The advent of the automated and connected vehicle will require the implementation of high-performance communication systems: Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). However, controlling and managing these C-ITS is complex. A number of points need to be jointly considered: 1) a high level of performance to guarantee the Quality of Service requirements of vehicular applications (latency, bandwidth, etc.); 2) a sufficient level of security to guarantee the correct operation of applications; and 3) the implementation of an architecture that guarantees interoperability between different communication systems.
In response to these issues, this book presents new solutions for the management and control of Intelligent and Cooperative Transport Systems. The proposed solutions have different objectives, ranging from increased safety to higher levels of performance and the implementation of new, more energyefficient mechanisms.
Table of Contents
Preface xiii
Part 1 Introduction to Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 1
Chapter 1 Local Interactions for Cooperative ITS: Opportunities and Constraints 3
Jean-Marie BONNIN and Christophe COUTURIER
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Ephemeral local interactions: concept and examples 5
1.2.1 Examples of services using ephemeral local interactions 5
1.2.2 Characteristics of ephemeral local interactions 6
1.2.3 Advantages of ephemeral local interactions 8
1.2.4 Suitability of communication technologies for this type of interaction 10
1.3 Local interactions serving cooperative ITS 13
1.3.1 Cooperative ITS services 13
1.3.2 Benefit of ephemeral local interactions for cooperative ITS 14
1.3.3 V2X communication technologies 16
1.3.4 Properties of C-ITS services built on local interactions 18
1.3.5 Limitations and constraints of implementing services built on local interactions 22
1.4 Role of infrastructure in cooperative ITS services 26
1.4.1 Infrastructures dedicated to cooperative ITS 26
1.4.2 Towards an active infrastructure 28
1.5 Conclusion and prospects 29
1.6 References 30
Chapter 2 Evolution of Use Cases for Intelligent Transport Systems 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Vehicular communication technologies 34
2.2.1 ITS-G5/IEEE 802.11p technology 35
2.2.2 The 3GPP standard: C-V2X 36
2.2.3 Deployment of ITS technologies 37
2.3 Evolution of use cases 37
2.3.1 Classification of use cases 38
2.3.2 Required performance 40
2.3.3 Example of use cases 41
2.4 Challenges and future services of V2X 48
2.5 Conclusion 49
2.6 References 49
Part 2 Optimization of Data Transmission for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 51
Chapter 3 Towards an Optimization of Data Transmission in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 Context 55
3.2.1 C-ITS Services 55
3.2.2 Communication standards 56
3.3 Experimental evaluation of the performance of the C-ITS message broadcasting system 58
3.3.1 C-Roads France project and COOPITS application 58
3.3.2 Experimental environment and measurements 60
3.3.3 Analysis of results 61
3.4 Discussion of the main causes 65
3.4.1 Absence of adaptation to actual conditions 66
3.4.2 Duplication of non-scalable information 66
3.4.3 Broadcasting of information in wide geographical areas 66
3.4.4 High level of security in relation to the risks involved 67
3.5 Recommendations and research avenues 70
3.5.1 Differentiation by traffic conditions 70
3.5.2 Smart broadcasting of constant messages 70
3.5.3 Smart definition of message broadcast areas 70
3.5.4 Security-level optimization 71
3.6 Conclusion 71
3.7 Acknowledgments 72
3.8 References 72
Chapter 4 Efficient Hybridization of C-ITS Communication Technologies 75
Badreddine Yacine YACHEUR, Toufik AHMED and Mohamed MOSBAH
4.1 Introduction 75
4.2 Related works 77
4.3 Definition of a heterogeneous network architecture and design of a protocol stack 79
4.4 RL for selecting the mode of communication 81
4.4.1 Deep reinforcement learning 82
4.4.2 Correspondence with key elements of reinforcement learning 82
4.5 Performance evaluation 87
4.5.1 Simulation framework and scenario 87
4.5.2 DDQL algorithm parameters 89
4.5.3 Simulation results 90
4.6 Conclusion 93
4.7 References 93
Chapter 5 Using SDN Technology to Control C-ITS: Towards Decentralized Approaches 97
Romain DULOUT, Lylia ALOUACHE, Tidiane SYLLA, Léo MENDIBOURE, Hasnaâ ANISS, Virginie DENIAU and Yannis POUSSET
5.1 Introduction 97
5.2 Context 99
5.2.1 SDN-controlled C-ITS architectures (SDVN) 99
5.2.2 Blockchain technology 101
5.3 Application of Blockchain to SDVN architectures 103
5.4 Optimization of Blockchain technology for SDVN architectures 106
5.4.1 New architectures 107
5.4.2 New mechanisms 108
5.5 Future research avenues 109
5.5.1 Optimal positioning of Blockchain nodes 109
5.5.2 Energy consumption reduction 109
5.5.3 Integration of AI and Blockchain 110
5.5.4 A more complete integration between SDN and Blockchain 110
5.6 Conclusion 111
5.7 References 112
Chapter 6 Application of Network Slicing in C-ITS Systems 115
Abdennour RACHEDI, Toufik AHMED and Mohamed MOSBAH
6.1 Introduction 115
6.2 Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications 116
6.3 Presentation of V2X technologies 118
6.3.1 Its-g5 119
6.3.2 Lte-v2x 121
6.3.3 5g-v2x 123
6.4 Network slicing for 5G-V2X 125
6.4.1 Network slicing for C-V2X 126
6.4.2 ITS-G5 network slicing 128
6.5 Conclusion 138
6.6 References 138
