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Tilapia Farming. Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies

  • Book

  • May 2025
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 6027014

Tilapia Farming: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies provides the latest information on global tilapia farming, hatchery stock breeding, novel aquaculture technologies, feed and fish health management, and food safety and supply chain considerations. Immensely popular for its high nutritional value and low cost of production, tilapia has recently been recognized as the second most farmed fish worldwide. Given the increase in global tilapia production from 369,000 metric tons at the turn of the 21st century to 6 million metric tons in 2020, this book serves as a critically important guide for hatchery operators and aquaculture entrepreneurs.

Written by a leading expert on aquaculture research and development, this book introduces readers to the global tilapia aquaculture industry and delivers key information on general and reproductive biology of tilapia. Early chapters explore brood stock management and the development and operation of mixed sex and monosex commercial tilapia seed production systems, semi-intensive culture systems, and intensive culture systems. Central chapters explore novel tilapia farming technologies, feed and feeding, major diseases, and tilapia health management. Final chapters discuss practical concepts in food safety, processing and trade, and future prospects of the industry.

Tilapia Farming: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies addresses novel information on the latest biological, technological, and supply chain considerations for tilapia aquaculture. It is an indispensable guide for applied scientists and aquaculturists worldwide.

Table of Contents

Part I: Global Context
1. Introduction
2. Global Tilapia Farming An Overview

Part II: Biology and Breeding Plans for Tilapia Hatchery Stocks
3. General Biology and Physiology of Tilapia
4. Brood Stock, Replacement, Selection and Breeding Plans for Tilapia Hatchery Stocks
5. Ploidy Manipulation and Production of All-Sterile Female and Male Population
6. Development and Operation of Mixed Sex and Monosex Commercial Tilapia Seed Production Systems
7. Body Color Inheritance and Development of Purebred Strains of Red Tilapia
8. Development and Operation of Semi-Intensive Tilapia Culture Systems
9. Development and Operation of Intensive Tilapia Culture Systems

Part III: Industry Advancements and Future Prospects
10. Novel Tilapia Farming Technologies
11. Tilapia Feeds and Feeding
12. Tilapia Health Management, Major Diseases and Their Control Measures
13. Food Safety and Microbial Hazards in Tilapia Supply Chains
14. Processing, Trade and Marketing of Tilapia
15. Strategies and Prospects of Frontier Development of Tilapia Aquaculture


Gulam Hussain Mississippi State University, Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, Mississippi State, MS , USA.

Dr. M. Gulam Hussain is Asia Regional Coordinator for Mississippi State University's Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, a USAID-funded project. He obtained his BSc and MSc in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Management from Bangladesh Agricultural University and his PhD in Aquaculture from Stirling University's Institute of Aquaculture. Dr. Hussain brings more than 35 years of research and development experience in aquaculture, fish genetics and biotechnology, fish hatchery management, quality mass seed production, blue economy, and marine and coastal ecosystems. In his current position as Asia Regional Coordinator, he oversees seven aquaculture and fisheries projects across Bangladesh and Cambodia to identify and implement priority research areas in aquaculture, fisheries, and associated socioeconomic aspects. Other notable professional assignments include Fisheries and Aquaculture Specialist with the FAO Investment Centre Division in Rome, Italy (2020) and Key Fisheries and Aquaculture Expert with the EU-BGD collaboration on Blue Economy in Bangladesh (2018).