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The Quadrillion Dollar Bridge. Closing the Retirement Funding Gap by Understanding How Humans Make Decisions. Edition No. 1

  • Book

  • 336 Pages
  • April 2025
  • John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • ID: 6026904
Unlock the secrets to successful retirement planning with insights that will revolutionize the way we make financial decisions

In The Quadrillion Dollar Bridge: Retirement Behaviour, author Josef Pilger delves into the complex landscape of retirement, systems, decisions, planning, behaviours and outcome expectations providing vital guidance for policymakers, individuals, retirement and financial services providers. This book addresses the complex challenges consumers, policymakers and providers face today, from navigating investments to making informed decisions that affect the retirement lifestyle for millions. With Pilger's extensive experience in the global retirement and financial services sector, he offers practical solutions designed to empower readers for a more secure financial future.

Packed with research-based insights and actionable strategies, the book dissects the evolving retirement landscape - highlighting how you can better navigate the shift from defined benefits to individualized plans and what he calls “Retirement 2.0”. Readers will learn how to make informed choices that improve their retirement systems, delivery and outcomes, ensuring they achieve lasting peace of mind.

Inside the book: - Discover how understanding behavioural psychology can reshape investment strategies - Learn best practices to maximize retirement savings, systems and outcomes - Explore the interconnectedness of health, wealth, longevity and career decisions in planning for the Golden Years

The Quadrillion Dollar Bridge: Retirement Behaviour is a must-read for policymakers, financial services providers, pension fund professionals, and financial advisors eager to enhance their clients' retirement planning experiences. Empower yourself and your clients today with the knowledge needed to thrive in a complicated financial landscape.