Part 3 New Approaches to Data Processing in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 141
Chapter 7 A Novel Cloud Approach for Connected Vehicles 143
Geoffrey WILHEM, Marwane AYAIDA and Hacène FOUCHAL
7.1 Introduction 143
7.2 State of the art 144
7.2.1 ETSI standards for C-ITSs 145
7.2.2 Vehicular cloud computing 146
7.2.3 Information-centric networking 147
7.3 The GeoVCDN approach 150
7.3.1 A centralized context-cloud architecture 150
7.3.2 Geographic routing ICN protocol 153
7.3.3 Discussion 160
7.4 Analytical model 160
7.4.1 Description of the model 161
7.4.2 Network modeling 161
7.4.3 Communication environment modeling 164
7.4.4 Message dissemination modeling 165
7.4.5 Approaches 173
7.4.6 Discussion 179
7.5 Evaluation 180
7.5.1 Simulator description 180
7.5.2 Simulation results for network load 182
7.6 Simulation results for data utility 186
7.6.1 Simulation results for data validity 186
7.6.2 Simulation results for data freshness 187
7.6.3 Discussion of the simulation 191
7.7 Use case study 191
7.7.1 Scenario 192
7.7.2 Discussion 194
7.8 Conclusion 195
7.9 Acknowledgment 196
7.10 References 196
Chapter 8 Optimal Placement of Edge Servers in C-ITS Systems 199
Sabri KHAMARI, Toufik AHMED and Mohamed MOSBAH
8.1 Introduction 199
8.2 Context 201
8.2.1 Vehicular applications 201
8.2.2 Multi-access edge computing (MEC) 201
8.2.3 Deployment of MEC systems 201
8.3 State of the art 202
8.4 OptPlacement: efficient edge server placement 203
8.4.1 System modeling 204
8.4.2 Methodology and simulation 208
8.4.3 Performance evaluation 213
8.5 Conclusion 218
8.6 References 219
Chapter 9 Risk Estimation: A Necessity for the Connected Autonomous Vehicle 223
Dominique GRUYER, Sio-Song IENG, Sébastien GLASER,Sébastien DEMMEL, Charles TATKEU and Sabrine BELMEKKI
9.1 Context and objectives 223
9.2 Estimation of risk local to the ego-vehicle: some existing metrics 226
9.3. Development of communication strategy to extend risk: CBL and CBL-G 232
9.4 Computation of cooperative risks: extended local risk and global risk 234
9.5 Impact of global risk and anticipation of risky situations 236
9.6 Discussion 242
9.7 Conclusion and prospects 246
9.8 References 247
Chapter 10 Resilience of Collective Perception in C-ITS - Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning 251
Imed GHNAYA, Hasnaâ ANISS, Marion BERBINEAU,Mohamed MOSBAH and Toufik AHMED
10.1 Introduction 252
10.1.1 Background and issue 252
10.1.2 Motivation and contribution 253
10.2 State of the art 255
10.2.1 Standardization of collective perception by ETSI 256
10.2.2 Perception data selection and exchange techniques 257
10.3 Mathematical modeling of the cooperative driving environment 258
10.3.1 Awareness and perception data exchange 259
10.3.2 Utility of perception data in the driving environment 260
10.4 Multi-agent learning with DRL for selection and exchange of perception data 261
10.4.1 System design 262
10.4.2 Learning algorithm 263
10.5 Simulations, results and evaluations 265
10.5.1 Simulation tools, scenarios and parameters 265
10.5.2 Results and evaluations 266
10.6 Conclusion 269
10.7 References 270
Part 4 Securing Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 273
Chapter 11 Distance-Bounding Protocols 275
11.1 Introduction 276
11.2 Relations between threats for DB protocols 278
11.2.1 Threat models 278
11.2.2 Relation between different threat models 281
11.3 Overview of existing protocols 283
11.3.1 Improvement of attacks 284
11.3.2 Comparison of DB protocols 287
11.4 References 288
Chapter 12 Context-Aware Security and Privacy as a Service for the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle 295
Tidiane SYLLA, Mohamed Aymen CHALOUF,Léo MENDIBOURE and Francine KRIEF
12.1 Introduction 295
12.2 Security, privacy and trust of connected and autonomous vehicle applications 297
12.2.1 Main applications of the connected and autonomous vehicle 297
12.2.2 Security, privacy and trust services for the connected and autonomous vehicle 300
12.3 Security and privacy architecture 303
12.3.1 Context-aware security and privacy 303
12.3.2 Gaps in existing solutions 305
12.3.3 Proposed solution 306
12.4 Self-adaptive selection of network access technologies 312
12.4.1 Infrastructure edge computing 313
12.4.2 Orchestration and placement of services 315
12.5 Main research works to be conducted 317
12.6 Conclusion 318
12.7 References 319
Chapter 13 Vehicular Wireless Communications: Risks and Detection of Attacks 321
Jonathan VILLAIN, Virginie DENIAU and Christophe GRANSART
13.1 Introduction 321
13.2 General characteristics of wireless communications for connected vehicles 322
13.2.1 Challenges related to the connected vehicle 322
13.2.2 V2V communications 323
13.2.3 V2I communications 324
13.3 Characteristics of wireless communications 325
13.3.1 Principle of wireless communications 325
13.3.2 Long-range communications 325
13.3.3 Short-range communications 326
13.3.4 Advent of 5G 326
13.4 Susceptibility of communications and risks incurred 327
13.4.1 Principle of attacks targeting layers 1 and 2 of communication systems 327
13.4.2 Sybil attack 328
13.4.3 Deauthentication frame attack 328
13.4.4 Black-hole attack 329
13.4.5 Jamming attack 330
13.4.6 Flooding attack 331
13.4.7 Risks and performance indicators 331
13.5 Attack detection 332
13.5.1 Need for a detection system 332
13.5.2 Detection method 333
13.5.3 AI for detection 335
13.6 Conclusion 338
13.7 References 338
List of Authors 341
Index 345