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Campbell-Walsh-Wein-Urology. Edition No. 13

  • Book

  • May 2025
  • Elsevier Health Science
  • ID: 6035779
The only reference of its kind for this complex specialty, Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology, Thirteenth Edition, offers unsurpassed depth and breadth of coverage-from the basic science underpinnings to the most recent developments in medical and surgical care. Three manageable volumes deliver must-know information for students, residents, and seasoned practitioners, with authoritative, up-to-date content in an intuitively organized, easy-to-read format featuring key points, quick-reference tables, and handy algorithms throughout.
  • Features concise, practical chapters that help you find key information quickly
  • Includes new chapters on Personal and Professional Development for the Urologist, MRI Introduction, Occupational Health in Urology, Fundamentals of Intraoperative Patient Safety, Sutures and Suturing, Urethral Stricture Disease, Renal Transplantation, Surgical Management of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi, Prevention of Urinary Stone Disease, Male to Female Gender Affirming Surgery, and Special Considerations for Transmasculine Individuals
  • Covers hot topics such as new technologies in robotic urologic surgery; infections of the urinary tract; neoplasms of the testis; benign prostatic hyperplasia; urologic evaluation of the child; urinary lithiasis; inflammatory and pain conditions of the male genitourinary tract; cutaneous diseases of the external genitalia; and more
  • Incorporates current AUA/EAU guidelines in each chapter as appropriate
  • Updates all chapters with new content, new advances, current readings and references, and best practices
  • Features more than 175 video clips, including all-new lectures that accompany select chapters
  • Serves as the cornerstone title for the Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology product suite, which includes the Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology Review and the Campbell-Walsh-Wein Handbook of Urology
  • Written and edited by key opinion leaders in urology, with four new associate editors who contribute additional knowledge and expertise on essential changes in the field
  • Chapters serve as the source material for an all-new podcast series, Campbell’s Urology: Expert Insights, found on all major podcast platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts
  • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date

