As organizations rapidly adopt digital technologies and incorporate them into their daily operations and customer-facing services, the surge of digitalization, including the increasing adoption of digital processes, IoT, and cloud-based technology, has resulted in increasingly complex IT environments while exposing organizations to higher levels of cyberrisks. The threat landscape will continue to expand as rapid digitalization has created potential points of entry for cybercriminals, and the evolving cyberthreats have amplified the need for MSSPs to support organizations implementing more robust security measures.Managed and Professional Security Services are Experiencing Transformational Growth Due to Stricter Requirements and Enforcement of Cybersecurity Regulations
Stricter regulatory enforcement and a shortage of qualified security professionals will also continue to drive the adoption of MSS and PSS in China. A growing number of organizations will engage with MSSPs to access a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services and a pool of experienced security professionals. The support from trusted security partners, such as MSSPs, allows them to shift to a more proactive approach when dealing with fast-evolving cyberthreats.
This research service provides insight into segments, verticals, and horizontals of China’s managed and professional security services market. The study analyzes the factors driving and restraining the use of these services, performs a forecast analysis, examines the competitive landscape, and identifies growth opportunities. The base year is 2024, and the forecast period is from 2025 to 2029.
Table of Contents
Growth Environment: Transformation in Managed and Professional Security Services- Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
- The Strategic Imperative 8™
- The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Managed and Professional Security Services (PSS) Industries in China
- Scope of Analysis
- MSS and PSS Components
- Service Lines
- Growth Metrics
- Growth Drivers
- Growth Driver Analysis
- Growth Restraints
- Growth Restraint Analysis
- Revenue Forecast
- Revenue Forecast Analysis
- Revenue Forecast by Segment
- Revenue Contributions
- Competitive Environment
- Market Share
- Market Share Segmentation
- DBAPPSecurity
- Topsec
- Growth Opportunity 1: The Growing Need for Proactive Threat-hunting Capabilities
- Growth Opportunity 2: The Increasing Demand for Cloud-delivered Security Services
- Growth Opportunity 3: Leveraging AI to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Cybersecurity Services
- Benefits and Impacts of Growth Opportunities
- Next Steps
- List of Exhibits
- Legal Disclaimer