Covering 17 different regions, Wetlands of Tropical and Subtropical Asia and Africa provides detailed information on some of the world’s most important wetlands and wetland types across those countries, as well as their current and potential biological resources. Each wetland is analyzed by a regional expert.
Written with UN sustainable development goals in mind, Wetlands of Tropical and Subtropical Asia and Africa includes information on: - Recommendations for the sustainable management of wetlands in the Asian and African tropics- The importance of sustaining local economic livelihoods in each wetland region by providing food resources as well as recreational opportunities- Wetland ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, water filtration, nutrient retention, and flood mitigation- Threats to the integrity of each wetland region as well as management strategies and practical conservation and restoration measures
Wetlands of Tropical and Subtropical Asia and Africa is an essential reference on the subject for ecologists, conservation scientists, hydrologists, and environmental and water resource managers. Governmental agencies and professionals in fisheries, agriculture, and rural development will also find value in the book.
Table of Contents
1. Recommendations for Sustainable Management of Wetlands in Indian Tropics
2. Wetlands of Bangladesh: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
3. Wetlands of Myanmar: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
4. Wetlands of the Pakistan Plains
5. Wetlands of Sri Lanka: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
6. Wetlands of Israel
7. Wetlands of Angola: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
8. Wetlands of Benin: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
9. Wetlands of Burkina Faso: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
10. Wetlands of Cameroon: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
11. Wetlands of Ghana: Biodiversity, Community Livelihoods and Conservation s
12. Biodiversity, Change and Use of Moroccan Wetlands
13. Does Malawi Need a Wetland Policy under the Current Demographic Trend?
14. Wetland Ecosystems in Nigeria: Ecological Significance, Carbon Sequestration Potential, and Conservation Challenges
15. Wetlands of Senegal: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
16. Wetlands of Zimbabwe: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
17. Wetlands of Sudan: Types, Socioeconomics, and Conservation Aspects