the trust of the interviewee and in encouraging truthful responses.
If you are conducting investigative interviews, you might have received training on how to detect deceptiveness by evaluating the interviewees’ body language and non-verbal behavior. However, most interviewers have not received training on dealing with uncooperative and hostile interviewees. Before you can begin evaluating indications of truthfulness or deceptiveness, you have to overcome objections to being interviewed and change the attitude of interviewees who are not cooperative.
This presentation will discuss the motivation behind interviewees’ attitudes of resentfulness, reticence, animosity, wariness, superiority, and hostility. Since the chief objective of an interview is getting to the truth, attendees will learn how to solicit information from hostile or uncooperative interviewees.
Why Should You Attend:
Interviewing is not a peripheral task that is undertaken in the wake of conducting an investigation. Interviewing is a critical component of an investigation. It is imperative that skilled interviewers are able to draw out the truth from people. Without a doubt the best investigators are the ones with the best interview skills.If you are conducting investigative interviews, you might have received training on how to detect deceptiveness by evaluating the interviewees’ body language and non-verbal behavior. However, most interviewers have not received training on dealing with uncooperative and hostile interviewees. Before you can begin evaluating indications of truthfulness or deceptiveness, you have to overcome objections to being interviewed and change the attitude of interviewees who are not cooperative.
This presentation will discuss the motivation behind interviewees’ attitudes of resentfulness, reticence, animosity, wariness, superiority, and hostility. Since the chief objective of an interview is getting to the truth, attendees will learn how to solicit information from hostile or uncooperative interviewees.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
- The desired characteristics of a professional interviewer
- Different attitudes an interviewee may possess
- What motivates an interviewee to possess a certain attitude
- How to assess an interviewee’s attitude
- What motivates interviewees to be dishonest or deceptive
- What motivates an interviewee to be truthful
- Building trust and breaking down barriers when:
- Arranging the interview
- Conducting introductions
- Building rapport during preliminary questions
- Building trust and breaking down barriers by:
- Using the proper word choices
- Using effect hand gestures
- Using proxemics
- Offering a trust building opening statement
- Effectively ending the interview
Who Will Benefit:
- Fraud Examiners
- Internal Investigators
- Attorneys
- External Auditors
- Internal Auditors
- Compliance and Ethics Managers
- Security Personnel
- Loss Prevention Personnel
- Human Resource Personnel
- Individuals Conducting Investigations
Course Provider
John E Grimes,