Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to GNR2. Ecohydrological Models for Estimating Soil Moisture
3. Aquifer Storage and Recovery
4. Water Productivity Enhancement using GARC
5. Groundwater Vulnerability to Climate Change
6. Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction
7. Remote Sensing Data to Model Groundwater Recharge Potential
8. GNR from River
9. GNR from Irrigated Cropland
10. Global GNR in Semiarid and Arid regions
11. Groundwater Dam
12. Karst Watersheds: Advantages and Disadvantages
13. Application of Soft-Computing for GNR Modeling and Estimation
14. Future Perspective of Semi-Arid and Arid Regions
Saeid Eslamian Distinguished Full Professor, Disaster Relief: Resilient and Sustainable Water Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran.Saeid Eslamian received his PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from University of New South Wales, Australia in 1998. Saeid was Visiting Professor in Princeton University and ETH Zurich in 2005 and 2008 respectively. He has contributed to more than 1K publications in journals, conferences, books. Eslamian has been appointed as 2-Percent Top Researcher by Stanford University for several years. Currently, he is full professor of Hydrology and Water Resources and Director of Excellence Center in Risk Management and Natural Hazards. Isfahan University of Technology, His scientific interests are Floods, Droughts, Water Reuse, Climate Change Adaptation, Sustainability and Resilience
Faezeh Eslamian Project Manager, GHD, Quebec, Canada. Faezeh Eslamian is a PhD holder of bioresource engineering from McGill University. Her research focuses on the development of a novel lime-based product to mitigate phosphorus loss from agricultural fields. Faezeh completed her bachelor's and master's degrees in civil and environmental engineering from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, where she evaluated natural and low-cost absorb bents for the removal of pollutants such as textile dyes and heavy metals. Furthermore, she has conducted research on the worldwide water quality standards and wastewater reuse guidelines. Faezeh is an experienced multidisciplinary researcher with research interests in soil and water quality, environmental remediation, water reuse, and drought management.