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Massachusetts Environmental Law

  • Book

  • 1224 Pages
  • August 2024
  • Region: United States
  • Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. (MCLE)
  • ID: 6026164

A Comprehensive Guide to State and Federal Environmental Regulation

Massachusetts Environmental Law is a comprehensive guide to state and federal environmental laws and regulations. Experienced practitioners address dozens of environmental issues, providing clear explanations of controlling law along with valuable practice insights. A list of common acronyms helps sort out the alphabet soup of environmental terminology, and more than sixty helpful exhibits, including checklists, sample pleadings, forms, and departmental guidelines, are available for download. Whether you're a public-sector lawyer or counsel for an individual, business, or nonprofit organization, this essential resource will be your valued partner in taking on today's environmental challenges.

Table of Contents

Chapter 01 - Guide to Environmental Law
Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC

Chapter 02 - State Administration and Enforcement
Olympia (Libby) Bowker, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Colin G. Van Dyke, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Checklist 2.1 - Checklist of Suggestions for Dealing with MassDEP Staff

Chapter 03 - Governmental Enforcement Litigation
Seth Schofield, Esq.,
Environmental Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General
Exhibit 3A - Typical State Complaint
Exhibit 3B - Summary of Criminal and Civil Sanctions Authorized Under State Law
Exhibit 3C - Typical State Settlement Documents

Chapter 04 - Public Interest Environmental and Energy Litigation
Staci Rubin, Esq., MPH, MELP,
Department of Public Utilities
Phelps Turner, Esq.,
Conservation Law Foundation
Checklist 4.1 - Checklist for Lawyers Pursuing Public Interest Environmental and Energy Litigation
Exhibit 4A - Sample Complaint: Deadline Suit Against Agency
Exhibit 4B - Sample Complaint: Injunctive Relief and Declaratory Judgment Suit Against Agency
Exhibit 4C - Sample Consent Decrees in Enforcement Suits
Exhibit 4D - Sample FOIA Request, Follow-up Letters, and FOIA Complaint
Exhibit 4E - Massachusetts Public Records Request Template

Chapter 05 - Common Law Environmental Protection in Massachusetts
Prof. R. Lisle Baker, Esq.,
Suffolk University Law School

Chapter 06 - Historic Preservation Law
Kathleen M. O'Donnell, Esq.,
Law Office of Kathleen M. O'Donnell
Checklist 6.1 - Checklist of Adverse Effects Considered in Evaluating Projects Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966

Chapter 07 - Taxation Law and Conservation Gifts
Nancy E. Dempze, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP
Exhibit 7A - Model Conservation Restriction Form (with DCS Comments)
Exhibit 7B - Conservation Restriction Submission Form
Exhibit 7C - Conservation Restriction Review Process General Outline (DCS Website)
Exhibit 7D - Plans, Policies, and Programs Helpful in Demonstrating State and Local Public Benefit (DCS Website)
Exhibit 7E - Conservation Land Tax Credit Program General Selection Criteria
Exhibit 7F - Massachusetts Conservation Land Tax Credit Application

Chapter 08 - Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Law
Harlan M. Doliner, Esq.,
Mabbett & Associates Inc
Meghan L. Morgan, Esq.,

Chapter 09 - Massachusetts Forest and Farmland Law
Francis A. Di Luna, Esq.,
Smolak & Vaughan LLP
Exhibit 9A - Slash Disposal Setbacks
Exhibit 9B - Amendment Article 97
Exhibit 9C - Executive Order # 193
Exhibit 9D - Probable Statutory Intent of G.L. c. 40A, § 3
Exhibit 9E - Sales Ratio Tests
Exhibit 9F - Current Use Taxation Table
Exhibit 9G - MDAR Agri-tourism Memo

Chapter 10 - Wetlands and Floodplain Law
Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC

Chapter 11 - Tidelands and Waterways Law
Olympia (Libby) Bowker, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Jessica A. Wall, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Exhibit 11A - Criteria for a Chapter 168 Public Benefit Determination
Exhibit 11B - Diagram of Developed Shoreline
Exhibit 11C - Pier 4 Mixed-Use Development Consolidated Written Determination and Project License

