Health Psychology: Applying Psychological Science to Health and Wellness brings the contributions of health psychologists to students with an approach that makes their study of the subject personally meaningful. Encouraging students to examine their own health-related behaviors and attitudes, the text presents students with the latest research findings that inform our understanding of the interrelationships between psychology and health.
This easily accessible textbook covers topics traditionally addressed in a health psychology course, as well as broad and deep coverage of important health-related issues relating to reproductive, sexual, and psychological health. Dedicated chapters provide the context for many health issues, such as sexually transmitted infections and their prevention, behavioral aspects of reproductive health, decision making about reproductive options, sexual dysfunctions, and psychological health issues viewed from the biopsychosocial perspective.
Throughout the text, the authors use a personal writing style that injects a bit of humor to engage student readers, all the while keeping a focus on developing healthier behaviors that anyone can apply in their daily lives.
This textbook includes access to an interactive, multimedia e-text. Icons throughout the print book signal corresponding digital content in the e-text.
Concept and Topic Videos
Throughout the enhanced e-text, students will find a variety of videos that complement the reading with brief explorations of general psychology concepts that are relevant to the discussions of health psychology.
A variety of engaging animations illustrate concepts from a real-world, sometimes humorous perspective.
Interactive Self-Assessments
Self-scoring questionnaires stimulate interest and provide self-insight. Appearing throughout the enhanced e-text, these exercises help students satisfy their curiosity about themselves and enhance the relevance of the text to their lives.
Interactive Figures, Charts, and Tables
Integrated throughout the enhanced e-text, interactive figures, diagrams, and other illustrations engage students to facilitate study and strengthen retention of important information.
Interactive Self-Scoring Quizzes
Students can check their answers to the Review questions at the end of each major chapter section instantly and an end-of-chapter Practice Quiz helps prepare for graded assignments and exams.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Foundations of Health Psychology
Chapter 2. Theories of Health Behavior: Adherence and Change
Chapter 3. The Healthcare System
Chapter 4. Stress and the Immune System
Chapter 5. Resilience and Coping
Chapter 6. Understanding and Managing Pain
Chapter 7. The Digestive System, Nutrition, Weight, and Eating Disorders
Chapter 8. Physical Activity, Sleep, Violence, and Accidents
Chapter 9. Substance Use and Abuse
Chapter 10. Reproductive and Sexual Health
Chapter 11. Psychological Health
Chapter 12. Cardiovascular Health
Chapter 13. Cancer
Chapter 14. Chronic Diseases and End]of]Life Issues
Chapter 15. New Directions in Health Psychology