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Forensic Psychology. Research, Clinical Practice, and Applications. Edition No. 3

  • Book

  • 352 Pages
  • March 2025
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • ID: 5990115

Comprehensive and accessible forensic psychology textbook covering unique challenges that forensic psychologists often face clinically, legally, and ethically

Integrating research, cases, examples, and theory for a well-rounded perspective, Forensic Psychology: Research, Clinical Practice, and Applications provides readers with an in-depth and insightful introduction to the clinical practice of forensic psychology, the assessment and treatment of individuals who interact with the legal system.

The text examines not only the criminal aspects of psychology and law but also civil aspects such as civil competence issues, sexual harassment claims, child custody evaluations, and personal injury cases which are often part of forensic practice, encouraging a holistic understanding of the law as a living, breathing entity and examining its ability to be therapeutic or anti-therapeutic for the people most directly affected by it.

With a decidedly practical and student-centered focus, this newly revised and updated Third Edition is written in a scholarly yet engaging writing style, discussing the application of forensic psychology while also helping students get an accurate understanding of necessary training/education and available employment opportunities.

Updates to the Third Edition of Forensic Psychology: Research, Clinical Practice, and Applications include:

  • Limitations of human decision making in forensic practice and the potential biases involved in practicing forensic psychology
  • A focus on empirically supported clinical practice, rather than aspects of forensic psychology that currently have little empirical support or are more sensational
  • Case law and statutory law necessary for readers to be useful to the legal system and the courts
  • Unique challenges that forensic psychologists often face clinically, legally, and ethically

Flexible so that instructors can choose chapters as their own interest/expertise dictates and supplement the text as they desire, the Third Edition of Forensic Psychology: Research, Clinical Practice, and Applications is an essential textbook resource on the subject for all students in forensic psychology and related programs of study.

Table of Contents

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xiii

1 What Is Forensic Psychology? An Introduction 1

What Is Forensic Psychology? 1

Is this forensic psychology? 1

The origin of forensic psychology 3

Our definition of forensic psychology 3

History of forensic psychology 4

Major Areas of Forensic Psychology 5

Structure of the legal system 7

The Relationship of the Law and Psychology 9

The conflict between psychology and law 10

Education and Training in Forensic Psychology 10

How do I become a forensic psychologist? 10

Careers in forensic psychology 14

2 Assessment, Treatment, and Consultation in Forensic Psychology 16

Forensic Assessment 16

Important tasks in forensic assessment 17

Core concepts in assessment: Reliability and validity 18

Distinguishing therapeutic assessment from forensic assessment 18

Methods and procedures: Interviewing 19

Methods and procedures: Psychological testing 22

Archival information 25

The use of written reports in forensic assessments and guidelines 26

Treatment in Forensic Contexts 28

Who are we treating? 29

Types of treatment 31

Success of offender programs 31

Successful offender programs 32

Forensic Consultation 33

3 Expert Testimony and the Role of an Expert 36

History of the Expert Witness 37

Admissibility of Expert Testimony 38

Frye standard 38

The rest of the Daubert trilogy 41

Challenges to Expert Testimony 42

Cross- examination 42

Opposing expert 42

Judicial instructions 42

Factors that influence expert witness credibility 43

Criticisms of Expert Testimony 44

Taking over the courtroom 44

Ultimate issue testimony 44

Corruption of science 45

Bias in Human Decision- Making and Forensic Practice 47

Ethics of the Expert 48

Competence 49

Informed consent and confidentiality 50

Financial arrangements 50

Multiple relationships 51

Syndrome Evidence: Controversial Area of Expert Testimony 51

Profile and syndrome evidence 51

4 Psychopathy 55

The Nature of the Psychopath 55

A popular operationalization of psychopathy: The Psychopathy Checklist 56

Use of the PCL- R in the practice of forensic psychology: Field research 60

The Relationship of Criminal Behavior and Violence to Psychopathy 61

General violence and criminal behavior 61

Sexual violence 63

Violence in civil psychiatric patients 63

Violence among intimate partner violence perpetrators 64

What Else Do We Know about Psychopathy? 64

Interpersonal- affective aspects of psychopathy 64

Cognitive and learning deficits (information processing) associated with psychopathy 66

