Presents a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the evolution and underlying rationale of marketing theories
Marketing is a dynamic discipline, subject to evolutionary changes over time. Over the years, many schools of marketing thought have enriched the discipline. Today, some of the schools are only found in history books, while others have transformed into new, modern schools of thought shaped by changing marketing contexts and the emergence of digital technology.
Marketing Theory examines 16 schools of marketing thought that emerged, evolved, and dominated the marketing discipline over the course of a century. Written by a team of noted experts, this acclaimed book provides in-depth evaluations of each school - utilizing a rigorous metatheoretical framework based on scientific criteria such as syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
In this new global expanded edition, Marketing Theory identifies four new schools of marketing thought that have emerged in the past 30 years, each with separate chapters devoted to their assessment. It remains a must-read book for doctoral students in marketing, as well as young scholars and practitioners who want to understand the rationale and theoretical tenets of the various schools and contextualize their role in developing contemporary marketing theory.
New to this Edition:
- New chapters on four new schools of marketing thought
- New content on contenders for a general theory of marketing: Market Orientation, Service-Dominant Logic, Rule of Three Theory, and Resource Advantage (R-A) Theory of Competition
- New and expanded coverage of Relationship Marketing, with greater emphasis on R-A Theory
- Now includes insightful questions for analysis and advanced-level discussions for every chapter
Wiley Advantage:
- Covers the main concepts and principles underlying marketing theory and practice
- Provides a comprehensive typology for the 16 major schools of marketing thought
- Describes concepts and axioms useful in generating a practical theory of marketing.
- Offers a practical approach to marketing theory that generates a more realistic view of marketing issues
- Illustrates how marketing problems have been solved in the real world of business by connecting theory to practice
- Includes extensive references throughout, including many pioneering yet lesser-known works
Table of Contents
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
About the Authors xvii
Prologue xxv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Non-Interactive Economic Schools of Marketing 25
Chapter 3 Interactive Economic Schools of Marketing 51
Chapter 4 Non-Interactive - Non-Economic Schools of Marketing 77
5 Interactive-Non-Economic Schools of Marketing 103
Chapter 6 What We Have Learned 127
Chapter 7 Marketing Strategy School of Thought 141
Chapter 8 International Marketing School of Thought 161
Chapter 9 Services Marketing School of Thought 173
Chapter 10 Relationship Marketing School of Thought 185
Summary 208
Questions for Analysis and Discussion 209
Epilogue 211
References 215
Index 261