This guide presents a review, analysis and best practices of current on-boarding and continuous Medical Science Liaison training programs / MSL Training. These programs are critical to the success of the MSL role and their organization. Analysis shows assessment of current training practices for on-boarding and continuous programs and provides executives with benchmarks, number of hours, methods used to conduct training, typical functions involved (trainers), five real-world training program profiles, as well as as the development of on-boarding and continuous training program model outlines.
Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) need to uphold higher standards, and develop and maintain quality relationships with thought leaders through proficient on-boarding and continuous msl training programs. Today’s thought leaders have access to a plethora of information and are bombarded with requests to participate in activities for and on behalf or pharmaceutical organizations. They also often sense “green” and stale MSLs and will give more time to those who are up-to-date on recent publications, product features and industry highlights than those who rehash the same content from one meeting to another or simply are “behind the eight ball”. Therefore, the need for first-class MSLs is imperative to the success of both the MSLs and their organizations.
Establishing proven and rigorous on-boarding MSL training programs is critical to ensure new hires gain the ability to conduct their assigned tasks quickly and for companies to actually benefit from having new employees with higher job satisfaction who can contribute to the organization in a timely fashion.
Research shows that:
- 90% of study participants experienced stable or growing MSL teams in the past year, while 66% expect stabilization of their teams in the next year, and 31% expect further growth in the next year - generating additional needs for training.
- 91% of surveyed organizations reported they conduct a formal on-boarding training program.
- Surveyed companies reported providing an average of 188 hours of on-boarding training and nearly 100 hours of continuous yearly training.
Similarly, as the industry face constant changes in regulations and compliance, companies need to warrant that their employees enhance their knowledge and maintain an updated understanding of their role within the fast-moving life science environment through rigorous continuous training programs.
The report findings are based on exchanges with 22 Medical Affairs executives representing 20 companies based across Asia, Europe and Latin and North America.
Table of Contents
Study HighlightsResearch Methodology
Analysts use primary and secondary research resources to develop our studies. The quantitative and qualitative data are collected through surveys and interviews conducted with professionals within the area of study. The data presented in our studies are an aggregate of survey and interview input. When possible, the data is presented by country. region or other factor to outline meaningful differences. We protect the identity and privacy of study participants and therefore blind their personal information and the organizations to which they belong - we only present the participation by company size and titles. This enables us to collect unbiased information, provided confidently by participants.