Biological basis for psychopathy 67

Treatment of psychopathy 68

Special Groups and Psychopathy 69

Women 69

Ethnic and cross- cultural issues 71

Children and adolescents 71

Legal and Ethical Issues Involving Psychopathy 72

Capital sentencing and the use of psychopathy 73

5 Violence Risk Assessment 75

Nature of Violence and Violence Risk Assessment 75

Defining violence 75

Violence as a choice 76

Legal Realities of Violence Risk Assessments 77

The Evolution of Risk Assessment 79

Early history of risk assessment 79

Clinical, Actuarial, and Structured Risk Assessments 80

Clinical assessments of violence 80

Actuarial measures of violence 81

Structured professional judgments 84

Risk and Protective Factors 86

Static risk factors 87

Dynamic risk factors 87

Protective factors 89

Accuracy of Risk Assessment 89

Difficulties in risk assessment 90

When are we good at assessing risk? 90

Communicating Risk 91

6 Sexual Offenders 93

What Is a Sexual Offender? 93

Assessment of Sexual Offenders 95

Indirect or physiological measures of sexual deviance 96

Phallometric assessment: Penile plethysmograph (PPG) 96

Alternative indirect and physiological measures 97

Psychological assessment 98

Risk assessment and recidivism 99

Risk assessment instruments for sexual offenders 101

Use of sex offender risk assessment measures in the field 102

Treatment and Management of Sexual Offenders 103

Are sexual offender treatment programs successful? 104

Components of potentially successful programs 105

Special Groups of Sexual Offenders 106

Female sexual offenders 106

Clergy as sexual offenders 108

Online child pornography offenders 108

Sexual Offender Legislation 109

Registration and notification laws 109

Residency laws 111

Sexually violent predator laws 111

7 Civil Commitment 114

What Is Civil Commitment? 114

Criteria for Civil Commitment 117

Mental illness 117

Dangerousness 117

Need for treatment 119

Process of civil commitment 119

Outpatient commitment 120

Empirical examination of outpatient commitment and other changes in commitment laws 121

Coercion of Civil Commitments 122

The impact of coercion on civil commitment 123

Sources and frequency of coercion 124

Right to Make Treatment Decisions and Refuse Treatment 125

Competency to make treatment decisions 125

Psychiatric advanced directives (PAD) 126

Practice of Civil Commitment 126

Assessment and treatment of committed patients 127

Assessment of danger to self 127

Assessment of danger to others 128

Risk factors for commitment 129

8 Criminal and Civil Competence 130

Raising the Issue of Competency in Criminal Proceedings 131

Competency to Stand Trial (CST) 131

Prevalence of CST 131

Procedures in CST 132

Competency evaluations 133

Forensic assessment instruments for competency 135

Other Variables Related to Competence 138

Scope of practice in competency evaluations 139

Restoration of Competency 140

Competency restoration programs 141

Other Criminal Competencies 144

Competency to be executed 144

Competency to waive Miranda rights 144

Competency to refuse the insanity defense 145

Civil Competencies 145

Competency to be treated 146

Competency to execute a will 146

Competency related to guardianship 147

9 Insanity, Criminal Responsibility, and Diminished Capacity 148

The Rationale for Insanity Defense 150

Insanity Standards 151

Wild beast standard 151

The product rule and Durham 153

American law institute (ALI) rule, model penal code, and Brawner 154

Insanity Defense Reform Act (1984) 154

Guilty but mentally ill 155

Challenges to the insanity defense 156

Studies Assessing the Insanity Standards in Mock Jurors 156

Insanity Myths 157

Evaluations of Insanity 161

Common procedures for insanity evaluations 161

Reliability and validity of insanity evaluations 162

Outcomes of Insanity Evaluations 163

Forensic assessment instruments 164

Malingering and insanity 164

Other Issues of Criminal Responsibility and Diminished Capacity 165

10 Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking 168

Defining and Identifying the Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence 169

Factors that influence prevalence figures 169

Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence among Intimate Partners 170

Assessing consequences of intimate partner violence 171

Psychological consequences of intimate partner violence 172

Risk Factors and Risk Assessment in Intimate Partner Violence 173

Risk factors for intimate partner violence 173

Assessing risk and recidivism 177

Intimate Partner Violence Treatment 178

Educational and psychological treatment 179

Community- based interventions 181

Criminal justice interventions 181

Sexual Orientation and Gender Differences in the Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence 182

Stalking 183

11 Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice 188

History of the Juvenile Court 189

Processing in the Juvenile Courts 191

Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Offenses 192

Risk factors for juvenile delinquency 193

Juvenile Violence 194

Risk factors for nonsexual violence 195

Risk factors for sexual violence 196

Role of the Forensic Psychologist in Juvenile Courts 197

Evaluating treatment amenability 197

Providing treatment 198

Transfer evaluations 199

Competency evaluations 200

Insanity evaluations 201

Risk assessment 201

Special Issues Regarding Juveniles: School Violence 203

School violence and mass school shootings 203

12 Child Custody 206

Legal History and Assumptions about Child Custody 207

Legal standards and preferences for child custody 207

Additional legal preferences 209

Child Custody Laws and Professional Guidelines 209

Professional guidelines for child custody evaluations 210

Forensic Practice in Child Custody Evaluations 211

Format and methods utilized in child custody evaluations 211

Surveys of clinical practice and psychological testing 213

Difficulties in child custody evaluations 216

Effects of Custody and Divorce on Children 217

Effects of divorce on children 217

Impact of custodial arrangement 219

Positive post- divorce outcomes 219

Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence 220

13 Personal Injury and Discrimination in Civil Law 223

Legal Bases for Personal Injury Cases: Torts and Civil Law 224

General Forensic Practice in Personal Injury Cases 225

Malingering in personal injury cases 226

Typical Injuries Involved in Personal Injury Claims 227

Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 228

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 229

Chronic pain 231

Common sources of bias 233

Psychological Independent Medical Evaluation 233

Workers’ Compensation 234

Sexual Harassment and Employment Discrimination 236

Glossary G- 1

References R- 1

Name Index I- 1

Subject Index I- 9


Matthew T. Huss Creighton University.