Table of Contents

Contents   Foreword                                                                                                  5   Author’s Foreword                                                                                        6     Section A: Framing Context   Retirement System Objectives: Purpose and Cultural Framing Expectations                    10   Problem: What problem? The governance and fiduciary duty                                  14   Retirement System Parameters                                                                  16     Section B: Retirement and Financial Well-being Ecosystem   The Financial Well-Being Ecosystem                                                           23   Retirement Decision Map                                                                         25   The Unavoidable Statistical Section                                                            27   The Retirement Memories-Map                                                                28   Why are Retirement Decisions so Hard?                                                  30   Financial Literacy and Financial Advice as Silver Bullets?                               34   What can we learn from Human Evolution?                                               37   Intergenerational Wealth Transfer                                                            45   Behavioural Economics - Progress at Last?                                            46   Retirement Success                                                                                47   Financial Planning Success                                                                      51     Section C: Transform Retirement 2.0 - Defining the Crucial Challenge(s)   The New Brand of Retirement 2.0                                                            55   The Foundation of Success in Retirement 2.0                                              57   Transform: How can we see what others don’t?                                            60   A Policymakers’ Balanced Scorecard for Retirement 2.0                                61   Longevity's Impact on Governments                                                          64     Section D: Transform Retirement 2.0 - Breaking Down the Challenge(s)   Break Down the Challenge and Challenge Statement                                      76   Compare Stakeholders’ Perspectives and Wants                                         83     Section E: Transform Retirement 2.0 - Search Within the Sector   Searching for Best Practices from Australia                                               103   Searching for Best Practices from the Netherlands                                      104   Searching for Best Practices from Denmark                                                104   Searching for Best Practices from Hong Kong                                            105   Searching for Best Practices from Malaysia                                              105   Searching for Best Practices from the US                                                106   Searching for Best Practices from Canada                                                107   Searching for Best Practices from Chile                                                  108   Searching for Best Practices from India                                                   109   Searching for Financial Advice Best Practices in the UK and Australia            110   Selected Key Learnings from within the Global Retirement Ecosystem              115     Section F: Think Bigger for Retirement 2.0 - Search Outside of the Sector   The Search for Better Attraction and Engagement                                      118   The Search for More Learning About Customer Attraction at Scale                    120   Search for Financial Security-Centric Retirement Advice Learnings               122   Search for Better Enablement and Decision for Retirement Learnings               126   Search for Learnings for a Better Ecosystem and a “Fulfilled Life”                129   Learning About the Illusion of Validity                                                    130   Search for Better Government and Policymaker Interventions                        131   Learnings from the Global COVID Vaccine Journey                                       132   Learnings from the Implementation of Obama Care                                       134   Learnings from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Journey              135     Section G: Think Bigger for Retirement 2.0 - The Options Map   Evolving the Options Map Pragmatically                                                  137   Shift 1: From Retirement 1.0 to 2.0 and ‘Fulfilled Life” Transformation             139   Completing Commensurate Implementation of Retirement 1.0                             139   A Practical Solution for Gig, Self-employed (GEPs) and the Future of Work         140   What Does Retirement 1.1 Mean?                                                           140   The Shift to Retirement 2.0                                                                141   What Aspects Should Be Included in Financial Security for Retirement 2.0?        142   What is the Magic Answer?                                                                 143   The Shift to a “Fulfilled Life” Approach                                                144   Shift 2: From Incremental to Transformative Outcome Architecture                 144   Shift 3: From Process and Choice to Saver Outcome Architecture                   146   Shift 4: From Process to Outcome Governance                                         149   Shift 5: From Process and Product to Value-Chain Architecture                   153   Seamless Data Access and Integration of Government Pension and Support Systems   157   Integration of Home Ownership                                                              157   Seamless Data Access and Integration of Health and Other Relevant Areas          157   Shift 6: From Financial Planning to Advice Outcome Architecture                   159   Pressure to Shift from Good to Best-Saver Interests Has Emerged                   160   Fee and Price Sensitivity Emerged on a Different Level                              161   Demand and Context for Financial Planning and Advice                              161   Supply of Financial Planning and Advice and Context                                164   Accumulation, Decumulation, and Longevity Converged at Scale                    168   Focus on Vulnerable Cohorts and Literacy at Scale Arose                           169   Focus Shifted to Outcomes Rather than Process                                      170   The Political Test: The $1 Quadrillion Prize of Value Generation                   172     Section H: What Do the Six Shifts Mean More for the Golden Years?   Framing the Conversation                                                                  174   Framing Success                                                                                176   The Australian Retirement System                                                        178   Outcome Scope for Retirement 1.0: Complete the Jigsaw                           179   Outcome Scope for Retirement 2.0: Thinking About the Inevitable Tough Questions   181   Transformative Policy Outcomes                                                          182   Outcome Architecture                                                                       182   Financial Planning and Advice Architecture                                             184   The German Retirement System                                                           185   Outcome Scope for Retirement 1.0 and Transformative Policy Outcomes             186   Outcome Architecture                                                                       187   The Dutch Retirement System                                                              188   The UK Private Retirement System                                                        189   The US Private Retirement System                                                        191   Where Are We Today?                                                                        191   The Way Forward                                                                           194     Section I: Leadership Interviews   Intro                                                                                               197   Australia: David - 500 - 1000 Words                                                        197   Germany: Heri                                                                                 197   UK: Jamie                                                                                      197   US and Global: Nikki                                                                         197   Global: Andrew                                                                               197     Section J: Conclusion                                                                                 197   Table of Charts, Tables, and Figures                                                       200   References and Endnotes                                                                     200    Contents


Foreword                                                                                                  5 

Author’s Foreword                                                                                        6 


Section A: Framing Context 

Retirement System Objectives: Purpose and Cultural Framing Expectations                    10 

Problem: What problem? The governance and fiduciary duty                                  14 

Retirement System Parameters                                                                  16 


Section B: Retirement and Financial Well-being Ecosystem 

The Financial Well-Being Ecosystem                                                           23 

Retirement Decision Map                                                                         25 

The Unavoidable Statistical Section                                                            27 

The Retirement Memories-Map                                                                28 

Why are Retirement Decisions so Hard?                                                  30 

Financial Literacy and Financial Advice as Silver Bullets?                               34 

What can we learn from Human Evolution?                                               37 

Intergenerational Wealth Transfer                                                            45 

Behavioural Economics - Progress at Last?                                            46 

Retirement Success                                                                                47 

Financial Planning Success                                                                      51 


Section C: Transform Retirement 2.0 - Defining the Crucial Challenge(s) 

The New Brand of Retirement 2.0                                                            55 

The Foundation of Success in Retirement 2.0                                              57 

Transform: How can we see what others don’t?                                            60 

A Policymakers’ Balanced Scorecard for Retirement 2.0                                61 

Longevity's Impact on Governments                                                          64 


Section D: Transform Retirement 2.0 - Breaking Down the Challenge(s) 

Break Down the Challenge and Challenge Statement                                      76 

Compare Stakeholders’ Perspectives and Wants                                         83 


