Evidence - Based Healthcare
A practitioner guide summarizing the aims and achievements of evidence-based healthcare and why it is crucial to modern clinical practice
ABC of Evidence-Based Healthcare explains how evidence is developed and formulated into guidance for clinicians. It details how to interpret and apply this evidence to one’s own practice and patients, covering areas such as diagnosis and screening, therapy, harm, and prognosis. Some of the key aspects discussed in this book include understanding choice of study design, the roles of quantitative and qualitative research, selecting and using appraisal tools and key statistical concepts. Additionally, the book also covers how to interpret the results of research studies, apply results to the needs of patients, communicate results to colleagues and incorporate them into student training, as well as discussing treatment options, risks, and benefits with patients.
As in all ABC books, the text is complemented with practical examples of evidence in practice to facilitate understanding. Although a standalone resource in itself, the book signposts readers to useful and comprehensive resources, including web-based calculators and tools for each main theme of the book.
In ABC of Evidence-Based Healthcare, readers will find information on: - The ethical dimension, philosophy, scope, achievements, and usefulness of evidence-based healthcare - Pre-appraised versus primary studies, healthcare databases, and search strategies including the use of keywords, wildcards, and filters - Statistical concepts including probability and confidence intervals, and cohort, diagnostic accuracy, and case control studies - Bias in research, the impact of under-research, conflicts of interest, and misleading or weak evidence - Curriculum development, covering objectives and outcomes, curriculum integration, and student assessments
ABC of Evidence-Based Healthcare delivers a practical, accessible, and highly useful introduction to concepts of evidence-based healthcare for students and new practitioners.
Table of Contents
List of Contributors vi
Preface vii
1 What Is Evidence- Based Healthcare? 1
John Frain
2 Identifying Clinical Questions 9
Raj Himatshih Babla
3 Finding the Evidence 17
Alistair Hewins and John Frain
4 Principles of Study Design 27
John Frain
5 Qualitative Research 39
John Frain
6 Statistical Concepts 47
John Frain
7 Critical Appraisal 57
John Frain
8 Evidence into Practice 65
John Frain
9 Challenges in Evidence- Based Healthcare 75
John Frain
10 Teaching and Learning Evidence- Based Healthcare 85
John Frain Copyrighted Material
Glossary 93
Bibliography 97
Useful Tools and Websites 99
Index 101