Other sections focus on renewable energy integration with specific case studies. This is followed by a section that addresses sustainability and related impacts, including techno-economic analysis that compares conventional and renewable energy sources, and life cycle assessment. Finally, emerging technologies and future research opportunities are discussed. This new volume in the Woodhead Series in Bioenergy is valuable to all those with an interest in biodiesel production from microalgae, bioenergy, biotechnology, and clean energy, including graduate students, researchers, faculty, engineers, R&D, industry professionals, and policy makers.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction1. Importance and benefits of biodiesel as a renewable fuel
2. Different feedstock options for biodiesel production and their selection
3. Biodiesel production processes (Transesterification, Microemulsion Technology, Supercritical Fluid Technology, etc.)
4. Microalgae biodiesel an alternative fuel for diesel engines
5. Recent advances in plant-based biodiesel integrated with microalgal biodiesel production
6. Microalgal cultivation systems for wastewater treatment and carbon sequestration
7. Microalgae capture of CO2 as a mitigating source to reduce climate change and global warming
Section 2: Renewable Energy Integration
8. Energy demand for cultivating microalgae with both traditional and renewable energy sources in wastewater
9. Solar de-watering of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production
10. Solar photovoltaics for powering microalgae cultivation systems (power generation, heat generation, light optimization for photobioreactors)
11. Wind energy integration in microalgae cultivation for biodiesel production
12. Biomass gasification for microalgae cultivation and energy generation
13. Geothermal power generation for sustainable microalgae biomass-based biodiesel
14. Harvesting and dewatering techniques for microalgae biomass
15. Case studies on microalgae biofuels production using renewable energy
Section 3: Sustainability and Impacts
16. Techno-economic analysis of microalgal biodiesel produced by conventional and renewable energy sources
17. Sustainability and impacts of different renewable energy-based systems on microalgal biodiesel production
18. Life Cycle assessment (LCA) of microalgal biodiesel production
19. Sustainable microalgae cultivation using wastewater or saline water in marginal land
Section 4: Future Perspectives and Research Directions
20. Automation and monitoring systems for improved microalgae productivity for biodiesel
21. Genetic engineering and biotechnological approaches for enhanced biodiesel yield
22. Integration of other renewable energy resources in microalgae cultivation and biodiesel production
23. Emerging technologies and innovations in microalgae cultivation and biodiesel synthesis
24. Future prospects of producing microalgae-based biodiesel from renewable sources
25. Global perspective of biofuel production from microalgae
26. Prospects and challenges of microalgae biorefinery
Bestami �zkaya Professor, Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Turkey.Prof. Bestami �zkaya is a Full Professor at Yildiz Technical University (YTU), in Turkey. He earned his PhD in waste management from the same university in 2004. He moved to Tampere University of Technology, Finland, to perform postdoctoral research from 2006 to 2008, and was promoted to Associate Professor (2010) and then Full Professor (2013) at YTU. Dr. �zkaya's expertise includes areas of environmental engineering, environmental biotechnology, biofuels (biodiesel/bioethanol/biogas), bioenergy, municipal waste management, biohydrogen (acidogenic fermentation), bioelectricity (microbial fuel cell (MFC)), and biodiesel production from waste matrix. He has published over 200 articles in peer reviewed journals and has been involved in more than 50 projects funded by national and international institutes.
Mehmood Ali Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.Dr. Mehmood Ali is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at NED University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi, Pakistan. He completed his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering (with specialization in biofuels) at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. With over 17 years of academic and research experience in the area of biofuels, Dr. Ali's research interests include a wide range of fundamental science and engineering technologies to produce biodiesel alternative fuel. He has experience in producing biodiesel from sustainable feedstocks such as vegetable oil seeds, microalgae, and lignocellulosic biomass, and specializes in biomass thermochemical treatments, biodiesel combustion in engines and emission characteristics. He has presented his research work at national and international conferences, and has published 25 research articles in reputable international journals.
Asad Ali Zaidi Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamdard University, Pakistan.Dr. Asad Ali Zaidi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Hamdard University, Pakistan. With extensive experience as head of an undergraduate program, Assistant Professor of thermal sciences, and research supervisor at the National University of Sciences and Technology-Pakistan, Dr. Zaidi's research interests lie in the field of bioenergy, with expertise in materials, renewable energy, and low-cost biowaste utilization technologies. Dr. Zaidi earned his Ph.D. in Power and Energy Engineering from Harbin Engineering University in China, with a focus on bioenergy production. He has authored or co-authored over 80 papers in international refereed journals and conferences, and delivered numerous invited/plenary talks at international conferences.
Muhammad Nihal Naseer Researcher, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan.Muhammad Nihal Naseer is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. He started his research career in 2018 at the Laboratory of Applied Sciences at NUST-Pakistan. His field of research is thermodynamic modelling of energy conversion and storage systems. In 2019, he was a scientific assistant at the NANOCAT research center at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. He has published over 20 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and has served as an editor of two books.