Section E: Transform Retirement 2.0 - Search Within the Sector 

Searching for Best Practices from Australia                                               103 

Searching for Best Practices from the Netherlands                                      104 

Searching for Best Practices from Denmark                                                104 

Searching for Best Practices from Hong Kong                                            105 

Searching for Best Practices from Malaysia                                              105 

Searching for Best Practices from the US                                                106 

Searching for Best Practices from Canada                                                107 

Searching for Best Practices from Chile                                                  108 

Searching for Best Practices from India                                                   109 

Searching for Financial Advice Best Practices in the UK and Australia            110 

Selected Key Learnings from within the Global Retirement Ecosystem              115 


Section F: Think Bigger for Retirement 2.0 - Search Outside of the Sector 

The Search for Better Attraction and Engagement                                      118 

The Search for More Learning About Customer Attraction at Scale                    120 

Search for Financial Security-Centric Retirement Advice Learnings               122 

Search for Better Enablement and Decision for Retirement Learnings               126 

Search for Learnings for a Better Ecosystem and a “Fulfilled Life”                129 

Learning About the Illusion of Validity                                                    130 

Search for Better Government and Policymaker Interventions                        131 

Learnings from the Global COVID Vaccine Journey                                       132 

Learnings from the Implementation of Obama Care                                       134 

Learnings from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Journey              135 


Section G: Think Bigger for Retirement 2.0 - The Options Map 

Evolving the Options Map Pragmatically                                                  137 

Shift 1: From Retirement 1.0 to 2.0 and ‘Fulfilled Life” Transformation             139 

Completing Commensurate Implementation of Retirement 1.0                             139 

A Practical Solution for Gig, Self-employed (GEPs) and the Future of Work         140 

What Does Retirement 1.1 Mean?                                                           140 

The Shift to Retirement 2.0                                                                141 

What Aspects Should Be Included in Financial Security for Retirement 2.0?        142 

What is the Magic Answer?                                                                 143 

The Shift to a “Fulfilled Life” Approach                                                144 

Shift 2: From Incremental to Transformative Outcome Architecture                 144 

Shift 3: From Process and Choice to Saver Outcome Architecture                   146 

Shift 4: From Process to Outcome Governance                                         149 

Shift 5: From Process and Product to Value-Chain Architecture                   153 

Seamless Data Access and Integration of Government Pension and Support Systems   157 

Integration of Home Ownership                                                              157 

Seamless Data Access and Integration of Health and Other Relevant Areas          157 

Shift 6: From Financial Planning to Advice Outcome Architecture                   159 

Pressure to Shift from Good to Best-Saver Interests Has Emerged                   160 

Fee and Price Sensitivity Emerged on a Different Level                              161 

Demand and Context for Financial Planning and Advice                              161 

Supply of Financial Planning and Advice and Context                                164 

Accumulation, Decumulation, and Longevity Converged at Scale                    168 

Focus on Vulnerable Cohorts and Literacy at Scale Arose                           169 

Focus Shifted to Outcomes Rather than Process                                      170 

The Political Test: The $1 Quadrillion Prize of Value Generation                   172 


Section H: What Do the Six Shifts Mean More for the Golden Years? 

Framing the Conversation                                                                  174 

Framing Success                                                                                176 

The Australian Retirement System                                                        178 

Outcome Scope for Retirement 1.0: Complete the Jigsaw                           179 

Outcome Scope for Retirement 2.0: Thinking About the Inevitable Tough Questions   181 

Transformative Policy Outcomes                                                          182 

Outcome Architecture                                                                       182 

Financial Planning and Advice Architecture                                             184 

The German Retirement System                                                           185 

Outcome Scope for Retirement 1.0 and Transformative Policy Outcomes             186 

Outcome Architecture                                                                       187 

The Dutch Retirement System                                                              188 

The UK Private Retirement System                                                        189 

The US Private Retirement System                                                        191 

Where Are We Today?                                                                        191 

The Way Forward                                                                           194 


Section I: Leadership Interviews 

Intro                                                                                               197 

Australia: David - 500 - 1000 Words                                                        197 

Germany: Heri                                                                                 197 

UK: Jamie                                                                                      197 

US and Global: Nikki                                                                         197 

Global: Andrew                                                                               197 


Section J: Conclusion                                                                                 197 

Table of Charts, Tables, and Figures                                                       200 

References and Endnotes                                                                     200 


Josef Pilger