Keeping current with regulatory and policy developments at the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is essential for environmental lawyers and many real estate lawyers. The new gubernatorial administration brought an increased focus on climate change with the creation of the Office of Climate Innovation and Resilience, with a mission to bring a whole-of-government approach to the climate crisis. Clients with property or businesses subject to environmental regulation are particularly affected by initiatives at MassDEP. This new program provides critical insights into how increased emphasis on resilience, environmental justice, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, as well as new developments in traditional environmental protection programs, may impact your clients.Regulatory and policy initiatives with an increased focus on climate change
Course Content
12:00 - 12:02 pmWelcome and Introduction
Pamela D. Harvey, Esq.,
12:02 - 12:10 pm
Department-Wide Overview, including Environmental Justice
John D. Beling, Esq.,
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
12:10 - 12:30 pm
Climate, Cumulative Impact Analysis, and Solid Waste
Christine Kirby,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
12:30 - 12:50 pm
Wetlands, Stormwater Management, Chapter 91, and Water Supply
Kathleen Baskin,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
12:50 - 1:10 pm
Waste Site Cleanup, Climate Resilient Oil Spill Preparedness & Response, Brownfields, and Natural Resource Damages
Millie Garcia-Serrano,
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Southeast Reg., Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Lakeville
1:10 - 1:30 pm
Climate Resiliency Coordination and Clean Energy Results
Ann Lowery, Esq.,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
1:30 - 1:50 pm
Benjamin J. Ericson, Esq.,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
1:50 - 2:00 pm
Closing Remarks
John D. Beling, Esq.,
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
1:59 - 2:00 pm
Wrap Up
Pamela D. Harvey, Esq.,
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ChairPamela D. Harvey, Esq.,
Kathleen Baskin,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
John D. Beling, Esq.,
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
Benjamin J. Ericson, Esq.,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
Millie Garcia-Serrano,
Dept. of Environmental Protection, Southeast Reg., Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Lakeville
Christine Kirby,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston
Ann Lowery, Esq.,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston