Photovoltaic Device Physics and Materials: Solar Cell, Energy Management, and Retinomorphic Structures, Third Edition reflects that the physics behind these three important photovoltaics applications is the same while the device structure, designs, and materials used to optimally implement this physics varies. These variations come from differences in the incoming spectra, the materials utilized, and differences in the concomitant light trapping required. The importance of the materials utilized requires extensive examination and exploration of emerging inorganics, including perovskites, organics, and 2-D materials. An additional consideration that is addressed is device planar extent, which varies with device application. This thoroughly revised and expanded text is a valuable resource for students and researchers looking to learn about photovoltaic or solar cell devices, as well as faculty, engineers, R&D, government and industry labs, and medical facilities.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Photovoltaic Devices 2. Material Properties and Device Physics Basic to Photovoltaics 3. Structures, Key Materials, and Scale in Photovoltaic Devices 4. Homojunctions: Structures, Materials and Applications 5. Heterojunctions: Structures, Materials and Applications 6. Surface-barrier Devices: Structures, Materials and Applications 7. Dye-sensitized Devices: Structures, Materials and Applications 8. Emerging Materials Systems for Photovoltaic Devices
Stephen J. Fonash Kunkle Chair Professor of Engineering Sciences and Director, Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization, The Pennsylvania State University, USA. Dr. Stephen Fonash is Bayard D. Kunkle Chair Professor Emeritus of Engineering Sciences at Penn State University and Chief Technology Officer of Solarity LCCM, LLC. His activities at Penn State include serving as the director of Penn State's Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization (CNEU), director of the National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education Center, and director of the Pennsylvania Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology Partnership.Prof. Fonash's education contributions focus on nanotechnology post-secondary education and workforce development. His research activities encompass the processing and device physics of micro- and nanostructures including solar cells, sensors, and transistors. He has published over 300 refereed papers in the areas of education, nanotechnology, photovoltaics, microelectronics devices and processing, sensors, and thin film transistors. His book "Solar Cell Device Physics� has been termed the "bible of solar cell physics� and his solar cell computer modeling code AMPS is used by almost 800 groups around the world. Dr. Fonash holds 29 patents in his research areas, many of which are licensed to industry. He is on multiple journal boards, serves as an advisor to university and government groups, has consulted for a variety of firms, and has co-founded two companies. Prof. Fonash received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society