Slovenia concludes multi-spectrum 5G auction
Although Slovenia's telecom sector is dominated by four operators, regulations over the years have encouraged market competition. As a result, the incumbent telco Telekom Slovenije has faced increasing pressure in all sectors. To address this, the company had diversified its business interests to reduce its reliance on telecom services. It expanded into the electricity and insurance sectors, capitalising on its extensive customer base. This proved to be only marginally successful, and the company exited from the electricity market at the beginning of 2022.The mobile market has four MNOs and a small number of MVNOs, operating in a country with a potential market of just over two million people. The regulator in recent years has addressed the need for mobile operators to have more spectrum, so enabling them to improve the quality and range of services. To this end, a multi-spectrum auction was concluded in mid-2021, aimed at supporting 5G services.
The broadband market continues to be dominated by a small number of players. DSL lost its dominance some years ago, being taken over by fibre as subscribers are migrated to new fibre-based networks. Fibre accounted for almost half of all fixed broadband connections by March 2022.
This report offers a variety of statistics and an overview of Slovenia's fixed-line telecoms market, covering the major players, regulatory measures, and developments in fixed-line infrastructure. In addition, the report covers the mobile voice and data sectors, including updates on operators and regulatory developments. The report also reviews the fixed-line broadband market, highlighting major players and industry developments and including subscriber forecasts.
Key Developments:
- RUNE project gains 130 million loan to provide fibre broadband to some 200,000 premises in Slovenia;
- Government returns to the idea of selling part or all of its 62.54% interest in Telekom Slovenije;
- Telekom Slovenije schedules 3G network shutdown by September 2022;
- Regulator concludes multi-spectrum 5G auction;
- Proportion of access lines on NGNs continues to grow;
This product will be updated with the latest data at the time of order. Consequently, dispatch time for this product will be 7-10 business days.
Table of Contents
- Key statistics
- Regional Europe Market Comparison
- Market characteristics
- Market Leaders
- Market Challengers
- Market Emergents
- TMI versus GDP
- Mobile and mobile broadband penetration
- Fixed versus mobile broadband penetration
- Country overview
- Telecommunications market
- Market analysis
- Regulatory environment
- Historic overview
- Regulatory authority
- Fixed-line developments
- Telecom sector liberalisation
- Privatisation of Telekom Slovenije
- Interconnect
- Access
- Number Portability (NP)
- Carrier Selection (CS) and Carrier PreSelection (CPS)
- Mobile market developments
- Licensing
- Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
- Mobile Termination Rate (MTR)
- Roaming
- Mobile market
- Market analysis
- Mobile statistics
- Mobile voice services
- Mobile data services
- Mobile broadband
- Mobile infrastructure
- Other infrastructure developments
- Major mobile operators
- Telekom Slovenije
- A1 Slovenia
- Telemach Mobil
- T-2
- Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs)
- Mobile content and applications
- Fixed-line broadband market
- Introduction and statistical overview
- Market analysis
- Government strategy
- Broadband statistics
- Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) networks
- Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) networks
- Fibre-to-the-Premises (FttP) networks
- Other fixed broadband services
- Wireless broadband
- Satellite broadband
- Digital economy
- E-government
- Infrastructure
- E-health
- E-commerce
- Fixed network operators
- Introduction
- Telekom Slovenije
- A1 Slovenia
- T-2
- Telecommunications infrastructure
- Telekom Slovenije
- Alternative operators
- Wholesaling
- Appendix - Historic data
- Glossary of abbreviations
- Related reports
List of Tables
List of Charts
List of Exhibits
Companies Mentioned
- A1 Slovenia (Si.mobil)
- Mobitel
- Telemach (Tušmobil)
- T-2
- Debitel
- Telekom Slovenije
- Telemach
- Amis Telekom
- Serbia Broadband
- Tuštelekom