Chapter 12 - Coastal Zone Law
Marissa Grenon Gutierrez, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Jessica A. Wall, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Checklist 12.1 - Checklist of Requirements for Obtaining a New or Modified Discharge Permit Under 301 C.M.R. § 27.07
Exhibit 12A - MCZM Program Policies
Exhibit 12B - The Oceans Act of 2008
Exhibit 12C - 2021 Ocean Management Plan, Management Areas
Exhibit 12D - 2021 Ocean Management Plan, Renewable Energy Lease Areas in Adjacent Federal Waters
Exhibit 12E - Massachusetts Beaches Within the Coastal Barrier Resources System

Chapter 13 - Public Land Law
Nancy Kaplan, Esq.,
Eversource/Legal Department

Chapter 14 - Massachusetts Clean Air Act
Kathleen M. Brill, Esq.,
Foley Hoag LLP
Adam P. Kahn, Esq.,
Foley Hoag LLP

Chapter 15 - Water Pollution Control
Luke H. Legere, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC
Checklist 15.1 - Checklist of Exemptions from the Sewer System Extension and Connection Permit Program (314 C.M.R. § 7.00)

Chapter 16 - Public Health Law and Environmental Law
Susan A. Bernstein, Esq.,
Susan A Bernstein
Exhibit 16A - Summary of Exceptions to Liability Under Section 10 of the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act

Chapter 17 - Drinking Water Supply
Karen L. Crocker, Esq.,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Exhibit 17A - Key Provisions: The 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments

Chapter 18 - Solid Waste Regulation in Massachusetts
Peter F. Durning, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP
Thomas A. Mackie, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP
Checklist 18.1 - Checklist of General Site-Suitability Standards Under 310 C.M.R. § 16.40(4)-(5)
Exhibit 18A - Criteria for Siting

Chapter 19 - Land Use Planning
Barbara Carboni,
Truro Town Hall
Jonathan D. Witten, Esq.,
Law Office of Jonathan Witten, LLC

Chapter 20 - Zoning, Subdivision, and Nonzoning Land Use Controls
Nathaniel Stevens, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens PC
Checklist 20.1 - Checklist for Special Permit Procedure
Checklist 20.2 - Checklist for Variance Procedure
Checklist 20.3 - Checklist for Zoning Enforcement Procedure

Chapter 21 - Hazardous Materials Law
Aladdine D. Joroff, Esq.,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Exhibit 21A - Summary of Reporting Requirements Under EPCRA and Implementing Regulations

Chapter 22 - Hazardous Waste Cleanup
Peter F. Durning, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP
Gail E. Magenau Hire, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP
John F. Shea, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP
Exhibit 22A - Emerging Contaminants
Exhibit 22B - Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Site Model and Charts Illustrating Evaluation Process and Critical Exposure Pathway
Exhibit 22C - Similar Soils Provision Guidance
Exhibit 22D - Evolution of the MCP
Exhibit 22E - Audit Fact Sheet
Exhibit 22F - Evolution of Chapter 21E
Exhibit 22G - MCP Timelines and Fees
Exhibit 22H - Downgradient Property Status Fact Sheet
Exhibit 22I - Model Notice of Demand Pursuant to G.L. c. 21E, § 4A
Exhibit 22J - Model Response to Section 4A Demand Notice
Exhibit 22K - MCP Cleanup Timeline
Exhibit 22L - MassDEP Fact Sheet on Brownfields and Waste Site Cleanup Programs
Exhibit 22M - Fact Sheet: The Massachusetts Waste Site Cleanup Program - The Basics

Chapter 23 - Private Party Cost Recovery
Michael J. O'Neill, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens PC
Checklist 23.1 - Checklist Regarding Claim Notice Under G.L. c. 21E, § 4A
Checklist 23.2 - Checklist Regarding Claim Response Under G.L. c. 21E, § 4A
Checklist 23.3 - Checklist of Key Witnesses Likely to Be Deposed in a Chapter 21E Case
Exhibit 23A - Sample Notification Letter
Exhibit 23B - Sample Complaint
Exhibit 23C - Sample Standstill and Tolling Agreement

Chapter 24 - MEPA Review
R.J. Lyman, Esq.,
Dain, Torpy, Le Ray, Wiest & Garner, PC

