Urban Energy Transition: Renewable Strategies for Cities and Regions, Third Edition is the definitive scientific and practice-based reference on energy transformations in the global urban system. This fully revised compendium provides a structured approach to the four integral areas of finance, governance, technology, and design related to current progress and innovation in urban energy transition. Dedicated to essential strategies for abundant and ubiquitous energy for all, global statistics of decoupling of economic growth from carbon emissions, the role of cities in the global transition to renewable energy, and principles, models, and tools of policy and planning for renewable energy-based communities are covered.
This book will be extremely relevant and of interest to the global community, energy and sustainability practitioners and researchers, scholars, teachers and students in sustainability and urban energy managers.
Table of Contents
Section 1. Designing the Essential City
1.1. The Renewable Cities Revolution
1.2. Utilizing the Urban Fabric as the Solar Power Plant of the Future
1.3. Sustainable Neighborhood Design in Tropical Climates
1.4. Solar for Gaza: An Energetic Framework for Renewable Peace and Prosperity for Gaza and Its Greater Region
1.5. The 100% Renewable Energy Metropolis: Governing the Design of Cities for Renewable Energy Infrastructures
1.6. Renewable Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg, Germany: Using the International Building Exhibition to Fight Climate Change
1.7. Buildings as Renewable Power Plants: Active Houses for the Electric City
1.8. Space, Place, and Energy: Perspectives on the Energetic Design of Cities and Regions
1.9. The Electric Highway: Intelligent Infrastructures for Kinetic Cities
Section 2. Systems and Technologies
2.1. Reducing Passenger Transport Energy Use in Cities: A Comparative Perspective on Private and Public Transport Energy Use in American, Canadian, Australian, European and Asian Cities
2.2. Transport and Mobility Trends in Beijing and Shanghai: Implications for Urban Passenger Transport Energy Transitions Worldwide
2.3. Urban Energy Storage and Sector Coupling
2.4. The Urban Energy Transition: Pathways to Climate Neutrality in Our Cities
2.5. Thermal City: Comprehensive Guide to the Heating and Cooling of Urban Areas
2.6. Implementing the Heating Sector Transition in Our Cities
Challenges and Problem-Solving Approaches Based on the Example of Municipalities in Germany
2.7. Renewable Malls: Transforming Shopping Centres Into Flexible, Decarbonized Urban Energy Assets
2.8. Photovoltaic City: Effective Approaches to Integrated Urban Solar Power
2.9. Wiring the Southeast Asian City: Lessons From Urban Solar Applications in the Philippines
2.10. Conceptualizing the Urban Nexus Framework for a Circular Economy: Linking Energy, Water, Food, and Waste (EWFW) in Southeast-Asian cities
Section 3. Investment, Finance, Tariffs and Value
3.1. The Untouched Market: Distributed Renewable Energy in Multitenanted Buildings and Communities
3.2. Canberra-Renewable Energy Leader
3.3. An Integrative Business Model for Net-Zero Energy Districts
3.4. Value-Added and Employment Effects of Renewable Energies and the Energy-Efficiency Refurbishment of Existing Housing-Case Study: Berlin, Germany
3.5. Multiple Benefits of Smart Urban Energy Transition
3.6. Renewable Energy: Stabilising Money and Society
Section 4. Governance, Community and Planning
4.1. Smart Guidance: Governing the Urban Energy Transition
4.2. Reaching 100% Renewable Energy: Lessons-Learned from Aspen, Colorado
4.3. Sustainable Energy Transitions in Sub-Saharan African Cities: The Role of Local Government
4.4. Sustainable Energy Transitions in South African Cities: Reflections on Enablers of Change Over the Past Two Decades
4.5. Building Regenerative Regions Rapidly: The STAR Energy Model as Regional Planning Tool
4.6. Urban Energy Masterplanning-Approaches, Strategies, and Methods for the Energy Transition in Cities
4.7. Modeling and Mapping Domestic Energy Refurbishment Measures on a Community Scale