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Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Combustion. Computation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows

  • Book

  • June 2025
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 6027020
Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Combustion provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the specificities involved in numerical simulation of gaseous turbulent reactive flows and flames, including their most current applications. This title is intended for individuals with a background in fluid mechanics who are seeking to delve into the fundamentals of turbulent combustion modeling. It offers methodologies to simulate flames while taking into account their multi-physics character. Moreover, the text addresses emerging numerical technologies within this field and highlights the relevance of new sustainable fuels. The structure of the book is carefully organised to cover various aspects. It begins with an exploration of the fundamentals of aerothermochemistry, presenting key quantities and their corresponding balance equations that require numerical solutions. The book then delves into the essential concepts and tools necessary to handle the strongly non-linear nature of turbulent flames, with a specific focus on the interplay between turbulence and chemistry. Furthermore, readers will gain insights into the numerical modeling of flames within the context of sustainable combustion. This includes the introduction of novel fuels, such as hydrogen and solid metals, which have become increasingly relevant in recent times. The book also takes into account cutting-edge techniques, like the systematic integration of machine learning in numerical simulations of complex systems and the lattice Boltzmann approach. These innovations open new possibilities for tackling challenges in numerical turbulent combustion research. Both the fundamental methods and modeling tools are presented in detail, along with best practice guidelines for their practical application in simulations. This ensures that readers not only grasp the underlying theories but also gain valuable insights into how to implement these techniques effectively. Overall, Numerical Turbulent Combustion serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners alike, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of numerical simulations in the field of turbulent combustion.

Table of Contents

1. Aerothermochemistry and scalars dynamics in turbulent flame modeling
2. Fundamental and tools for turbulent combustion modeling
3. Solid fuel combustion modeling
4. Soot modeling and Flame synthesis of nanostructured materials
5. Radiation and heat transfer modeling in combustion
6. Flame front capturing and flame surface density
7. Modeling needs for MILD combustion
8. Flamelet modeling and presumed PDF
9. Conditional Moment Closure
10. PDF transport
11. LBM method for combustion
12. Machine learning for combustion modeling


Luc Vervisch Normandie Universit�, France. Luc Vervisch's research uses numerical simulations and data-driven approaches to address reacting flow physics. The first and foremost studied problems related to combustion and flames.?He completed his Ph.D. at Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique (LNH) in Chatou (Paris, France) in 1991, followed by a Post-Doc at the Center for Turbulence Research (CTR) Stanford, USA. He is a professor at the National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA) in Rouen Normandie, France. He was awarded a senior Chair at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2014 and the Prix Jaff� of the French Academy of Sciences in 2015. He is a fellow of the Combustion Institute, "for groundbreaking advances in the computational modeling of flames and its application to turbulent combustion systems�. Luc Vervisch serves as Chairman of the Scientific Board of IFP Energies Nouvelles. Pascale Domingo CORIA, France. Pascale Domingo?is a combustion?physicist and?aero-thermochemist?who uses direct and?large eddy simulation?to study flames and reactive flows in?turbulent?fuel-air mixtures. She is a director of research for the?French National Centre for Scientific Research?(CNRS) and is affiliated with the CNRS CORIA laboratory. Pascale Domingo completed a Ph.D. in the modeling of plasma flow physics in 1991 at the?University of Rouen Normandy, followed by a postdoctoral position in the Aeronautics and Astronautics department of?Stanford University. Domingo was elected to the 2019 class of Fellows of The Combustion Institute, "for excellent contributions to the numerical simulation of flames including hybrid combustion regimes predicting major and minor chemical species".