Principles and Applications of Blockchain Systems provides a comprehensive introduction to consortium blockchains, including the physical, network, consensus, and contract layers, covering technical theory, key technologies, and practical applications. Beyond the technical side, this book visually showcases the application potential of consortium blockchains, with information on implementation cases in network management (Multi-Identifier System) and secure storage (Mimic Distributed Storage System).
This book thoroughly addresses the CAP trilemma problem for consortium blockchains, a major barrier to scalability, by presenting a novel quantifiable impossibility triangle with a solution. Additionally, optimization techniques in consortium blockchains, such as P2P protocols for future networks and consensus algorithms, are discussed in detail.
Written by two highly qualified academics with significant experience in the field, Principles and Applications of Blockchain Systems discusses topics such as: - Peer-to-peer networks in consortium blockchains, covering P2P network architecture and node discovery, data synchronization, and gossip protocols - Basic concepts of distributed consistency, including the SMR model in blockchain systems, assumptions for distributed networks, and the Byzantine Generals problem - Consensus mechanisms evolution process from voting-based, including PBFT, RPCA, SCP, and CoT; to proof-based including PoW, PoS, and PoX; finally optimized by fusion both voting-based and proof-based, including PoV, PPoV, HotStuff - Types of vulnerability for smart contracts, covering solidity code, EVM execution, and blockchain system layers - Historical trend of upgrade from electronic consensus to quantum consensus
With highly comprehensive coverage of the subject, Principles and Applications of Blockchain Systems serves as an ideal textbook for blockchain students and researchers, and a valuable reference book for engineers and business leaders involved in developing real-world blockchain systems.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Peter Major xv
Foreword by Zhang Jing-an xvii
Foreword by Yale li xix
Foreword by Feng Han xxi
Foreword by Ramesh Ramadoss xxv
About the Author xxvii
Preface xxix
Acknowledgments xxxiii
Introduction xxxv
1 Fundamentals of Blockchain 1
1.1 Introduction to Blockchain 1
1.2 Evolution of Blockchain 4
1.3 Blockchain-Layered Architecture 13
1.4 Theoretical Constraints of Blockchain Trilemma 16
1.5 Chapter Summary 26
Discussion Questions 27
References 28
2 Physical Topology in Blockchain 31
2.1 Basic Physical Topology of Computer Network 31
2.2 N-Dimensional Hypercube-Based Topology - Making it Possible to Reach CAP Guarantee Bound in Consortium Blockchain 40
2.3 Hierarchical Recursive Physical Topology of N-Dimensional Hypercube 43
2.4 Theoretical Analysis 45
2.5 Chapter Summary 54
Discussion Questions 54
References 56
3 P2P Network in Blockchain 59
3.1 P2P Network Structure 59
3.2 Node Discovery Method 64
3.3 Broadcast Protocol 69
3.4 Chapter Summary 83
Discussion Questions 83
References 84
4 Blockchain Consensus 87
4.1 Basic Concepts of Distributed Consistency 87
4.2 Byzantine Generals Problem 95
4.3 Voting-Based Consensus 100
4.4 Proof-Based Consensus 115
4.5 Consensus Integrating Proof and Voting 130
4.6 Evaluation and Analysis of Blockchain Consensus 155
4.7 Chapter Summary 160
Discussion Questions 163
References 164
5 Smart Contract and Its Security in Blockchain 169
5.1 Concept of Smart Contracts 169
5.2 Vulnerability in Smart Contracts 171
5.3 Taxonomy of Approaches to Detecting Vulnerabilities 175
5.4 Detection Tools for Smart Contract Vulnerability 186
5.5 Chapter Summary 195
Discussion Questions 196
References 197
6 Multi-Identifier System Based on Large-Scale Consortium Blockchain 203
6.1 Background Introduction and Requirement Analysis 203
6.2 System Architecture 204
6.3 Core Functions 215
6.4 Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace with Sovereign Blockchain 222
6.5 Chapter Summary 236
Discussion Questions 237
References 238
7 Integrating Consortium Blockchain and Mimic Security in Distributed Storage System 241
7.1 Background Introduction and Requirement Analysis 241
7.2 Mimic Distributed Secure Storage System 249
7.3 Logging System in Mimic Storage Based on Consortium Blockchain 256
7.4 Chapter Summary 267
Discussion Questions 267
References 268
8 Quantum Blockchain and Its Potential Applications 271
8.1 Quantum Computing and Communication Theory 271
8.2 Quantum Blockchain - Solving Trilemma of Distributed Systems 308
8.3 Scalable Quantum Computer Network 322
8.4 Chapter Summary 342
Discussion Questions 343
References 344
9 Practical Application of Large-Scale Blockchain 347
9.1 Construction of Network Topology 347
9.2 P2P Broadcast Protocol 353
9.3 Solidity Language 357
9.4 Establishment of Blockchain Infrastructure 369
9.5 Smart Contract Security Detection 373
9.6 Chapter Summary 374
Discussion Questions 375
References 375
Index 377