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An Introduction to Compassion in Healthcare Practice. Edition No. 1

  • Book

  • 224 Pages
  • February 2025
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • ID: 6008190
Explore the concept of compassion as it applies to the field of healthcare and improving patient outcomes

An Introduction to Compassion in Healthcare Practice identifies the core components of being compassionate and self-compassionate, so that we may be in a better position to attend to our health and to engage in helping others. The foundation of this book is that if we have an intention to help, we are best served by understanding what ‘helping’ really means. This is addressed by reviewing compassion in a range of contexts and environments, including through an evolutionary science perspective. In this view, we are ‘programmed’ to be compassionate - but social forces may throw challenges or obstacles in our way. Also covered in this text are the challenges associated with being compassionate to the self, as well as care encounters with individuals in a clinical context and working in a clinical team.

Some of the ideas explored in An Introduction to Compassion in Healthcare Practice include: - Artificial intelligence (AI) and compassion, covering ethical theories for AI alongside considerations surrounding consent and the role of touch- The role of mindfulness in self-compassion, the challenges and benefits of self-compassion, perfectionism, our “inner critic”, and shame- Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) in teamwork, lessons in developing compassionate teams, and the theory of Values-Based Practice- Components of compassion-focused leadership and supervision, and the development of self-efficacy and competence

Providing a core conceptual framework for compassion in healthcare with guidance on how to explore various topics in greater depth, An Introduction to Compassion in Healthcare Practice is an essential reference for undergraduate nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, medical practitioners, and students in related programs of study.

Table of Contents

Preface xi

Biography xv

Acknowledgments xvii

Chapter 1 A Compassion Primer 1

Introduction 1

What is Compassion? 3

Compassion as an Emotion 4

Compassion as a State or a Trait? 5

Compassion as a Motivation 5

The Threat System 6

The Drive System 6

Safeness System 6

Attributes of Compassion 8

Care for Wellbeing 9

Sensitivity 9

Sympathy 10

Empathy 10

Approaching People in a Non-judgemental Manner 11

Tolerance of Distress 12

Engaging with Compassionate Attributes 12

Our Evolutionary Biology 13

The Biological Basis of Compassion 14

Evolution of the Brain 15

The Science of Compassion 15

Compassion in the Arts 17

What Is the Price of Experience? 17

Summary 18

References 20

Chapter 2 Compassion for the Environment: The Consequences for Health Workers and Patients (with Jess Bunn) 25

Complexity and Complex Adaptive Systems 26

Exercise 27

Compassion at the Macro Level: The Global Environment 29

What Are the Compassionate Responses We Can Take? 30

Compassion for the Environment 31

Compassion at the Meso Level: The Ward/ Team/Practice Environment 32

The IoM Core Competencies 36

Compassion at the Micro Level: The Person Orientated Practice Environment 36

Interoception and Neuroception 36

Digging Deeper Into Polyvagal Theory 38

How Does This Play Out in the Nervous System? 38

Developing our Compassionate Practice Environment 39

Case Studies 40

References 42

Chapter 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Compassion - Can You Have Compassionate AI? (with Dr Michael Rowe) 47

Introduction 47

What is the Role of Compassion in AI? 49

Ethics and AI 50

An Overview of Ethical Theories for AI 50

Utilitarianism 50

Deontology 51

Principle Ethics 51

Autonomy 52

Beneficence 52

Nonmaleficence 52

Justice 52

Virtue Ethics 52

Care Ethics 53

Consent for Care Provided by AI Technology 54

Can AI Robotics Deliver ‘Care’? 54

The Role of Touch in Care Giving 55

Case Study: What if AI Was More Compassionate than a Person? 57

Conclusion 59

Our Thoughts on Potential Benefits and Risks of AI in the Case Scenario 59

References 63

Chapter 4 Compassion, Self-compassion and Being Mindful 65

Introduction 65

Developing Self-Compassion 66

Narcissism and Self-Compassion 66

Self-Compassion 67

The Benefits of Being Self-Compassionate 69

The Challenges of Self-Compassion 70

Perfectionism 70

Our ‘Inner Critic’ 71

Shame 72

How to Develop Self-Compassion 73

Practicing Self-Compassion 75

Exercise 75

Resilience 76

Burnout 76

References 80

Chapter 5 Compassionate Encounters with Individuals 83

Introduction 83

Developing an Evolutionary Understanding of Compassion 84

Pro-Sociality 86

Working with Individuals - Empathy and Compassion 87

Attributes when Working Compassionately: A Focus on Motivation 91

What Is Motivation? 92

Case Study: ‘Going for a Drink with Dave’ 94

References 97

Chapter 6 Encounters with Groups: The Compassionate Team 103

Introduction 103

Professional Values 104

Developing Values-Based Practice 105

Values Based Practice 106

What Is VBP? 106

VIII Contents the Importance of Values in the Practice of Health and Social Care Workers 108

The Theory of Values- Based Practice 109

Compassion and Team Working 113

Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) in Teamworking 114

What Are the Implications for Compassionate Practice? 115

The ‘Meitheal’ as a Cultural Expression of Compassionate Teamworking 116

Compassionate Teams: Lessons from Project Aristotle 117

Case Study 119

The Compassion Focused Multi-Disciplinary Team (CF MDT) 120

Meditation Content 120

Post Meditation Discussion 121

Questions 121

References 121

Chapter 7 Compassionate Support for People: The Role of Supervision 127

Introduction 127

What is Practice Supervision? 128

Developing Self-Efficacy and Competence 129

Supervision and the Issue of Identity 130

A Model of Supervision 132

Schwartz Rounds and Compassion 134

A Revised Approach to Compassionate Supervision 135

The Components of Compassion-Focused Supervision 138

Promoting Courage Through Supervision 139

Leadership and Supervision 139

Case Study Exercise 141

References 141

Chapter 8 Compassionate Leadership 147

Introduction 147

An Overview of Leadership in Health and Social Care 148

The Context of Healthcare Leadership 149

A Review of Existing Literature on Leadership Style 153

A Word on The ‘Alpha’ Narrative on Leadership 153

Compassionate Leadership 154

Leadership From an Evolutionary Perspective 154

Compassion, Resilience and Leadership 155

Is Personal Resilience the Answer? 156

‘Real-World’ Leadership 158

Compassionate Leadership and Social Relationships 159

Safety 160

Trustworthiness and Transparency 161

Peer Support 161

Collaboration and Mutuality 161

Team-Based Approach 162

Empowerment and Choice 162

Cultural, Historical and Gender Issues 162

Case Scenario: Compassionate Leadership in Healthcare 163

Background 163

Questions to Consider 164

References 166

Chapter 9 Teaching Compassion (with Lyndsay Khan) 171

Introduction 171

Courage 172

Wisdom 174

Can Compassion be Taught? 176

The Compassionate Educator 178

An Overview of Training in Compassion 179

Compassion and Caring 181

Teaching Mindfulness 182

Strategies for Teaching Compassion 182

Case Study 184

Teaching Compassion 184

Introduction 184

Case Study Scenario 184

Learning Objectives 184

Areas for Discussion 185

Learning Activities 185

Teaching Compassion: Case Study 2 185

Introduction 185

Case Study Scenario 186

Learning Objectives 186

Discussion Questions 186

Learning Activities 187

Conclusion 187

References 187

Index 193


Ian McGonagle University of Lincoln.