Table of Contents

1. Evaluation of the Urologic Patient : History and Physical Examination
2. Evaluation of the Urologic Patient : Testing and Imaging
3. Urinary Tract Imaging : Basic Principles of CT, MRI, and Plain Film Imaging
4. Urinary Tract Imaging : Basic Principles of Urologic Ultrasonography
5. Urinary Tract Imaging : Basic Principles of Nuclear Medicine
6. Assessment of Urologic and Surgical Outcomes
7. Ethics and Informed Consent
8. Principles of Urologic Surgery : Perioperative Care
9. Principles of Urologic Surgery : Incisions and Access
10. Principles of Urologic Surgery : Intraoperative Technical Decisions
11. Lower Urinary Tract Catheterization
12. Fundamentals of Upper Urinary Tract Drainage
13. Principles of Urologic Endoscopy
14. Fundamentals of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery
15. Basic Energy Modalities in Urologic Surgery
16. Evaluation and Management of Hematuria
17. Complications of Urologic Surgery
18. Urologic Considerations in Pregnancy
19. Intraoperative Consultation
20. Embryology of the Genitourinary Tract
21. Urologic Aspects of Pediatric Nephrology
22. Perinatal Urology
23. Urologic Evaluation of the Child
24. Pediatric Urogenital Imaging
25. Infection and Inflammation of the Pediatric Genitourinary Tract
26. Core Principles of Perioperative Management in Children
27. Principles of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery in Children
28. Clinical and Urodynamic Evaluation of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Children
29. Management Strategies for Vesicoureteral Reflux
30. Bladder Anomalies in Children
31. Exstrophy-Epispadias Complex
32. Prune-Belly Syndrome
33. Posterior Urethral Valves
34. Neuromuscular Dysfunction of the Lower Urinary Tract in Children
35. Functional Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract in Children
36. Management of Defecation Disorders
37. Lower Urinary Tract Reconstruction in Children
38. Anomalies of the Upper Urinary Tract
39. Renal Dysgenesis and Cystic Disease of the Kidney
40. Pathophysiology of Urinary Tract Obstruction
41. Ectopic Ureter, Ureterocele, and Ureteral Anomalies
42. Surgery of the Ureter in Children : Ureteropelvic Junction, Megaureter, and Vesicoureteral Reflux
43. Management of Pediatric Kidney Stone Disease
44. Management of Abnormalities of the External Genitalia in Boys
45. Hypospadias
46. Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management of the Undescended Testis
47. Management of Abnormalities of the Genitalia in Girls
48. Disorders of Sexual Development : Etiology, Evaluation, and Medical Management
49. Surgical Management of Differences of Sexual Differentiation and Cloacal and Anorectal Malformations
50. Adolescent and Transitional Urology
51. Urologic Considerations in Pediatric Renal Transplantation
52. Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma
53. Pediatric Urologic Oncology : Renal and Adrenal
54. Pediatric Urologic Oncology : Bladder and Testis
55.I nfections of the Urinary Tract
56. Inflammatory and Pain Conditions of the Male Genitourinary Tract : Prostatitis and Related Pain Conditions, Orchitis, and Epididymitis
57. Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome and Related Disorders
58. Sexually Transmitted Diseases *
59. Cutaneous Diseases of the External Genitalia
60. Tuberculosis and Parasitic Infections of the Genitourinary Tract
61. Basic Principles of Immunology and Immunotherapy in Urologic Oncology
62. Molecular Genetics and Cancer Biology
63. Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System
64. Male Reproductive Physiology
65. Integrated Men's Health : Androgen Deficiency, Cardiovascular Risk, and Metabolic Syndrome
66. Male Infertility
67. Surgical Management of Male Infertility
68. Physiology of Penile Erection and Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction
69. Evaluation and Management of Erectile Dysfunction
70. Priapism
71. Disorders of Male Orgasm and Ejaculation
72. Surgery for Erectile Dysfunction
73. Diagnosis and Management of Peyronie's Disease
74. Sexual Function and Dysfunction in the Female
75. Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Retroperitoneum
76. Neoplasms of the Testis
77. Surgery of Testicular Tumors
78. Laparoscopic and Robotic-Assisted Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy for Testicular Tumors
79. Tumors of the Penis
80. Tumors of the Urethra
81. Inguinal Node Dissection
82. Surgery for Benign Disorders of the Penis and Urethra
83. Surgery of the Scrotum and Seminal Vesicles
84. Surgical, Radiologic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Kidney and Ureter
85. Physiology and Pharmacology of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter
86. Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology Including Renovascular Hypertension
87. Renal Insufficiency and Ischemic Nephropathy
88. Urologic Complications of Renal Transplantation
89. Management of Upper Urinary Tract Obstruction
90. Upper Urinary Tract Trauma
91. Urinary Lithiasis : Etiology, Epidemiology, and Pathogenesis
92. Evaluation and Medical Management of Urinary Lithiasis
93. Strategies for Nonmedical Management of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
94. Surgical Management for Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
95. Lower Urinary Tract Calculi
96. Benign Renal Tumors
97. Malignant Renal Tumors
98. Urothelial Tumors of the Upper Urinary Tract and Ureter
99. Surgical Management of Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Tumors
100 .Retroperitoneal Tumors
101. Open Surgery of the Kidney
102. Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery of the Kidney
103. Nonsurgical Focal Therapy for Renal Tumors
104. Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
105. Surgical and Radiographic Anatomy of the Adrenals
106. Pathophysiology, Evaluation, and Medical Management of Adrenal Disorders
107. Surgery of the Adrenal Glands
108. Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
109. Surgical, Radiographic, and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Male Pelvis
110. Physiology and Pharmacology of the Bladder and Urethra
111. Pathophysiology and Classification of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction : Overview
112. Evaluation and Management of Women With Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Prolapse
113. Evaluation and Management of Men With Urinary Incontinence
114. Urodynamic and Video-Urodynamic Evaluation of the Lower Urinary Tract
115. Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Prolapse : Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
116. Neuromuscular Dysfunction of the Lower Urinary Tract
117. Overactive Bladder
118. The Underactive Detrusor
119. Nocturia
120. Pharmacologic Management of Lower Urinary Tract Storage and Emptying Failure
121. Conservative Management of Urinary Incontinence : Behavioral and Pelvic Floor Therapy, Urethral and Pelvic Devices
122. Electrical Stimulation and Neuromodulation in Storage and Emptying Failure
123. Retropubic Suspension Surgery for Incontinence in Women
124. Vaginal and Abdominal Reconstructive Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
125. Slings : Autologous, Biologic, Synthetic, and Mid-urethral
126. Complications Related to the Use of Mesh and Their Repair
127. Additional Therapies for Storage and Emptying Failure
128. Aging and Geriatric Urology
129. Urinary Tract Fistulae
130. Bladder and Female Urethral Diverticula
131. Surgical Procedures for Sphincteric Incontinence in the Male
132. Bladder Surgery for Benign Disease
133. Genital and Lower Urinary Tract Trauma
134. Special Urologic Considerations in Transgender Individuals
135. Tumors of the Bladder
136. Management Strategies for Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer (Ta, T1, and CIS)
137. Management of Muscle-Invasive and Metastatic Bladder Cancer
138. Surgical Management of Bladder Cancer : Transurethral, Open, and Robotic
139. Use of Intestinal Segments in Urinary Diversion
140. Cutaneous Continent Urinary Diversion
141. Orthotopic Urinary Diversion
142. Minimally Invasive Urinary Diversion
143. Development, Molecular Biology, and Physiology of the Prostate
144. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia : Etiology, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, and Natural History
145. Evaluation and Nonsurgical Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
146. Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
147. Simple Prostatectomy : Open and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Approaches
148. Epidemiology, Etiology, and Prevention of Prostate Cancer
149. Prostate Cancer Biomarkers
150. Prostate Biopsy : Techniques and Imaging
151. Pathology of Prostatic Neoplasia
152. Diagnosis and Staging of Prostate Cancer
153. Active Management Strategies for Localized Prostate Cancer
154. Active Surveillance of Prostate Cancer
155. Open Radical Prostatectomy
156. Laparoscopic and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy and Pelvic Lymphadenectomy
157. Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer158.Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer
159. Treatment of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
160. Management Strategies for Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer
161. Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer
162. Treatment of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer


Roger R. Dmochowski Professor of Urology and Surgery, Department of Urology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Roger R. Dmochowski is Professor of Urology and Surgery in the Department of Urology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Louis R. Kavoussi Professor and Chair, Department of Urology, North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, The Smith Institute for Urology, Great Neck, New York, USA. Louis R. Kavoussi, MD, MBA, is Chairman of Urology for Northwell Health and Waldbaum-Gardner Distinguished Professor of Urology at the newly established Zucker School of Medicine. He heads the Arthur Smith Institute for Urology, which is dedicated to the treatment of urological disease through innovative surgical procedures, diagnostics and medical care Craig A. Peters Chief, Division of Surgical Innovation, Technology and Translation, Principal Investigator, Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, Children's National Medical Center, Professor of Urology and Pediatrics, The George Washington University, Washington, District of Columbia; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Craig A. Peters, MD, Chief, Division of Surgical Innovation, Technology and Translation

Principal Investigator, Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, Children's National Medical Center, Professor of Urology and Pediatrics.