The smart home is at a moment of maturity, where nearly half of US internet households own a core smart home device. Smart home players need to rethink their products and strategies for a more mass market buyer. At the same time, many consumers experience the “smart home” through one or more point solutions solving unique pain points - rather than a coordinated intelligent home experience.
This flagship consumer study provides the latest trending data on smart home trends influencing consumer purchase behavior and preferences that provide critical intelligence for smart home business strategies. Topics include smart product adoption and purchase intention across multiple product categories, segmentation profiles, purchase channels and installation preferences, voice and control platforms, NPS by product category, and attitudes about interoperability.
Key questions addressed:
- How is smart home device adoption trending overall and among specified product categories?
- How were recently added devices acquired and installed?
- How has the makeup of the adopter base changed since last year?
- What are the leading smart home control platforms?
- Do consumers coordinate their smart home devices to work together?
- What are the top smart home use cases driving device integrations and routines?