Chapter 25 - Environmental Engineering for Lawyers
Ronald E. Myrick, Jr.,
Tetra Tech
Sean Reardon,
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Checklist 25.1 - Hazardous Waste Site Assessment Initial Data Source Checklist

Chapter 26 - Environmental Science for Lawyers
David Biancavilla,
BSC Group, Inc
Ingeborg E. Hegemann,
BSC Group, Inc
Melissa Kaplan,
BSC Group, Inc
Dominic Rinaldi,
BSC Group, Inc
Exhibit 26A - Bibliography
Exhibit 26B - List of Useful Websites

Chapter 27 - Insurance Issues in Environmental Practice
Harvey Nosowitz, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP
Steven L. Schreckinger, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP

Chapter 28 - Environmental Issues in Real Estate Practice
Robert D. Cox, Jr., Esq.,
Bowditch & Dewey LLP
Exhibit 28A - Basic Conditions for Offer
Exhibit 28B - Intermediate Conditions for Offer to Purchase Premises with Known Contamination
Exhibit 28C - Basic Indemnification Clause for Purchase and Sale Agreement
Exhibit 28D - Intermediate Indemnification Agreement for Execution as a Separate Contract
Exhibit 28E - Advanced Indemnification Agreement
Exhibit 28F - Warranties and Representations for Leaking Underground Tank Cleanup
Exhibit 28G - Lease Provisions on Hazardous Materials
Exhibit 28H - Typical Financing Indemnity Provision

Chapter 29 - The Police Power and Regulatory Takings
Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC

Chapter 30 - Environmental Justice
Thomas A. Mackie, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP
Glossary - Glossary of Environmental Law Abbreviations=



Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC, Boston


Prof. R. Lisle Baker, Esq.,
Suffolk University Law School, Boston

Susan A. Bernstein, Esq.,
Susan A Bernstein, Lexington

David Biancavilla,
BSC Group, Inc, Boston

Olympia (Libby) Bowker, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP, Boston

Kathleen M. Brill, Esq.,
Foley Hoag LLP, Boston

Barbara Carboni,
Truro Town Hall, Truro

Robert D. Cox, Jr., Esq.,
Bowditch & Dewey LLP, Worcester

Karen L. Crocker, Esq.,
Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston

Nancy E. Dempze, Esq.,
Hemenway & Barnes LLP, Boston

Francis A. Di Luna, Esq.,
Smolak & Vaughan LLP, North Andover

Harlan M. Doliner, Esq.,
Mabbett & Associates Inc, Stoneham

Peter F. Durning, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP, Boston

Marissa Grenon Gutierrez, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP, Boston

Ingeborg E. Hegemann,
BSC Group, Inc, Boston

Gail E. Magenau Hire, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP, Boston

Aladdine D. Joroff, Esq.,
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston

Adam P. Kahn, Esq.,
Foley Hoag LLP, Boston

Melissa Kaplan,
BSC Group, Inc, Boston

Nancy Kaplan, Esq.,
Eversource/Legal Department, Boston

Luke H. Legere, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC, Boston

R.J. Lyman, Esq.,
Dain, Torpy, Le Ray, Wiest & Garner, PC, Boston

Thomas A. Mackie, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP, Boston

Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens, PC, Boston

Meghan L. Morgan, Esq.,
Ronald E. Myrick, Esq.,
Fort Myers

Harvey Nosowitz, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP, Boston

Kathleen M. O'Donnell, Esq.,
Law Office of Kathleen M. O'Donnell, Milton

Michael J. O'Neill, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens PC, Boston

Sean Reardon,
Tetra Tech, Inc., Marlborough

Dominic Rinaldi,
BSC Group, Inc, Boston

Staci Rubin, Esq., MPH, MELP,
Department of Public Utilities, Boston

Seth Schofield, Esq.,
Environmental Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General, Boston

Steven L. Schreckinger, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP, Boston

John F. Shea, Esq.,
Verrill Dana LLP, Boston

Nathaniel Stevens, Esq.,
McGregor Legere & Stevens PC, Boston

Phelps Turner, Esq.,
Conservation Law Foundation, Boston

Colin G. Van Dyke, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP, Boston

Jessica A. Wall, Esq.,
Anderson Kreiger LLP, Boston

Jonathan D. Witten, Esq.,
Law Office of Jonathan Witten, LLC, Duxbury